Integrating my website with BlogEngine.Net

Hello. I am developing a site (ASP.Net based) that, besides other features enables the users to blog as well. I am thinking of integrating BlogEngine.Net to my portal. From whatever little I have analyzed, integrating at presentation layer will be far more challenging in comparison to doing so at business layer. That means (I guess) I w...

blogengine and mysql .net connector - fail to connect to db

hi, ive got a problem when trying to connect to a mysql db for blogengine (1.5.0) using mysql .net connector. im getting "Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts" error. [SocketException (0x273d): The attempted operation is not supported for the type of object referenced] System.Net.Sockets.Socket.get_ConnectEx() +305..., web.config inheritence, and clearing the authentication setting

I have an 1.1 application. In a sub-folder, I've installed, which is a 2.0 app. The folder is set to be an application and is using the proper framework. It works...except for authentication. The issue is inheritence from the web.config in the root application. The common fix for this issue is to use 'clear' i...

ASP.NET callback to encoded URL with UTF characters fails on IE

I have Russian blog built with BlogEngine.NET 1.5. I use Russian words in links encoded with URLEncode, so links are human-readable in most browsers - FF, Chrome, Opera (except for IE, but this is not the real problem with this browser). This idea is not mine, I borrowed it from Wikipedia - it uses encoded URLs on localized sites. The ...

Adding Javascript file references

I have a new blogengine site up and want to set up syntax highlighting. The problem is that I have a few files (javascript and css) that I need to add the the head of the page, but there is no one page or masterpage. Does anyone one know where to write out these references so they will show up on all pages? Thanks Ryan ...

Creating a Google Labs-like extension feature

Hi everyone, I'm not sure if this is an appropriate question to ask, since it is pretty specific, but anyway... In this application I'm working on, I have an extension system based on static events. The whole idea is taken mostly from the (very cool) extension system created in BlogEngine.NET. Essentially, on Application_Start, an ext...

Blog Engine .NET with XML Data Storage How is it so fast ?

I am looking for a way to embed a blog engine into my own application and I am too curious about Blog Engine algorithm. This may not be the correct place to ask but, How is that possible to store blog entry data in an XML file like BlogEngine.Net with Default Configuration. It must be getting slower everyday while the file is getting l...

I am preparing to integrate Disqus with BlogEngine.NET. Any suggestions?

I have an existing site running BlogEngine.NET 1.5 and will be upgrading it to the new 1.6 release. I have been asked to integrate Disqus for comments. I have not found any other questions on Disqus and BlogEngine.NET. I have found some specific instructions here:

Running BlogEngine.NET with ASP.NET MVC under same website?

Hi Can anyone please help me with this? I have a Windows 2008 server and MVC 2.0 site is hosted under IIS 7.0 root directory. The site works fine. I want to use the BlogEngine.NET with my site. For example if my mite name is http:// (which is the root of IIS) and the blog should be Is this...

Rendering a control generates security exception in .Net 4

I am having a problem with code that worked fine in .NET 2.0 but is giving this error under .Net 4. Build (web): Inheritance security rules violated while overriding member: 'Controls.RelatedPosts.RenderControl(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)'. Security accessibility of the overriding method must match the security accessib...

Are conditions for raising "potentially dangerous Request.Form value" errors dependent on .NET configuration and version?

I'm testing a Tiny_MCE plugin for BlogEngine.NET extension I wrote earlier and I keep receiving the following error message whenever I use my own extension or the extremely popular SyntaxHighlighter extension which both have similar behaviors and both implement Tiny_MCE plugins: Url : 'http://localhost/admin/Pages/Add_entry.aspx' ...

How to get short description from RSS feed

I want to create a start page similar in Visual Studio 2010 from a blog feed. Specifically, what I want to achieve is that each article from the feed will: have a title. have a short description. link to the full article when the title is clicked. The short description will not the same as the article text, which is w...

can I configure a different theme per category in a blog?

Hey, My scenario is this: The client wants one blog with several categories configured to represent different departments. When you are browsing each category the header graphic should be different colours patterns etc to represent each department. I am happy to do this by injecting some CSS or by maintaining multiple themes; whichev...

Sharing forms authentication between a Web Site and a Web Application

Hi, Previously, I have implemented two separate ASP.NET Web Applications, one as a virtual application in a subfolder of the other, which successfully shared forms authentication as described at (basically, setting up identical <forms> sections in the Web.config, and keys in the <ma... blog engine which supports themes?

Looking for a open source mature ASP.NET based blog engine which supports themes. I was working with BlogEngine but I am finding that some of HTML produced is different than the declared ones I have in files and I am spending too much time troubleshooting these issues. Is there another blog engine? dasBlog latest update was March 2009....

Does BlogEngine.Net have a custom HttpHandler for all .aspx requests?

I'm working on customizing BlogEngine.Net to be able to return some HTML from an AJAX call. Basically I'd like to render a UserControl server-side and then return the resulting HTML to a client-side call. I've done this many times in other applications using static PageMethods marked with the [WebMethod] attribute. But any time I try th...


Hi, I am using syntaxhighlighter in blogengine.When I am putting html or xml in syntaxhighlighter with xml brush ,automatically it converts all html tags to uppercase in IE 6 and 7.It works fine with firefox. Please suggest any solution so the tags can retain their case. Thanks Ritu ... syntax-highlighting converts html to uppercase

Hi, I am using syntaxhighlighter in blogengine.Everything is working fine except when I am adding html or xml with html or xml brush it converts them to uppercase in my site. This problem is only in IE 6 and 7 .In fireforx the html code is rendering correctly. Please help. Thanks, Ritu ... hosted on Godaddy

I am hosting on Godaddy in a sub-directory configured in iis7 as an application. i.e. The user can also navigate to the blog via This is making things a bit odd as files uploaded get referenced always through as opposed to http:/...

.Net 4.0 System.Web.Security.MembershipProvider ambiguous reference?

I have recently upgraded my BlogEngine.Net installation to 1.6 and .Net 4.0, however, I did not build BlogEngine.Core when I performed the upgrade. However, when I try to build the BlogEngine.Core project now, the compile fails because it cannot load the symbols for (System.Web.Security.)MembershipProvider. I believe this to be a .Net/C...