
iPhone development books

I've looked on SO and it seems that most people have been recomending books as the best iphone development resource due to the lack of resources on the web. I've seen the book the The Pragmatic Programmer: iPhone SDK development been recomended a few times. I'm planning to go buy a couple of books. Which should I go for? Please give rea...

Book for going from C to C++

I know C pretty well, and I need to learn C++ pretty quickly. Does anyone know of any books, that assume a decent knowledge of C, and then goes over C++? ...

Java Swing programming book

I am starting out doing some GUI development in Java, and am looking for a good comprehensive book on Swing. Coming from more of a scientific background, my programs have sometimes been very complex, but this will be my first venture out of the command line. What book (or resource) did you use to learn? Is there a Swing book sitting abov...

Recommended books on concurrency / synchronization mechanisms

Do you guys know a more theoretical book/articles about concurrent access / sync methods? I am mostly interested of how semaphores, mutexes and other synchronization mechanisms are implemented. I did grasp the basics of Steven's second volume of Unix Network Programming, but I feel that I need something more abstract to really get the o...

What are some of your oldest programming books that you still use?

Most books on a programmer's bookshelf are very new. What are some books that have stood the test of time? What are some of the oldest programming books you still refer to? Please list one book per answer so they can be voted on individually. ...

Any good annotated bibliographies for IT?

While answering this question on old programming books I responded about Jerry Weinberg's "The Psychology of Computer Programming" (sanitised Amazon link). Here's a quote from my answer: I first read about it in Ed Yourdon's book "The Decline and Fall of the American Programmer" (sanitised Amazon link). Ed's book is rather dated now ...

What kind of programming books are there and how should I pick one?

I'll admit it, i'm posting this as a question because i write it as an answer to another question and it was deleted. I think it's a really good question though. How do we pick books, how do we decide which ones are good. So i'm publishing this as a community wiki question. First off, the reputation of the publisher matters. Not all bo...

Good primers on business intelligence

Can any one recommend any good primer books / resources on business intelligence and reporting using the Microsoft stack? As a business we currently use crude static Crystal Reports for our reporting needs but looking to overhaul it with a proper scalable BI stack that allows internal and customer facing reporting, analytics and KPIs....

Is Andrew Koenig's book "Accelerated C++" still useful for me if I'm not a beginner?

I can't decide whether I need or need not to buy Andrew Koenig book "Accelerated C++". I do not think I am a beginner, but trying to reach the level I can use boost and STL in my projects. What would you advise? ...

What is the best python book for experienced programmers?

I am a fairly experienced programmer, mostly C, C++, Java and C#... Can you recommend any Python books that would help me to get the most out of my existing experience? Many Python books I have read good reviews about seem to be aimed at the novice programmer - I'd like to find something that "gets right down to business". There are man...

Best preparation material for TAOCP?

There are apparently a lot of people who don't finish reading TAOCP. One thing I've consistently noted in people's responses is being unable to handle all of the math in the series. What books or other materials do people recommend reading/understanding prior to TAOCP to make it more digestible? Assume the reader already has a good under...

Where can I find an authoritative overview of open source licences?

Book, website, or whitepaper. Thanks in advance. ...

What books do you recommend to read - and what's your favourite - on developing network apps and TCP/IP work?

I want to write a client/server app - let's say "TCP Chat". I have not too much knowledge about how protocols work. What's your choice for a beginner's book in developing network apps - both on how protocols work and how to write good code? ...

Which book would you recommend as a reference on computing paradigms?

I'm looking for a book that introduces one to the various computing paradigms in existence and then goes in depth into each. What I'd like to take away from the end is a basic understanding of each and the ability to make a much more informed decision on which ones to get deeper into. ...

Tips for starting and running a Programmer's Book Club

I've been toying with the idea of starting a reading group at work. We'd pick a book like The Pragmatic Programmer or Practices of an Agile Developer, hopefully get the company to buy us copies (or just get our own), read a chapter or two a week and then get together at the beginning or end of the week to discuss the chapter and the prac...

What's the difference between code construction and architecture?

When I read the book Code Complete, the word "construction" is referenced frequently. What does that mean? ...

What is the best book to learn Spring and Hibernate

I would like to learn Spring and Hibernate in an efficient way. Next weeks, I will have a lot of time to read but I will not be in front of a computer (so it will difficult to read online tutorials for example). So, my question is : what is the best book to learn Spring and Hibernate ? Of course, I know that I'll have to practice a li...

Hands on asp.NET learning recommendations

Duplicate: I ...

Security in programmming?

What is the best book to read about security issues that should be kept in mind while programming? What should a c++ programmer know about security? Is it worth buying any one of the following book If so which one should I get. Secure Coding In C & C++ Secure Programming Cookbook for C and C++ Writing Secure code ...

What resources do you recommend, in order to learn use case driven development ?

Hello! What resources do you recommend, in order to learn use case driven development ? ...