
Expert F# (Expert's Voice in .Net) - is this a worthy book to learn F# from?

I'm thinking of buying Expert F# (Expert's Voice in .Net) - I'm a fairly accomplished C# developer looking to learn F#. What are you views on this book and is there perhaps a better F# book out there? ...

If I'm going to learn Python, should I learn 2.x or just jump into 3.0?

Maybe I'm old school, but when I sit down to really tackle a new language I like to buy whatever the definitive book is for that language rather than mess around with tutorials and online intro "toys" to the language. Python in a Nutshell has gotten glowing reviews on Amazon, but it's written around Python 2.5. So far it looks like Prog...

Introduction to Static Analysis

I'm a self taught programmer with almost non CS background. I'm currently learning about parsing techniques/algorithms/tools, and have a desire to build programs to analyze Java code. What kind of mathematical/theoretical CS do you have to know or take into account to build the most basic static analysis tools? A very simple thing that ...

Has anyone ever used a bugtracking system with the workflow described in "Testing Computer Software"?

In the classic Testing Computer Software, Cem Kaner et al. describe a bugtracking system similar to, but subtly different from, mainstream bugtracking systems. It has all the usual fields such as reporter, steps to reproduce etc but there are two points which I find very unusual: There are three 'Severity' levels, and five 'Priority...

What is 'the' definitive book on Unit Testing?

I would consider myself fairly well versed in the concepts of Unit Testing. I am curious though if there is a publication that is considered the definitive book on Unit Testing. This would be along the same lines as Martin Fowler's Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code being considered (arguably) the definitive book on Ref...

Any good online C book

I've (re)started working in C after about 3 years:) And i discovered that my C language skills arent that good anymore. Can anyone recommend an online book for C? (not C++) It should cover the basic functions, plus pointers, and working with linear lists, reading from files..etc. This things are covered by basically any book for beginne...

Which of Joel's Fog Creek Management Training books are worth reading?

Several years back Joel posted a list of books for the "Fog Creek Software Managment Training Program." Which of those books have you found most useful? I'm looking for recommendations on where to start. A little more detail about me to help with the answers. I have been programming for quite a while now. It's been mostly lower-leve...

What are some recommended beginner books for someone planning to be a Business Analyst?

My friend is a working as a Technical lead in a telecommunications company. He is very much interested in making a shift to the business side of software and is looking for good books for business analysts, but is clueless. Can you help me help him with this? Thanks, Naveen PS: Someone forwarded this mail for some heads up and he liked...

C# Book Suggestion

Hi,Can anyone suggest some C# basic and advanced books? Thanks ...

Which author's software development books do you always want to read?

While answering this question on being stuck on a problem I recommended a book by Gerald Weinberg called "Are Your Lights On: How to Figure Out What the Problem Really Is" (sanitised Amazon link) and this started me thinking that: I've read a lot of excellent books by Jerry on all sorts of things I often go back and reread his books I...

What are good references for Perl programmers who want to learn PHP?

I know Perl quite well, but have not worked with PHP. Any books or references that are targeted to people who know Perl and want to start using PHP? ...

What are the best books for MySQL?

What is the best book for SQL, particularly MySQL? ...

What single Java book would you recommend for an experienced software developer?

Assuming an experienced software developer fluent in many languages, but having not entered the Java world from the ground floor, which single book related to the huge space that is the Java world would you recommend as a decent overview from which further expertise can be developed? ...

What are the legal ways to get textbooks/programming books in PDF only, with an option to always download it again?

By searching for ebooks, one can usually find textbooks for free, but what options are they for those who want to do so legally? What about old books that are still in print? I like to have electronic versions of textbooks. It doesn't seem reasonable to manually scan big tomes! ...

How long do you keep your programming books?

I have all these programming titles on my shelf and I'm running out of shelf space. How do you decide when to get rid of a book -- and when you do, what do you do with it? ...

Who should pay for programming books?

Who should pay for books, you or the company you worked for? It seem I always have problem getting budget approval for an interesting programming book. So I usually buy book with my own money. But I've bought 100$ books that I justed browsed through and never open again. So when it come to buy a new book, I'm never certain I'll get 100% ...

Has anyone "learned how to program in 21 days?"

I'm not a fan of these learn how to program in X amount of days books. Some even boast, learn how to program in 24 hours. This is a joke and an insult to me as a software engineer who went through a rigorous discipline in computer science and mathematics. So a question to the community, have you benefited from these become a programmer ...

Is "Pragmatic Version Control Using Git by Travis Swicegood" worth buying? Or should I just stick with online docs?

Is "Pragmatic Version Control Using Git by Travis Swicegood" worth buying? Or should I just stick with online docs? I have basic level of Git -- using Git on my own without any branching or merging, or any kind of team use yet. Hoping to learn Git properly on managing branches and distributed team development with Git. ...

Best book to get intimately familiar with the .NET framework?

In my spare time, I do a bit of home development primarily using free tools (Eclipse, Java, PHP, Ruby, Rails, etc.) as they are with what I'm most familiar; however, for my 9-to-5, I work as a developer in the .NET environment using all Microsoft tools. Our product is built using a framework that sits on top of .NET and that was develope...

Books and videos about privacy?

I'm looking for books, videos, TV shows or other media to aid a college-level discussion on privacy and the affect that today's technology has on it. Subject materials can include, but are not limited to: Social networking sites (e.g. Facebook) Protection of account information Data mining and its relationship to current laws around s...