
Silverlight tutorials and/or Books for the road?

I'm going on an extended road-trip, and I plan on bringing a laptop. I was thinking of downloading a bunch of the Silverlight articles at (I'm not a videos guy) I'm comfortable with /(?:Iron)?Python|Ruby|C#/. I'm not looking for .NET or language intros. I'd like sources that get down-and-dirty with DLR and Silverlig...

Should I buy Ruby 1.8 Books or wait for Ruby 1.9 Books?

I've bought "Programming Ruby" from Pragmatic Programmers (still in beta), but friends say that "The Ruby Way" is much better. Should I buy it or wait for Ruby 1.9 books? ...

Theoretical Material about Clusters

I'm writting a paper about clusters, so... What books or articles have a good theoretical material about clusters? For the ones that may show interest in this paper, it is related to a project I'm working on called L2LB, online @ ...

Good Data Structures text book

Which is the best book on Data structures to refer to? ...

Good LAMP book(s) for ASP.NET developer?

I'm looking for a (few) good books to get started with LAMP development. I'm a long time Microsoft developer, including heavy ASP.NET, and I want to learn LAMP for a number of reasons. What are some good books to get started, for someone coming from ASP.NET? Any books targeting the more recent versions of PHP would be appreciated. [NOT...

Book opinion - The Object Oriented Thought Process, 3rd Edition Is this book worth reading for a developer who is familiar with OO Programming in C++ and PHP5, but dosen't really get OO? (me) Please also suggest the alternatives you think are better and targeted to similar audience. The book doesn't have be in any...

Asp.Net Performance Resource / book

Can you recommend a favourite resource/book for techniques and practices on writing apps that perform/scale well? ...

Best .NET Books covering ASP.NET 3.5 with ASP.NET AJAX

I'm looking for the best technical books that cover ASP.NET 3.5 with ASP.NET AJAX? Ones that gives the strongest examples of ASP.NET Ajax and exploring the client-side Sys.* objects. Also examples using the WCF-based webservices to handle Ajax requests. ...

What is a good book on Expert systems?

What is a good book you would recommend in order to implement an Expert System from scratch? ...

How to learn boost

I've heard so many comments in SO and other places about boost libraries that I finally decided to learn them. Can anyone recommend me some tutorial or online book? ...

Where do I get the best overview / intro to FreeSwitch

I want to learn to develop for VOIP... specifically FreeSwitch. Where is the best place to learn? I would love an O'Reilly book... but something similar would be great. ...

The C++ .NET programmer's bookshelf

I'm buying a lot of books, but I feel I don't hit the good ones. So, I leave it up to you to suggest what books a C++ .NET programmer should have in the bookshelf. Preferably it should contain books with level from novice to expert level, and I believe it should contain more than one single book. ...

Good Current Systems Programming Books?

This just occurred to me in answering another question. Can anyone recommend any good, current, systems programming books, for really any variant of UNIX? Such a book would teach file and directory structure, fork/exec, pipes, FIFOS, and semaphores. I'd think (looking back on my similar course) that a reasonable final project would be...

For learning OO, do you recommend Head First Java or Head First OOA&D?

I learned some C on my own and I've finished one semester of Java programming. OO programming takes a different approach to problems. I want to know which book will help me pick up the OO aspects of Java. So I've looked through Stack Overflow and two books have come up several times: Head First Java and Head First Object Oriented Anal...

Good resources for windows shell extension programming?

Duplicate of: Tutorial for Windows Shell Extensions I'm learning about programming windows shell extensions, and have been having difficulty finding good resources. What are the essential books, tutorials, reference sites, etc., for delving into shell extensions? ...

book for ASP.NET for advanced .NET programmer

Hello, Could you recommend me a good book for ASP.NET. I have quite good experience with WinForms application and know quite well (at least, I think) some core (unrelated to UI) .NET classes and how .NET works, so I'm looking for a book which targets advanced programmers, so I wouldn't have to read all over again how to write a loop or ...

'Head First Design Patterns' opinions wanted

Has anyone read 'Head First Design Patterns' by O'Reilly? If so what do you think? ...

WCF Book Recommendation

Touched on in other questions, but not directly...which WCF book(s) would you recommend? ...

The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

Provide QUALITY books and an approximate skill level. Add a short blurb/description about each book that you have personally read/benefited from. Feel free to debate quality, headings, etc. Books that meet the criteria will be added to the list. Books that have reviews by the Association of C and C++ Users (ACCU) have links to the revie...

What's a good book for learning WCF and services development?

Duplicate question: WCF Book Recommendation I'm an experienced developer, but almost all of my development has been focused on the desktop. In the very near future, I'm going to be responsible for creating services (web and otherwise) and will be utilizing WCF with .NET 3.5. Where should I start? Any recommended books or online gui...