
Book for c++ threading?

Is there any good book for c++ threading which uses boost threads. Please post one book per answer ...

How to learn JSF and Seam fast

hi there, For a team of JSP/Struts developers who have about 5+ years on java, what would be a good way to ramp up really fast on JSF. Since JSF is conceptually different compared to Struts, what tutorials, books and other resources have you come across for a quick learn. We're considering using "Seam In Action" book BUT that book is th...

What books and sites should managers of programmers read?

What books should someone who manages programmers read? This includes supervisors, internal customers and project managers. Vote for what you think or add it if it doesn't exist. ...

What is the best book for learning about Algorithms?

I know what algorithms are, but I have never consciously used or created one for any of the programming that I have done. So I'd like to get a book about the subject - I'd prefer if it was in python but that's not a strict requirement. What book about algorithms helped you most to understand, use, and create algorithms? One book per a...

Refactoring for non OO languages

Can anyone recommend a website, book, or simply a list of refactoring strategies for procedural languages as opposed to object oriented languages? Everything I was able to find contained some strategies that could apply, most were useful only if working in an OO language. ...

Suggest chapters/topics for OOP Book

I am working on a nuts-and-bolts* book on object-oriented programming. The intent is to produce a short but practical tutorial and reference for the major concepts, pitfalls, practices, and promises of OOP while staying language-agnostic and steering clear of theoretical esoterica. Each chapter will be devoted to a single concept or top...

F# programming books.

I already know of Expert F#, does anyone know of any other books related to F#? Thanks in advance. ...

Which book dramatically changed your way of approaching problems?

In your CS career, which book dramatically changed your way of approaching problems? Most Frequently mentioned: Code Complete (MS Press) The Pragmatic Programmer Martin Fowler's Refactoring, and Head First Design Patterns. The original GoF Design Patterns Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs How To Solve It ...

Errata in Extreme Programming Adventures in C#?

I'm trying to work my way through Ron Jeffries's Extreme Programming Adventures in C#. I am stuck, however, in Chapter 3 because the code does not, and cannot, do what the author says it does. Basically, the text says that I should be able to write some text in a word-wrap enabled text box. If I then move the cursor to an intermediate ...

Are there any standard texts on the subject of Software Testing?

I found two general books on software engineering (Software Engineering 7.5 by Ian Sommerville and Software Engineering by Roger S Pressman) and that have chapters on testing and validation and verification, however are there any "required reading" books on this subject? ...

Which book should I read first: Pragmatic Programmer or Code Complete?

According to the most developers these two books are essential for any programmer; is there any recommendation in which one should I read first? ...

C++/CLI Books

Can anyone recommend any specific books on C++/CLI, particularly with reference to .NET and Visual Studio. It seems to me that there is very little out there, a few APress books with a couple of comments each on amazon. I'm looking in particular for something that isn't an introduction to C++, but something more Microsoft specific. Than...

books on practical project management and design

Hi, any books on project management/ design you guys can recommend? I am looking for a practical hands on approach, nothing heavy on theory. Update For 1-man development projects, what book would you recommend so I can plan the project, what needs to be done exactly, tasks, estimations, etc. ...

Best book to learn python?

I've never developed on python.. Can you please tell me what is the best book to learn how to program in python? Thanks a lot DUPLICATE: ...

Good Book for Patterns and Practices

Can anybody recommend a good book on Patterns and Practices in C#? I have been having trouble getting my head around some of these ideas and would like to find a good off-line resource. ...

What is the best software project management book?

I started to read the "Head First Software Development". I like this series, especially for their design patterns book. But I would like to switch to something fundamental and serious after this one. So what is your recommendation? ...

A good book to understand WinAPI programming?

I have a course at university where we are learning WinAPI programming. As I know C++ a bit, I must say that it is rather hard to deal with WinAPI - all these functions, structures, old-style casts, etc. But at the same time, I think that a good book can make every difficult moment easy to learn. My question actually consists of: Wha...

What would you like to see in the next edition of 'Programming ASP.NET'?

With the .NET 3.5 cycle out of the way and ASP.NET 4.0 on the horizon, it's time to try and figure out a way to incorporate the many new features and techniques that have emerged \ been released into the next editions of ASP.NET books. So then, what would you put in 'Programming ASP.NET 4.0' and what would you NOT put in it? Books are ...

Practical OO Design with UML by Mark Priestley

I'm moving to a role that requires UML experience, so before I move to the new position I am doing some of my own reading. I have the book Practical OO Design with UML by Mark Priestley, Published by Mc Graw Hill (It was my university text book). Would you recommend this book as an introduction to UML or do you have an alternative? Tha...

Best C++ Book for a Java Programmer with C and Python Experience

I've programmed in Java for 2 years and I'm very good at it. I've also done Python and C for 4 months each and I did fine. I understand the C concepts and syntax well now. I'm reading Bjarne Stroustrup's "The C++ Programming Language" but the book is big and seems like it will take some good time to read it from cover to cover though I'...