
Good books on QT and Boost libraries

Hi everyone, I'd like you to recommend some fine books on Boost and QT libraries. I've been learning C++ for more than a year, I've learned the syntax and language basics, it's gotchas, a few development features and gotcha's. I don't have big experience in development. Read Eckel (Thinking in C++), Meyers. ...

What are good Linux/Unix books for an advancing user?

Are there any good books for a relatively new but not totally new *nix user to get a bit more in depth knowledge (so no "Linux for dummies")? For the most part, I'm not looking for something to read through from start to finish. Rather, I'd rather have something that I can pick up and read in chunks when I need to know how to do somet...

Does a print version of the Java 1.5 API exist?

Does a print version of the Java >= 1.5 API exist? Where can I buy it online? Preferably in Canada, but just a title is great. ...

Amazon notwithstanding, are there any good programming book review websites?

Despite the trend that programmers don't read books, I still prefer to read books over "random" websites when learning a new language, etc. (It helps that I have access to Safari Books Online through my former college and Books24x7 through work) The problem I have is separating the good books from the bad, and evaluating what would be ...

Books about the CLR

I'm interested in learning more about the .NET CLR internals and how the language is abstracted away. Can anyone recommend a book or two? Thanks. ...

Best ASP.NET MVC book?

I'm going to be starting a new project with VS2008/ASP.NET, and I would like to use MVC. What is the best MVC book out there? (Are there any good ones?) Edit: I threw in the tag so we could possibly get some updated answers. ...

Wondering about a 3rd Editon of Core Python Porgramming by Wesley Chun

Has anyone heard whether there is another version of Core Python Programming coming out that will focust on Python 3000? ...

Silverlight book recommendations

So my boss calls me from the PDC last night and says, "Dude, go order and read some books on Silverlight because every demo here is using it." And now my task is to find a couple of books on it and learn it. Having plenty of .Net development but zero Silverlight experience, I'm looking for something that'll start with the basics and ge...

What is the best book for learning PerformancePoint?

I'm tasked with providing data from my company's application to be used by PerformancePoint, so I wanted to find out as much as I could on how to use it effectively (so I can prepare my data accordingly). I've done some nosing around on der Intarweb, but wanted to find a book I could get that I can eventually use as a reference. Anyone h...

Best Java Messaging Service Books

Hi all. I'm looking to get up to speed on JMS for my job. Is there a JMS book that is a must have, or are some better than others? Or will any do? ...

What is the best DirectSound specific book for .NET?

I'm looking for the best single book for implementing DirectSound solution with .NET (C# preferred). If I had 1 book to buy, it would be this one. It can be overall DirectX, but I will only care about DirectSound. Also, if there are any good upcoming books about XAudio2, love to hear about that too! ...

Book recommendation for learning good PHP OOP?

Hi, I've been coding PHP on and off for a few years, mostly some basic apps and sites. Not very much OOP at all. I've done some basic OOP but I don't really know if I'm doing it correctly or if I'm following best practices etc. I know PHP pretty well but up until now my code has mostly been functional with some minor OOP. Now I want to...

Looking for an SEO book...

I am pretty much a complete beginner when it comes to SEO, other than the basic concept of it. I am looking for suggestions on books for SEO implementation, and I don't have any books yet on it. So, any help or advice would be appreciated! Thanks! ...

What are some good resources for learning C beyond K&R

Hi, I'm currently reaching the end of working through the K&R book "The C Programming Language", and I'm looking for things to read next. Any recommendations of: blogs more detailed / advanced books (I've already stuck Advanced Programming in a Unix Environment on my Safari bookshelf) open source code (beginner-friendly and with goo...

Please recommand a good book on database design and

Looking for a easy to understand database design intro book and mid level book. Do you have any recommandation? ...

Object modeling references

What are some of the good books on object modeling... I am basically looking for a prerequisite book for Analysis Patterns by Martin Fowler.. ...

What is the best and/or most comprehensive book on .NET security for developers?

What is the best and/or most comprehensive book on .NET security for developers? ...

Microsoft MVC Book or Tutorial Recommendation

I am new to the MVC practice, and would like to start with Microsoft's MVC. Can we recommend a book or tutorial that can help a newbie get started? ...

Best real "computer crime"?

Are there any real stories about computer crime? I'm talking about stuff like in "Office Space", stealing fractions of pennies a couple of million times... Like that, only actual events. And not Captain Crunch, please, making phone calls for free does not count. No, actual robberies or super smart frauds that depended on computer technol...

Help me find this SQL book that was awesome for me in school

I learned SQL at a local college using a small SQL book, it had a baby blue hard cover, and was probably around 100-150 pages. It was in 1992 or 1993 that I took the course. It was, as I recall, not related to any specific SQL tool - very generic. It did a great job of explaining the basics and I really wish I could find it again. EDI...