
Pragmatic Information Security Textbooks

I am currently enrolled in an information security class and have, thus far, been unimpressed by our assigned textbook. After doing a quick check at Amazon for other security texts, a common complaint amongst reviewers was that their books offer a cursory, entirely theoretical look at hacking and defense with no real world examples. I'...

Intellectual Property for programmers: resources for understanding software patents

In the course of my work as a software developer, I'm asked more and more often to evaluate patents (competitors' or ours), and I find that I lack the necessary skills to do that effectively. I'm used to reading scientific articles, but patents are deliberately vague, and seem to require a completely different know-how. I'm not trying t...

Is it wise to buy books on programming languages?

(I'm starting this stack on the way to the bookstore...) Programming languages seem to change often. In this case, is it wise to buy a book on a programming language? After all, the book might be useless (even as a reference) in a few year's time. Duplicate question: Are programming books a necessity nowadays? ...

Books for web application development?

What books would you recommend for getting into web application development? EDIT: I'm looking more for conceptual stuff, like planning, design, information architecture, books on the planning stages of web application development. I'm somewhat new to the industry, and I only have freelance experience, so I'm looking for book ideas fro...

What are the best free books, tutorials, websites for Java?

What are the best free of charge books, tutorials, websites for Java? ...

SharpDevelop ebook

Does anyone know where I might find the SharpDevelop ebook? It is apparently no longer available from Apress. ...

Web Design Process - Planning Stage...

What I want to know is when you decide that you need to create a site, maybe for a customer, maybe not, what do you do? What is your process? What do you do in the planning stage to make it easier to create the site. I'm looking at this as in more of a web app... I've only technically created on business site, and it was mostly just ...

Has anyone read Web ReDesign 2.0, and if so, what do you think about it?

Has anyone read Web ReDesign 2.0, and if so, what do you think about it? (Link: And, also, if you know of any other books similar to this that you would recommend for process flow, I would be interested in ...

Can you recommend a MySQL Book for an "intermediate" developer?

I'm a web developer looking to improve my MySQL skillset. Basic CRUD, joins, etc are all pretty par for the course; I'm looking to learn more about efficiency, avoiding bottlenecks, optimizing queries, and lots more awesome stuff that I don't know the words to explain. ...

What is a good book for building Office 2007 solutions?

I see some messing with Word and Excel files via add-ins or code-behinds in the near future. Have no prior experience with programming Office solutions.. except a few random hacks... so would like a Getting Started / Cookbook type of book. I've looked up the net and found a few. Unfortunately reviews are rare on these books.. So in cas...

Books on animation, recommendations?

I would like to better understand the math behind animations, 3d and 2d. I recently came across this example via Digg. It is pretty interesting and another animation experiment on the same site is just as impressive. With FF 3.1 and WebKit-b...

online book library for embedded

Hello, Does a good library for embedded programming/design/testing and so exist? Something like Safari from O'Reilly? To be more specific, embedded programming like µC ...

Which is the best book to start Java ME?

I am looking for a book to start programing using Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME). Which book will you recommend to a reader who knows Java and have some knowledge of Java EE? Thanks everyone in advance. ...

Type Casting in C++

May be the question will be a little bit noobie, but can anybody advice me some books/sites/articles about how and when it's better to use typecasting in C++ style and when it would be better to prefer C-style? I've read a few books (Shildt, Eckel) and haven't found good material on this theme though I think it's one of the strongest C+...

What's the COBOL "Bible"?

As a C++ programmer, I always refer to The C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustrup as my C++ "Bible". It's not necessarily the best tutorial. It's not the official specification. It's not necessarily even the best reference. But I believe most C++ programmers would agree that it is regarded as authoritative. Is there a similar...

What is the definitive book on assembly language and Computer Architecture

I am taking a Computer Architecture course next semester and besides the required book I also like to get some other resources. It seems that there tends to be one book that stands above the rest in most areas of computing,(The Dragon Book, K&R). So I am wondering if there is a consensus on a definitive book on x86 asm and computer ar...

Is the Silverlight 2 Bible worth purchasing?

Someone on SO mentioned they'd bought a copy and I'm damned if I can find the question again. Has anyone bought this, if so is it worth it? Also, what about the MS book "Introducing Silverlight 2"?: http:/...

How can I convince my boss to buy books for programmers?

My new workplace has no programming books. For some reason every programmer, if he needs a book, buys it for himself personally and he might get reimbursed if he can make a business case for this purchase (i.e. convince the boss). I'm used to situation when books are bought for the office and they are shared. How to convince the boss th...

Tech Books you have but never read

Let's be honest. Many of us have books that were bought thinking "I might need this some day". That day has never come. Or maybe you spent $50+ on the book but only used it a few times. Or you bought it thinking it was the current technological trend. Post your list of books that you have but have never read, let alone used for a proj...

Where can I find a good Scrum Book in Spanish?

Has anybody any experience with a Spanish Scrum Book that they can recommend? ...