
TCP/IP Protocol Book recommendation

I'm looking for a language-agnostic and preferably OS-agnostic book covering the TCP/IP protocol. I'd like to stay away from Cisco technology-centric books or sys-admin type books, and prefer books covering the protocol in detail. In particular I'm looking for a book with coverage on the following topics: IPv6 Multicasting I'm cons...

What's the best reading to start JavaScript?

Possible Duplicates: Best resources to learn JavaScript A Beginners' Guide to Learning JavaScript? Where to start to learn JavaScript (especially developing node.js+JQuery applications) from zero to expert level (having good C# and some PHP5 experience)? Can you recommend any must-read books and/or cool articles/blogs? ...

Good FORTRAN books/tutorials for beginners?

This may be a duplicate of, but that thread went on discussing legacy code concerns. Anyway, few months ago in a bookstore sale I picked up book called FORTRAN 66 for PDP-11. I found it interesting and decided it would be nice to learn FORTRAN. So I'm looking fo...

Which of these two Android books, and why?

Both get five star customer reviews on Android. I suspect that there will be an 80%+ overlap in contents, so can anyone say which to buy and why? Professional Android 2 Application Development (Wrox Programmer to Programmer) Pro Android 2 If any one has read either, or both, I am particularly interested in developing wifi application...

How do I change careers to become a programmer without spending a lot of money

I'm currently a network engineer, but find myself wanting to get into the world of development. I took a little bit of Java in college, am 27 years old and have been network engineering for 4 years now. I have a mortgage and student loans so going back to school would be difficult. I'm willing to put in however much hardwork is needed ar...

Looking for solutions to book exercises of: "Transactional Information Systems"

Hello, I'm trying to learn more about transactions. I bought the following book: "Transactional Information Systems: Theory, Algorithms, and the Practice of Concurrency Control and Recovery" von Gerhard Weikum und Gottfried Vossen, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2001. Unfortunately there are no solutions to the exercises in the book. I ...

Equivalent to Scott Meyer's Effective C++ for C#?

When I started out, Scott Meyer's Effective C++ really helped me grok a lot of foreign concepts. I'm now trying to mentor a junior programmer, except he's using C#. Is there a good equivalent to give him? ...

Best practices book for CRUD apps

We will soon be designing a new tool to calculate commissions across multiple business units. This new compensation scheme is pretty clever and well thought-out, but the complexity that the implementation will involve will make the Hubble look like a toaster. A significant portion of the programming industry involves CRUD apps; updatin...

ASP.NET Books: WROX vs Unleashed

I am trying to decide which ASP.NET book should I buy. I've narrowed my choices down to these two books: ASP.NET 3.5 Unleashed (44 reviews / 4-stars) Beginning ASP.NET 3.5 WROX Programming (48 reviews / 4.5 stars) Which book would you recommend me and why? I am new to ASP.NET, but I am not entirely new to Web Development. ...

Good book on Castle Project?

Does anyone know of a good book on the Castle Project? I'm interested in learning more about any of the Castle projects (ActiveRecord, MonoRail, Windsor, anything!) and searches for Castle on Amazon are a little frustrating with the need to weed out all the fiction and nonsense. ...

C++ (extended) suggestions

What should I learn after learning C++? I have read C++ from books like C++ Primer, Effective C++ etc but now I want to learn some advanced topics. So what should I learn now,any suggestions? ...

Migrating from C# to C++

Possible Duplicate: How to learn C++ as a C# programmer? My new job needs me to migrate from C# to C++. I am comfortable with C# and have an exposure to C++ at college (basics). What would be the best way to go forward. Please suggest some materials or books to go forward. ...

Great examples of self-paced labs and exercises

It is probably a safe bet that many of us are what they call Tactile / Kinesthetic Learners meaning that we learn best when we are physically doing something as opposed to listening to an online tutorial or reading a book. My goal with this question is to derive a list of books or online resources that serve as superb examples of self-p...

Book recommendation for developing ecommerce website in Java

I have seen that there are many books titled: Build Ecommerce website in php Build shopping carts in php or Is there any book which explains, from scratch, how to start building a website in Java using any framework or with servlets or JSP? Desired topics: Basic forms with logins and registration Building catalogue system ...

Windows Network Programming

I am planning to get some good book for Windows Socket Programming in VC++. I have 2+ years of experience in working with VC++/ATL/COM/MFC; but not in the networking domain. I have been doing some search in Google for "Windows network programming" books. There are few but they have both good and bad comments scattered all over; and I am...

The C++ Programming Language, 3rd edition solutions?

Are there any online solutions to exercises in that book? For the C bible, there's, so i tought there may be the same thing for c++ bible but i couldnt really find it. ...

What books should be read to become an excelent software architect.

Possible Duplicates: Books for software architect Books for an aspiring software architect. I know there are good books to start with, but let's make a short list of 3-5 books, i don't think only one book could help you in the way of becoming a good architect. I read some time ago that an architect takes years to have the kn...

Is there a free Computer Science tutorials or books?

Hi, I googled for free and complete computer science tutorials or books, but they are not in c++. Please send here any tutorial or book about computer science in C++. And also if there is a very useful non-free book please list it here. Thank you, Mohammad ...

Is there a good book on scorm?

I am looking for a good book on scorm, from a user, author and programmer's point of view. Really hard to get my head around scorm, how to work with it, what web server, sql requirements it has.. Any recommendations? ...

Learning GPGPU programming

My hands have been itching to learn GPGPU programming for some time. I finally have some time on my hands so I want to use it as wisely as possible. I'm really interested in your guys experience with GPGPU programming, any pointers, references to good literature, links to sites, interesting projects etc. My interests lie mainly in scie...