
software architecture book

Does someone knows good book that describes 3 layer architecture, data transfer object, business object, domain object model ... Please do not reference Martin Fowler (I have already read Patterns of Enterprise application Architecture. I would like to read some other books as well). ...

Head First's Design Patterns

Is Head First's Design Patterns book suitable for someone with an intermediate knowledge of C++ and no knowledge whatsoever of Java? Thanks. ...

J2EE Book Recommendation

Java Developers! I would appreciate any comments to which you think would be best for a beginner. Maybe I could know your reason too? I want to choose one, please. [1] Johnson R. (October 2002). Expert One-on-One j2EE Design and Development (Programmer to Programmer). Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Publishing, Inc. Johnson Link [2] ...

What book would give me a "fuller" education of Java?

Possible Duplicates: What are the best resources for learning Java (books, websites, etc.)? Best Java book you have read so far I have a friend whose father owns a bookstore (lucky him huh?) and he said he'll let me pick a book for free. I've been wanting to learn how to program, and I've heard some good things about Cay Ho...

Are there any new ASP.NET MVC 2.0 resources or books that are recommended?

I am already familiar with steven sanders and manning books on mvc 1.0. I am looking for any mvc 2.0 books with more recent examples. A good resources are also welcome. ...

Ivor Horton's Beginning Visual C++ 2010

How good this book is for learning C++? Has someone read it? ...

Old Dog, New Tricks - Whats the best way for a Java/C# Coder to Learn Objective-C?

Possible Duplicates: A good book about Objective-C 2.0 for an experienced C/C++/Java/C# developer Best way to learn Objective-C I've been happily coding Java and C# for about twelve years but my experience of C and other low-level languages is minimal. I have an MSc in Comp Sci but the course was geared towards internet appl...

Book Recommendation to learn more about Application Virtual Machines

I have always been intrigued and mystified by Virtual Machines and how they operate. I want to learn more about the inner workings of a virtual machine. Are there any good books on Virtual Machines/Virtual machine designs/Tour of a sample machine? How do I go about studying one? Do I pick up a spec for the JVM or start with the LLVM?...

Questions about Hacker's Delight by Henry S. Warren

did anybody read this book? Hacker's delight - Henry S. Warren is it good or bad? ...

Operating systems and system programming.

Currently we have started studying Operating Systems. I would like to know what books should i follow for: 1. Operating Systems. 2. Unix 3. System Programming (Windows and Unix separately). Please advise. ...

Recommend a good book for learning 3d graphics programming/maths?

Hi there, I'd like to start delving into 3d graphical coding but don't really have the requisite mathematical background, I was wondering if anyone might be able to recommend a good book that teaches the maths in a manner that's designed for someone new to the topic. I'd appreciate any suggestions, thanks in advance. ...

Please recommend a good Spring MVC 3 book

I am new to spring and am trying to find a good book, all the books Ive found so far are at latest published in 2008, can someone recommend any Spring books? Unfortunately the company I work for is not prepared to send me on any of the courses and apart from the reference documentation there's next to no Spring 3 user guides, tutorials ...

Book Recommendations: web search

Hi,need recomendations about www search book in real situations (for example, parameterized fast search in catalogue) with examples. Thanks. ...

Sample code for Practical .NET2 and C#2

Does anyone know where can I find the sample code for Practical .NET2 and C#2? seems to be abandoned. ...

What are all recommended books for ETL?

I would like to know the famous & recommended books for ETL. I am searching for books which cover patterns, architecture, and handling huge volumes of data in ETL. Could you recommend notable books? ...

Start learning DDD

I would like to start learning DDD. As .net developer, I found 3 interesting books for me. 1) Applying Domain Driven Design and Patterns With Examples in C Sharp and .NET (Jimmy Nilsson) 2) .NET Domain-Driven Design with C#: Problem - Design - Solution (Tim McCarthy) 3) Domain-Driven Design - Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Softwa...

C++ books on multithreading

Possible Duplicate: Threading books for C++ Are there any good C++ books that deal extensively with multithreading and synchronization? I've had a quick look at Windows via C/C++, which may be good, but you may know other better ones. Thanks. Edit - Some books that have been suggested by others or that I found to be good: ...

Any good resource for learning both JEE *and* J2EE simultaneously?

I am looking for a good resource that teaches JEE while also explaining how the same code, concept, and 'mindset' would have been handled in the older, J2EE era. I need the material to cover all the API and developer-architect mindsets that have (significantly) changed in JEE, with EJB and Persistence being two that I know of. Does ther...

Recommendation for [software-based] Product Management books/resources

What books or online resource would you recommend for learning the ins and outs of Product Management in a software company? ...

Is ASP.NET MVC so much different than its predecessor ASP.NET Webforms?

I'm asking this question in order to decide what should I read first - Beginning ASP.NET by Wrox or Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework by Apress? ASP.NET MVC is my end goal. -- Will I miss out much if I skip the entire book dedicated mainly to Webforms? -- Do ASP.NET MVC books cover the general ASP.NET basics or do authors assume you have pr...