
Please Refer The Best Books to learn C# Basics and Advanced Concepts?

Possible Duplicates: Recommended books for learning C#? What are the best C# .NET books? May be I am asking a foolish question or this is how my freaking mind goes , Please refer some bestest books for learning C# ... ...

PHP books to read after "PHP and MySQL web development"?

Hi. Could you please suggest some PHP books to read after "PHP and MySQL web development"? I know that the right answer depends on my goal, but I'm a newbie and I want obtain the big picture first. They may not be about the PHP programming language, but some useful PHP frameworks, CMS's, or best practices etc (so the question is differen...

What book should I read to learn about writing server (sockets, TCP) programs in C++/CLI?

I recently finished this book on Managed C++, and found it very interesting... But I realize the topic is woefully out-of-date now, with the advent of C++/CLI. So I'm looking for recommendations on a new book to read, something to update my knowledge of C++ and .NET. I'm especially interested in writing server applications (using socke...

Microsoft Report books

Hi all. I just started using report services in VS and I wanted to know any recommended books on Microsoft Reports. I know of Crystal Reports but I'd like to concentrate on Microsoft Reports now. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks. ...

Resources for software structure design

I am looking for a good book that I can get a better understanding of software structure design. I know there are many good programs out there that help with this but I still don't really know proper techniques, etc. Has anybody read or heard of a recent book published that would help me get a better understanding? ...

Git book recommendation

I have never used any version control software before (yes, I know... ;-) and would like to change my evil ways using git. What book would you recommend for the total svn newbie? I will be using a MBP for django and iOS development and a VMWare XP guest for legacy win32 stuff. I'm looking not only for information on the usage of git, b...

Looking for an NHibernate book recommendation

I'm a bit out of my depth in a project I've been recently dropped into. Can somebody please recommend a book that might help me float? (whereby 'float', I mean 'learn NHibernate' :-)). Thanks ...

SQL Antipatterns book

SQL Antipatterns book: may someone give an opinion? See ya. ...

Good JavaEE book?

Possible Duplicates: Best Java book you have read so far Could you please suggest any good books for Java EE J2EE Book Recommendation Assuming I already know the JavaSE basics, what would be a good JavaEE book? ...

What's a good book/guide on developing COM applications on Visual Studio ?

I am a web developer with some C++ background. I need a relatively straightforward way to understand COM and its capabilities. Ultimately, I should be able to write an ActiveX or XPCOM component that I can interact with from javascript. Thanks. ...

Which book satisfies all these topics?

I am looking for a book on IPhone development that must have following topics. Is there any on Amazon? * Event Handling * Address Book * Event Handling * Address Book * Network * Threads * Audio * UIKit Framework * Internationalization * Xcode * Application Architecture * Memory Management * Objective-C * Views * Human Interface Guideli...

Good book on testing for a dev?

Hi, As a developer, we are required to test our code to some extent to find bugs (destructive/negative testing mainly, and unit tests). What is a good book that covers the level of testing a developer has to do and the best way to do it/best practises? The book can briefly list the types of testing a dev doesn't usually do (e.g. load te...

Are programming books still relevant?

Possible Duplicates: When to Throw Out Old Programming Books? Are programming books a necessity nowadays Do programmers read books? Or is the book industry dead? I was wondering what people think about this. I have a good couple of feet of reference books which I keep at work, with the hope that other developers may pick t...

Good java cookbook for .NET Dev?

Hi, I am (as the name suggests) a .NET Dev but required to work in Java for my job (Which is a mix of both techs). The best way I learn a language is by reading a cookbook, so I am looking for a new Java book which has the cookbook approach (how to do common tasks in Java, which involve different object names etc). A bit like the Oreill...

Does this book suit my needs for ASP.NET?

I was wondering about this book from Apress over at Amazon, and I'm looking for some insight about whether or not it's a smart purchase.. I think it really fits my needs perfectly, because I'm looking to implement ASP.NET to run my E-Commerce shopping website, therefore, I believe it's a great fit. I would love to learn the ASP.NET as ...

best book for bit/binary manipulation

I've looked at some interview questions and they required heavy bit manipulations. Could anyone please recommend a good book that would allow me to polish my skills in bit manipulation ? (from beginner to intermediate/advanced) with good exercises to pratice ? ...

Looking up Editions of a Book

Is there a way to look up the various editions of a book based on its ISBN using the Amazon Product Advertising API? And, more generally, what are the various choices for looking up edition metadata on a book? Only one I know of for sure is the xISBN api from worldcat On my site we have a "more editions" button for when people search ...

Which book provides a good intermediate level introduction to C++?

Possible Duplicate: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List I am entering my second year at University studying Games Design with a focus on programming. I have beginner knowledge of Java and ActionScript 3, and am working my way through "Java in Two Semesters" by Charatan and Kans. I enjoy the layout and method of teaching i...

how much time a programmer need to completely read their books.

i am in trouble then how many time i need to Read a book completely. in my own way i read very slowly [other tell me that i am very slow]. are any way to read a book completely. when i read some chapter of books then my focus from book are lose [i see it many times] ...

Learning Java from Python

I currently am pretty sufficient in python, but I need to learn Java. Are there any books that would be specifically tailored to someone like me? Also, do you have any tips, or just any great Java books in general? ...