
Using static mutex in a class

I have a class that I can have many instances of. Inside it creates and initializes some members from a 3rd party library (that use some global variables) and is not thread-safe. I thought about using static boost::mutex, that would be locked in my class constructor and destructor. Thus creating and destroying instances among my threads...

How would I use for_each to delete every value in an STL map?

Suppose I have a STL map where the values are pointers, and I want to delete them all. How would I represent the following code, but making use of std::for_each? I'm happy for solutions to use Boost. for( stdext::hash_map<int, Foo *>::iterator ir = myMap.begin(); ir != myMap.end(); ++ir ) { delete ir->second; // delete all t...

Is it possible to defer member initialization to the constructor body?

I have a class with an object as a member which doesn't have a default constructor. I'd like to initialize this member in the constructor, but it seems that in C++ I can't do that. Here is the class: #include <boost/asio.hpp> #include <boost/array.hpp> using boost::asio::ip::udp; template<class T> class udp_sock { public: ...

What is a good CPU/PC setup to speed up intensive C++/templates compilation?

I currently have a machine with an Opteron 275 (2.2Ghz), which is a dual core CPU, and 4GB of RAM, along with a very fast hard drive. I find that when compiling even somewhat simple projects that use C++ templates (think boost, etc.), my compile times can take quite a while (minutes for small things, much longer for bigger projects). Unf...

Flushing a boost::iostreams::zlib_compressor. How to obtain a "sync flush" ?

Is there some magic required to obtain a "zlib sync flush" when using boost::iostreams::zlib_compressor ? Just invoking flush on the filter, or strict_sync on a filtering_ostream containing it doesn't see to do the job (ie I want the compressor to flush enough that the decompressor can recover all the bytes consumed by the compressor so...

Parsing string, with Boost Spirit 2, to fill data in user defined struct

I'm using Boost.Spirit which was distributed with Boost-1.42.0 with VS2005. My problem is like this. I've this string which was delimted with commas. The first 3 fields of it are strings and rest are numbers. like this. String1,String2,String3,12.0,12.1,13.0,13.1,12.4 My rule is like this qi::rule<string::iterator, qi::skip_type> st...

How to implement generic callbacks in C++

Forgive my ignorance in asking this basic question but I've become so used to using Python where this sort of thing is trivial that I've completely forgotten how I would attempt this in C++. I want to be able to pass a callback to a function that performs a slow process in the background, and have it called later when the process is com...

Visual C++ 9.0 (2008) Static Lib + Boost Library = Large .lib File

I have a Visual Studio 2008 C++ project that outputs a static library and uses some functionality of the Boost Library. When I build the project in Debug configuration, the .lib file is 7.84 MB. When I build the project in Release configuration, the .lib file is 23.5 MB. !!!! The only Boost headers I include are: boost/function.hpp...

Cross Compiling Boost for use on the Gumstix Overo with GumROS

I'm trying to cross-compile boost for use with the ROS framework on a Gumstix Overo. I've been following the posted instructions here (modifying the script when need be), however I've come across an issue where bjam will not compile boost properly. I call bjam as follows: # boost if [ ! -f /opt/gumros/lib/libboost_date_time-gcc41-mt-1...

How to generate boost uuid from string at compile time

Hi, is there a way to generate a boost uuid from a string like 988A00C4-79F3-46f9-98CD-D5AD4AA2A0FE at compile time? ...

Compilation failing - no #include - boost

Hi, I'm trying to compile a third-party library, but g++ is complaining about the following line: typedef boost::shared_ptr<MessageConsumer> MessageConsumerPtr; The strange thing is, there is no #include directive in the file - and it is clearly supposed to be this way; there are about 60 files with the same (or very similar) issues....

What's the boost way to create a functor that binds out an argument

I have need for a function pointer that takes two arguments and returns a string. I would like to pass an adapter that wraps a function that takes one argument, and returns the string (i.e. discard one of the arguments). I can trivially build my own adapter, that takes the 2 arguments, calls the wrapped function passing just the one ar...

Need explanation for this boost::asio timer example

There is a line in the 3rd tutorial on Boost asio that shows how to renew a timer and yet prevent there from being drift. The line is the following: t->expires_at(t->expires_at() + boost::posix_time::seconds(1)); Maybe it's me but I wasn't able to find documentation on the 2nd usage of expires_at(), with no parameters. expires_at(x) ...


Hi, Is there anything in boost libraries like binary? For example I would like to write: binary<10101> a; I'm ashamed to admit that I've tried to find it (Google, Boost) but no results. They're mention something about binary_int<> but I couldn't find neither if it is available nor what header file shall I include; Thanks for help. ...

When to put C++ function in header file

I've been looking at Boost and various other C++ libraries. The vast majority of Boost is implemented in header files. My question is: under what conditions do you do a header-only implementation (like Boost) or also include a .cpp file? ...

Subtracting months/years from boost::posix_time::ptime

I have a boost::posix_time::ptime that points to March 31st 2010 like this: ptime p(date(2010, Mar, 31)); I would like to subtract a month (and possibly years) from this date. From the docs I see these two operators: ptime operator-(time_duration) and ptime operator-(days) but none of them can work with months/years. If I try and do...

What's pthread in Boost?

I found there are also a pthread in Boost library, is it the same thing as the posix pthread? ...

GCC emits extra code for boost::shared_ptr dereference

I have the following code: #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> struct Foo { int a; }; static int A; void func_shared(const boost::shared_ptr<Foo> &foo) { A = foo->a; } void func_raw(Foo * const foo) { A = foo->a; } I thought the compiler would create identical code, but for shared_ptr version an extra seemingly redundant instru...

get local time with boost

Hi guys, I didn't find this in documentation: how to get local time (better formatted) with boost? ...

boost::multi_array resize exception?

I'm trying to figure out if the boost::multi_array constructor or resize method can throw a bad_alloc exception (or some other exception indicating the allocation or resize failed). I can't find this information in the documentation anywhere. Clarification (added from comment): This is a scientific algorithm that can fall back to a l...