
easy layout for graphic border in css? how to stop misaligned border graphics?

CSS is not one of my strong points! I'm trying to find a tutorial or something that will give me a premade div and css arrangement if I have a repeating top, left,bottom, right and corners graphic. I feel like I'm getting just close enough but then something breaks horribly. I don't want to use the new css3 implementation. edit: SOrry f...

Is it possible to have a java swing border only on the top side?

I know how to create borders using BorderFactory but I don't see anything that lets me specify what sides I want the border on :S ...

How to animate specific corners of the border radius when hovered in and out? (Firefox)

I know how to do this for webkit browsers but i'm kinda stuck in firefox. The code below just animate the top-left corner while the rest just snap into places. Here's my code: $('img').hover(function(){ $(this).animate({ MozBorderRadius: '50px 50px 0px 0px'}, 900); }...

Drawing top border on a shape on Android

I'm creating a custom progress bar (positioned under a WebView) and what I would like to draw is a 1dp-wide line between the WebView and the ProgressBar. I'm modifying existing drawable, namely progress_horizontal.xml, and tried something like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <layer-list xmlns:android="

help with css on border image

I'm trying to create borders with images, and I'm almost there, but the left and right divs aren't quite right. The left one is under the TL, which is bad, and the right one floats under it for some reason and makes the bottom stuff all shifted over. I could attach an example if I knew a good site to put sample stuff on (don't want to gi...

Remove another program's frame/window/border (the Aero bit) using VB.NET

Is there a way to remove the border/frame (the Aero bit) of another application's window (say notepad) from a VB.NET program? ...

Binding a Converter to background border in order to alternate background listviewitem

Hi! I want to alternate the background of the listviewitems by binding a converter to the background border of each listview item. listview.xaml: <l:cBackgroundConvertor x:Key="myConverter"/> <Style x:Key="{x:Type ListViewItem}" TargetType="ListViewItem"> <Setter Property="SnapsToDevicePixels" Value="true"/> <Setter Propert...

WPF Animation of border width

I've got a dockpanel on my ui as follows; <DockPanel> <Border DockPanel.Dock="Top">Header</Border> <Border DockPanel.Dock="Bottom">My footer</Border> <Border DockPanel.Dock="Left">Menu</Border> <Border>Content</Border> </DockPanel> What I want to do is to have a storyboard animation to show / hide the Menu on the lef...

Add border to top of image using imagemagick

I have an image 100x40 and I want to add a border to the top of the image 10 pixels high. I've found convert source.jpg -border 0x10 out.jpg but this adds a border to the top and bottom. Is there anyway to add it to only the top? ...

CSS borderline wont show in IE

.xboxcontent { display:block; background:#000000; border:3px solid #fff; border-width:0 3px; } .xsnazzy h1, .xsnazzy h2, .xsnazzy p {margin:0 10px; letter-spacing:1px;} .xsnazzy h1 {font-size:2.5em; color:#fc0;} .xsnazzy h2 {font-size:2em; color:#234; border:0;} .xsnazzy p {padding-bottom:0.5em; color:#eee;} .xsnazzy h2 {padding-t...

Change border properties of ASCX from code-behind?

Hi I am building a library of user controls which I am deriving from a custom UserControlBase class which further derives from actual UserControl class. Hierarchy looks like this : ASCX -> UserControlBase : UserControl I have this requirement to put a border around all the ASCX's. So, I thought if I can modify UserControlBase ...

Bottom Border in div I'm trying to get rid of the break in the 1px border to the right of the logo. Currently I have added two padding li to the left and right of the real links. I'm now thinking that may not have been the best way to go. Any suggestions? Thanks- ...

Removing Blue Border around treeviewitem in Expression Blend

Hi, Here is an image for reference: I'm building a silverlight app in Blend that will contain a treeview and treeviewitems. The contents of my treeviewitems all have a blue border (when clicked and when you hover the mouse over), as you can see in the image I linked to. I cannot figure out what causes tha...

Cannot change borderColor of TD

Using JS to set the background color of a TD is fine. But, setting the border color is problematic in FF 3.0.18 although IE 6 doesn't experience this. FF is problematic in that it requires the TD element to have an attribute style initialized to border-style: solid. Without that, setting border color of a TD won't work. Is this known bug...

Can I overlap CSS borders? Trying to underline from edge of page to end of text

I'm trying to center a heading (with variable width) and have the underline running from the left hand edge of the page to the end of the text. Unless I'm missing something, there doesn't seem to be an easy way of doing this! The closest I've come to what I want is: <style type="text/css"> #wrapper1 { margin-right: 50%; border-bottom...

css border problem

For some reason I have a very ugly orange part of a border around a image. Can anyone see why this is? This is the HTML <div class="preview"> <a href="images/foto/full/280899624_6_5_j6.jpeg" title="Sportschool Raymond Snel" rel="lightbox"><img src="images/foto/full/280899624_6_5_j6.jpeg" alt="text" /></a> </div> This i...

How do I get a thin border in qtip with round corners?

I try to get a thin border with round corners for the tip in qtip, using: border: {width: 1, radius: 7, color: "#B8E25E"} (Like explained here: But the border is then getting quite thick, like 7 or something, is there a way to get a thin border with round corners? ...

BlackBerry - RadioButtonField, hide border on select

I have a screen with two RadioButtonField objects. By default, the first RadioButtonField shows a rectangle around it to show its selected, and the rectangle moves if you change the selection to the other RadioButtonField or other buttons and textboxes on the page. What I would like to know there a way to hide this border that sh...

WPF Binding with a Border

I have a group of borders that make up a small map. Ideally I'd like to be able to bind the border's background property to a property in a custom list and when that property changes it changes the background. The tricky thing is, I have to do this in code behind. Could someone point me in the right direction? Thanks. ...

Html dynamically repeated border-image

I have a table which border I want to have a sort of zig-zag shape. I want the table to have an automatic size; resizing depending on how big the browser is. But rrathe than just having an image that gets stretched I want a seamless image that gets repeat instead. I found out this can be done with CSS3's Border-image but by looking and B...