
WPF Label vs TextBlock in Border ?

If you know that you have to show tens of texts with a border, would you decide for a Label (which is much complex and resources consuming) or a TextBlock in a Border? . The performance aspect is the one interesting for me now. Thank you ! ...

C# - How to prevent fullscreen form covering the taskbar?

Hello. Does anyone know how I can prevent my C# winform covering/going on top of the taskbar? My form's border style has been set to "FixedToolWindow" which seems to cause this. I thought about reducing the height of the form, when the user makes the form maximized, but that wouldn't work as people may have different size taskbars. Any i...

How to set Border.BorderBrush from string

Theres a problem. I can't set value of BorderBrush fros C#-code (not in XAML): ((Border)((Image)sender).Parent).BorderBrush = "#FFBCC7D8"; How to solve this problem? ...

css border-left 50% height

I want the left border of my div to show only to the half of the div. The same I would like to do to my right border but is should be set from the bottom of the div to the middle of the div. How can I achieve it? ...

Mozilla Firefox border rendering

Hi, I've come across a strange thing in Firefox, which has become a problem to me. It seems that Firefox renders borders thinner than other browsers. For example I have just a simple empty div element, and nothing else on the webpage, with a border set to width:3px. In all other browsers, such as IE, Opera, Chrome and Safari, the widt...

How to disable a border of html?

Can any one please tell me how can I disable the border of html? I was going to embed the html on another application and the border makes it look kind of boring.. Is there any CSS code to do this? thanks! ...

Alter top and bottom borders of Dojo/Dijit Dialog and ContentPane

I have a Dojo/Dijit Dialog that contains a FORM. There is a top border between the title bar and the content, and a bottom border below the content. Both are about 19 or 20 pixels high and colored #eeeeee. I can't find these borders in the CSS anywhere -- actually, neither can the IE Developer Toolbar -- they just don't seem to exist ...

Border on a row within a table border-collapse

Very strange things I see in FireFox. I am trying simply to have border on a row within a table border-collapsed. This my styles: .result .class.list { border-collapse:col...

How can I css for List/grid in div with border?

I want to create a list table in DIV with border. When more content of width of a column then line break and border increase but other column border not increase. see the example: Div based CSS Table .list_container{ float:left; width: 550px; margin-bottom:10...

CSS Gridlines For Alternating Columns

I have created a table with 20 rows and 10 columns. I would like to create a gridline separating every two columns. So, between column 2 and 3 there would be a line separating them. There should also be lines separating columns 4 and 5, coulumns 6 and 7, and columns 8 and 9. But I do not want to have a line separating columns 1 and...

How do I hide the UITableViewCell border for a custom cell in a group tableview?

What I am trying to do: I want three buttons side-by-side in a tableviewcell just like in Contacts app. What I've done: I have a custom tableviewcell with three uibuttons in it. I've set the background color of the tableviewcell to be transparent. What I can't figure out: The tableviewcell border is still there! Everything looks great ...

How do I add a margin outside the border of a component in Swing?

I use multiple components that has a border painted. Is there any easy way to add a margin to the component so that the borders aren't painted so close to eachother? ...

CSS border and the :hover dynamic pseudo-class

Hi All, I have built a persistent dropline menu with two levels using only CSS. It is pretty standard. It is a nested set of UL's and the UL's :hover state is what shows and hides the sub menu levels. Something like this: | *Pets* | Colors | Cars | | Cats | Dogs | Birds| Goats | Sheep | | Pets | *Colors* | Cars | | Red | Orange ...

Get rid of button border in WPF?

i am trying to get rid of button border and only display text, however a thin line around the text gets displayed even though i set borderThickness to 0 and borderbrush to transparent. my xaml code for save button: <Button Content="save" Name="btnSaveEditedText" Background="Transparent" Foreground="Wh...

Dojo StackContainer children are not resizing on browser maximise/restore

Hi. I have the following nested layout in a dojo 1.4 app: BorderContainer 1 --> Stack Container 1 -->-->BorderContainer 2 -->-->BorderContainer 3 The StackContainer is sized with width and height 100%. When I resize the browser window using maximise/restore, the StackContainer correctly resizes to the center region of it's parent Bo...

How to make a dotted border on a Border element in Silverlight?

How can I make the bottom border of this Border Silverlight element have a red dotted inside of a red solid line? Border border = new Border(); border.CornerRadius = new CornerRadius(5); border.BorderThickness = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 1); border.BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red); ...

Non-resizeable, bordered WPF Windows with WindowStyle=None

Basically, I need a window to look like the following image: (Is NOT resizeable, yet retains the glass border) I've managed to get it working with Windows Forms, but I need to be using WPF. To get it working in Windows Forms, I used the following code: protected override void WndPro...

Can I dynamically adjust the height of a css set div border?

Ok so I have a div that contains a few forms that have dynamically generated content. There are categories, that if you click on, slide/toggle down to reveal that categories sub-contents, or projects. Right now, I have it setup so that if the height of the div expands to exceed a set amount, a scroll bar shows up at the side, and the use...

jQuery animation with borders IE8 (probably not only) issue.

Hi! I have issue $('#myimg').animate({ border: '10px solid #ffffff' },'fast',function(){ alert('callback'); }); Working with: FF 3.6.3, Chrome 5.0.375.55, Opera 10.53 Not working with: 8.0.7600.16385 Issue, no callback ;) With animation for example "width", callback works also in IE, bug is with border. ...

use custom border.

is there any way to use custom border by css or can make by JavaScript or jquery. i want to use a different style of border. like we use border-style:dashed; ...