
use brackets in checkbox name when using php and javascript?

i have a form with checkboxes like this: <input type="checkbox" name="type[]" value="1" />Fast Food<br> <input type="checkbox" name="type[]" value="2" />Table Service<br> <input type="checkbox" name="type[]" value="3" />Cafeteria<br> when i use the brackets in the name (type[]), my php works: $type=$_POST['type']; ...

Delphi: Closing Brackets Optional?

I have noticed quite a few times that syntax errors like Exit(push(ASBDD(asPixmap, _ScriptSavePixmap(Script, PMRGBAdjust(_ScriptGetPixmap(Script, Args[0].Index), adjparams)))); actually compiles. Notice that one closing bracket ) is missing. (Of course it also compiles if I add this missing bracket!) Is this a documented feature? ...

Python: What does the use of [] mean here?

What is the difference in these two statements in python? var = and var = [] I think it is making var into a list containing but I am unsure. Also if this is the behavior and is already a list what do you get in each case? For example: if = [1, 2] would I get this? var = #[1, 2] a...

operator[]= overload?

Okay, I'm trying to make a quick little class to work as a sort of hash table. If I can get it to work then I should be able to do this: StringHash* hash = new StringHash; hash["test"] = "This is a test"; printf(hash["test"]); And it should print out "This is a test". It looks like I have 2 problems at this point. Firstly I d...

php braces and strings

can anyone explain to me how to use the curly braces { } in php strings? like "this is a {$variable}" "this is a {$user -> getName($variable);} name" ...

What is the inner difference between (MyType)SomeObj.Property1 and (MyType)(SomeObj.Property1) in C# ?

It's probably very lame question, but I found no references in C# specification about round brackets. Please point me to spec or msdn if answer on that question will be obvious. What is the inner difference between (MyType)SomeObj.Property1 and (MyType)(SomeObj.Property1) in C# ? AFAIK, in first case ( (x)SomeObj.Property1 cast ) - it ...

Nested if-statements without brackets

Hi, following code is given: if (c2-c1==0) if ( c1 != c3 ) {...} How do I interpret this code? The first if-statement comes without {}. Is the code above equal to the following code?: if (c2-c1==0){ if ( c1 != c3 ) {...} } ...