
Is there a downside to this Mercurial workflow: named branch "dead" head?

I love the flexibility of named branches but I have some concerns about the prolifieration of heads. Even when the branch is closed, it still shows up in the heads. I have an idea for how to clean up the output from "hg heads" My question to the gurus: "What am I missing?" First off you may ask, Why might I want to totally hide the he...

How can one retroactively branch in subversion, or how can an one record a revert of a merged patch.

Part of the development I have done on a project can not be deployed, and should have been done in a separate branch. I have merged in the backwards changes (via tortoise's "revert changes from this revision" and careful editing), undoing the work that should have been in a separate branch, and committed this inverse patch to the trunk. ...

Mercurial, Branch each project in a solution?

Currently, we're using Mercurial as our VCS on BitBucket. The way the project is right now, is a solution with all the code checked in with all the developers working on the "default" branch. Every morning, we create a build release and the QA have it. I'm wondering whether it makes more sense to branch each dev on his own since each d...

Which characters are illegal within a branch name?

The title says it all... ...

What's a good way of branching specifications alongside code using TFS and Sharepoint?

We are a software product company and our product codebase naturally gets branched for different projects. We currently use TFS2008 configured to store documents in SharePoint 2007. Both of these will be updated to 2010 versions, starting with TFS. We'd like to branch - and not just version - our specifications so that any release from ...

Showing Git branch structure

Is there a way to show only the branch structure in Git? There are a number of tools that show the commits graphically, but in my case the list is so long that it's impossible to see the structure. I guess git-log could be the answer, but I can't find any switches that only show the branching commits. This along with "--graph --branches ...

git removing commit history of some files from a branch

hello, i've started development of some little project and did not use feature branches. now i would like to release a little part of this project, because it's stable enough to get released. what i would like to do is: create a "release" branch with only the commits of this part of the project and ideally remove the other parts comple...

Why isn't 'git bisect' branch aware?

I'm trying to find the source of a bug that's come up since a commit in the past day on a long lived branch (which will be released much much later) called feature-x. There's a bug though. I find behavior that I don't expect from my script which might have been introduced in any of the commit's up till now, specifically because features...

How do I access svn branches using git-svn with a non-standard svn repo layout?

The standard repo layout in svn is as follows. /trunk /branches featureX featureY /tags 1.0 2.0 The repository I'm working with is a much flatter structure. trunk featureX featureY Essentially, trunk is at the same level as the other branches. I can't use the -s or -b option with git svn init because of this. How ...

Source control: what version numbering should be used for branches?

If a branch is created in source control, what version number should be used if there is a release of the branched code? eg. If the last version number was v1.2.8 and a branch is created, what should the next version numbers of the branch and the main trunk be? ...

Have a large CVS repository and would like to generate a text branch diagram

start (file a.c) | ----branch_A (1.2.3) | | | branch_A1 (1.3.4) | ----branch_B ...

SVN checkout new branch based on local files of old branch

Someone branched our trunk and now I need to checkout the new branch. I already have trunk checked out locally. Since its a huge repo with GBs of files, it will take forever to checkout the new branch. But since very few files have changed between the trunk and the new branch, how can I just copy my local trunk, call it the branch, then...

Tortoise SVN: Show all changesets in branch that haven't been merged to trunk?

Hey, we started working with development- and featurebranches and it is actually quite useful. But, as we do most of the bug fixes in development branches it often happens, that I work on several things at a time, waiting for them to be reviewed by our QA. Now I fear that I will forget to merge a changeset/revision back into trunk after...

rebasing branch, which has own branches

I can't make git push origin B. I have situation something like this _____________________________________ A \ \ _____origin/B \ / \___________/____________. B\ \______________ ...

Mercurial Experimentation Workflow

I've encountered a problem in my Mercurial workflow when experimenting with implementing a certain feature. I was trying three different approaches to implementing the feature by commiting each update followed by updating to the previous changeset - so I end up with three different branches. Once I have chosen one of the branches to be...

How do I create a new branch based on an existing Git hub branch? (Please read - tried the beginners guide)

I have a master branch and would like to create a new branch based on it, and then switch to the new branch. I'm very very new to coda/github/terminal so I don't even know if my syntax is correct. here's what I typed in, letter for letter, with the exception of the branch names which are placeholders: git checkout -b $newbranchname ...

GIT: commit changes to old/safe branch while in new/dirty/dev branch without checking out or losing unstaged data

I created a new Branch before I started dev on something experimental. I usually forget that (which isn't a problem), but now I did it beforehand. Since then I have updated 3 files. In 2 are only experimental changes that I DON'T want committed to the safe branch. In 1 are only safe (minor) changes that I definitely DO want committed...

Running two projects (trunk & branch) at the same time in Eclipse

Hi, I was wondering if it's possible to run two projects at the same time in Eclipse, for example by using two different instances of JVM (if that makes any sense). A bit of the background: I have a project that executes relatively long experiments (6-8h). I have recently managed to come to a point in development where I could branch ...

git command to emit name of remote tracking branch

I'd like a command that emits the name of the tracked branch for the branch I'm on. Something like: $ git checkout --track -b topic origin/master Branch topic set up to track remote branch master from origin. Switched to a new branch 'topic' $ git unknown-command origin/master Is there such a command? ...

Listing and deleting Git commits that are under no branch (dangling?)

I've got a git repository with plenty of commits that are under no particular branch, I can git show them but when I try to list branches that contain them, it reports back nothing: I thought this is the dangling commits/tree issue (as a result of -D branch), so I pruned the repo, but I still see the case after that: $ git fetch origin...