
TFS 2010 - command line for convert to branch

TFS exposes a commmand line utility which covers most of the areas. However I am creating a script which will create the folder and branch structure within a specified project. For this i need to convert my Truck to a branch and then further create branches from there. I cannot find the command which does this. So far I have found this...

Create TFS 2010 branch from checked out items?

I've edited some files in Branch1 and found out I would like to check the pending changes in to a new branch, Branch2. Is this possible? I know I can create the branch as normally and then copy all the changed files to Branch2 by hand but that can be cumbersome. ...

Create a branch from a tag with maven

Hi, I develop in trunk and periodically tag "stable releases" with the maven release plugin. For example: /trunk is MyProject 1.1-SNAPSHOT creates the stable release /tags/MyProject-1.1 Works fine, no problems, just perfect. Sometimes I have to deploy a hotfix but the trunk isn't ready, yet. So I need a branch from the last stable ...

Maven dependency management

Our project has a dependency like <dependency> <groupId>apollo.components.cots</groupId> <artifactId>cots-wfs</artifactId> </dependency> And as far as I understand, maven2 will get the latest artifact for cots-wfs, say <version>2.3-20101111.000000-13</version> The problem is, when we branch the project, the dependency sta...

Merge Changes for specific Work Item

In TFS 2010 we have a development branch where all development is done for one product. I want to merge some of these changes to a release candidate branch, so it can be tested and rolled out. Therefore I would like to merge all changesets that are linked to specific work items we want to put into the release candidate. I can track all ...

SVN: trunk, branches and tags

Hi everybody. It's a month I'm trying to figure out the best solution to my problem and this is the best one. I would like to know if you agree with it. We are developing a set of interconnected web applications. We treat each application as a single solution indipendent from the others. Each application is formed by different projects,...

How to create a svn branch from local git branch?

I am using git version and I have the following situation: Clone git repo from svn | * * (<= commits to master & corresponding commit to svn) * * | master (points to svn HEAD) | |___ my-branch (no equivalent svn branch) | * * (multiple commits to this branch) * * ...

Correct Git workflow for shared feature branch?

Hi, I am trying to figure out the right workflow for this situation: On the shared repo, we have these branches: -master -feature The feature branch is a shared branch, since many developers are working on a new feature together. They are actively pushing their changes to the feature branch. I'm trying to avoid 'conflict hell' for ...

Does creating a branch in TFS 2010 copy the code base?

hey, As far as I know, bracnhing in TFS 2008 simply duplicates the code base. Is this also true for TFS 2010? Thanks... ...

Using TFS 2010 to branch(make a copy) .Net application

I have a LOB app that we use internally that is Winforms with a Linq to SQL DAL. I want to make a copy of this so that we can test some major changes going forward. We use TFS 2010, is this what branching can do? I need to be able to edit GUI and DAL while being able to deploy it side by side with the Live version. Then, once the c...

Strategy for branching in subversion with mobile releases

I'm developing a series of applications for mobile devices, we'll call them Orange, Cherry, and Pear. Now, because of my familiarity with Blackberry, I chose to begin implementing the first of these three applications, Orange, on the Blackberry platform. I found a way to integrate a number of Blackberry platforms (since they use relati...

Git: Will merging master into a topic branch often avoid conflicts later on?

Lets say for the sake of argument that we don't care much about history. If I have a master branch that is being updated somewhat often and I have a shared topic branch that is rather long lived, will regularly merging master-> topic branch (and resolving conflicts as they arise) allow for a smooth merge of the topic branch -> master la...

Can I change branch name in git?

Hello, Please give me a guide how to change an existing branch name in git. just simple.. I want to change current branch name to new branch name. Sorry for too easy question.. but I couldn't find the solution in googling. Thanks :) ...

How to split commits automatically into different branches?

For my school projects, I was used to have one big repo with several subdirectories for the specific projects. Because I had no time, I always commited anything into the master branch. The problem is, that this turns out to be unpracticable, as it becomes more and more difficult to revert older commits or figuring out which commit belon...

Commit select changes to another branch then resume work on current branch?

This happens often in my work flow: I'm working on a feature in a separate branch, and while doing this I'll come across small things that need fixing but are from higher up in the framework or site layout for example. I want to switch back to the main develop branch and commit changes from select files there, then go back to a feature ...

Git: Best way to add only some parts of a file from another branch?

Let's say you have a branch master and another branch production, both containing a version of the file, as well as many other files. Imagine that you modify many files in the production branch, including Now, what is the best way of having only some changes made on in the production branch be applied to its ve...

When I Branch from Trunk I need to create a new Virtual Directory. Anyway around this?

the Trunk of my app points to <IISUrl>http:///localhost/MyApp/&lt;/IISUrl&gt; Whenever I create a new branch, I end up having to edit MyApp.csproj to change the target URL to <IISUrl>http:///localhost/MyAppBranchName/&lt;/IISUrl&gt; Is there any way that I don't need to do this? The reason is the number of branches are starting t...

Merge branch to the head in CVS problem

Hi everyone! I understand that CVS is obsolete system in out time but my company use it. Problem is the next. As usual when developing starts we create branch from head and start work. Some times later we re-base branch with head and merge head with branch. It is ok. But every next typically operations are with problem. Many-many files ...

Mercurial - how to push unfinished branches?

We converted everything to Mercurial coming from CVS and so far so good. An issue we encountered today though is this situation. Before the move to Mercurial I had a few pending changes from a while back, features that were started and later postponed for various reason. Odds are that someone else will finish those features months fro...

Subversion: How to maintain separate version of a project as subdirectory of another project

I want to copy a subversion project (/signature_paper) into a subdirectory of another subversion project (/thesis). I will make changes in /thesis/signature_paper that will not go back into the original signature paper. At the same time, I will want /thesis/signature_paper to pick up most or all all of the changes made in /signature_pa...