
PHP Simple modification/correction

Hello, I got this code from someone, it's almost perfect to create a dynamic breadcrumb, but there just a little glitch because it echoes two dividers before the breadcrumb: $crumbs = explode("/",$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); foreach($crumbs as $crumb){ echo ucfirst(str_replace(array(".php","_"),array(""," "),'>' . $crumb)); } it ech...

PHP Dynamic Breadcrumb

Hello, I got this code from someone and it works very well, I just want to remove the link from the last element of the array: //get rid of empty parts $crumbs = array_filter($crumbs); $result = array(); $path = ''; foreach($crumbs as $crumb){ $path .= '/' . $crumb; $name = ucfirst(str_replace(array(".php","_"),array(""," "), ...

How do I display breadcrumbs on "Products tagged with" pages in Magento?

I can't figure out how to get breadcrumbs to show up on the "Products tagged with" page in Magento. I get breadcrumbs everywhere else, including the search results page. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ...

Breadcrumbs in CakePHP

I use HtmlHelper from CakePHP to create breadcrumbs navigation for my page... And i set $html->getCrumbs('separator', 'Home Page') to default.ctp and in other views i set $html->addCrumbs('nameLink', 'linkUrl'); All works fine! But when I open my Home Page there is no breadcrumbs, why? ...

navXT breadcrumbs plugin for wordpress, hide post title

Hi, i'm trying to hide the post titles using this plugin so i want to show the full breadcrumbs always, except when entering to a post, in there, i just wanna hide the post's title, i find it's code kind'a confusing, i managed to hide the "current page title" but not the "post title" only sp...

Are there any JSF components for implementing breadcrumb navigation?

As far as I know there are two "kinds" of breadcrumbs. The static/hierarchy one Works like a stack Entries are pushed when a user goes "deeper" into the site Entries are poped when user goes "up" into the site Is the same for all users (for a given page) Shows location rather than history A simple Example would be HOME -> BIG CATEGO...

Breadcrumbs in Fusebox 4/5

I'm wondering if anyone has come up with a clean way to generate a breadcrumbs trail in Fusebox. Specifically, is there a way of keeping track of "where you are" and having that somehow generate the breadcrumbs for you? So, for example, if you're executing /index.cfm?fuseaction=Widgets.ViewWidget&widget=1 and the circuit structure i...

Is it possible to block a page from opening using securityTrimmingEnabled=true

I have custom SiteMapProvider and RoleProvider that works together properly: IsAccessibleToUser returns false if current user's role isn't mentioned in SiteMapNode.Roles for page requested. So breadcrumbs or menu doesn't show an item. But user still can type now showed URL directly and open a page. How can I block such behavior? Also ...

Best practice to manage the path breadcrumbs in Spring without Web flow

I am engaged in a project where I need to show path bread crumbs to the user like Home (This is linked to home page) >> (page name) and like Home >> contacts and in contacts like Contacts >> create Contacts >> edit etc. Is there a best practice how to do this in spring without he usage of spring web flow? I am not us...

Breadcrumbs logic in MVC applications

Hi, where, in your opinnion, should a breadcrumbs path be declared (in other words, in which letter of MVC)? So far I've been declaring it in Controllers, but I've recently started to work with CakePHP, where it is all made in Views and it surprised me. I'm just curious of your opinions. ...

How to disable breadcrumbs in eclipse

How to disable breadcrumbs in eclipse ...

customising plone breadcrumbs and moving out of plone top

The plone guy is on leave, I have a request to add breadcrumbs to a plone 3 site. Normally in plone the logo, navigation search personal bar and breadcrumbs are all in a view called plonetop This view has been replaced with straight html because it was too hard to modify plones default plonetop view. There is a view in portal_view_cust...

PHP: breadcrumb path?

hey guys, i wonder if you could help me building a little breadcrumb path with php. print $path; // /folder/subfolder/subfolder/etc // breadcrumb path $crumb = explode("/", $path); print "<div class='breadcrumbs'>"; foreach($crumb as $value) { print "<a href='?p=". $value ."'>$value</a> &gt; "; } ...

Best(simplest) method or framework to track user's history in Flash

I've used SWFAddress, but it seems full of quirks, and not fully implemented in all browsers. I don't necessarilly need deep linking, rather I simply need to track a users history as he she travels thru a flash application (user stays in application). Any suggestions, desgin pattern recommendations, code examples? ...

How to catch event when an item in a BreadcrumbBar is clicked?

I'm testing BreadcrumbBar from Vista Bridge Library. My very simple demo project is here (using latest version 1.4 at the moment). As we know, when clicking an item (on itself, not on the small breadcrumb on its tail), all the items on the right will disappear. I want to pop up a message box when that happens. How can I do it? ...

php breadcrumbs from url and query database

I have a php function that works for what i need but now i've found that there is chance for it to fail. I use mod rewrite to rewrite urls and this function needs urls to be rewritten for it to work. If i have 2 pages that have been rewritten as the same even though they are not the same, it could fail. The function reads the url and ...

How simple CSS breadcrumbs work.

I am trying to imitate this tutorial about creating a simple Apple-themed breadcrumb found here: Even after looking at the updated example and downloading the source code from here:

Implementing a breadcrumb into your SharePoint 2010 website?

Has anybody any sample code or excellent article links showing an implementation of a breadcrumb navigation into a SharePoint 2010 Website? ...

How to STOP a JavaScript function when a certain condition is met

I can't find a recommended way to STOP a function part way thru when a given condition is met. Something like Exit, or Break? I am currently using this? If x >=10 {Return;} other conditions; ...

Is there a version of a Mootools Auto-collapsing breadcrumb like the jBreadCrumb plugin for jQuery?

Is there a version of a Mootools Auto-collapsing breadcrumb like the jBreadCrumb plugin for jQuery? ...