
Drupal6: In theme_preprocess_page(&$vars), where do $vars come from? (How to manipulate breadcrumb)

I want to remove the breadcrumb when it's just one entry ("Home"). I'm in my theme's theme_preprocess_page(&$vars) function. $vars['breadcrumb'] is available, but it's just HTML. This is a bit to clumsy to work with. I'd rather get it as an array of items in the breadcrumb list, and do something like this: if (count($breadcrumb) == 1) {...

SiteMapPath at Java

Hello, how can i do SiteMapPath navigation like at Java (home -> product -> dvd -> ...) Exist some lib or jar to do it ? Or some example, would be nice, any idea ) Thank you. Thank you CraigTP :) ...

Breadcrumb navigation for a grails app

Hi, for my first grails project i like use a breadcrumb navigation. The only plugin i found so far is menu plugin With this plugin i was only able to create a static menu structure using the CRUD web interface. But the generated menu has its own web page, like a sitemap, and i have no clue who to integrate it into my existing web site....

Windows 7 breadcrumbs in jQuery?

I could have swore I have seen this before, but has anyone the Windows 7 breadcrumb feature done in jQuery? ...

mvc procedure question

Hello, I am borrowing some codeigniter authentication library and try to integrate it with my mvc version. My version initiates breadcrums in the basecontroller and every module has it's own controller that extends it. What I want to know is if I am submitting my login form, then my submit action will be /controller/function. But, I d...

How to get information form page in Custom XMLSiteMapProvider

Hey there guys! First of all I need to tell you that I use URL Rewriting on this project. For the article page this is the url : For breadcrumbs I use SiteMapPath control with a custom XMLSiteMapProvider because I can't keep all my articles in the xml file. In this p...

Passing parameters in breadcrumbs

Hi Guys, I'm still a relative newcomer to Zend Framework, so please forgive me if this is a stupid question! I'm using the breadcrumbs view helper in my application's main layout to provide the usual breadcrumb functionality. However I really need the breadcrumbs to contain the parameters passed to the actions that user has clicked o...

Creating a "guide bar" like this, above a web page by php+mysql?

I want to create a "guide bar" (I don't know its right name). I've got a table called cat that has the following data: catid catname parentid 1 news null 2 sport 1 3 health 1 4 tennis 2 5 football 2 6 soccer ...

Keeping track of refinements made to page using ASPX (Breadcrumb trail)?

I have done stuff like this before, but I want to figure out the most efficient way of doing this. There is my scenario: A user can search our site. Depending on that search they have a number of refinements they can make to the data. There are categories for different refinements. Each refinement is represented by a checkbox. The refine...

Implementing a bread crumb in Django

I'm writing an application in Django and I want every page to contain a bread crumb. The bread crumb needs to look like "Group A > Group A.1 > Group A.1.1". On each page the bread crumb will be different. Group is a model. The thing confusing me is getting the group object into the context. I am considering writing a context processo...

How to create breadcrumbs using Dynamic Data/LINQTOSQL framework?

Hello, I need some EXAMPLES or IDEAS on how to created dynamic breadcrumb control which will dynamically generated breadcrumbs for Dynamic Date framework powered by LINQTOSQL ...

How to recursively subtract from an array?

I'm pulling the url parameter and I'm trying to create a breadcrumb out of it. So, if I pull: $url = 'contact/jane/now'; and I do: $path = explode("/",$url); How can I put it in a loop so that it breaks each part into a path like this: <a href="/contact">contact</a> <a href="/contact/jane">jane</a> <a href="/contact/jane/now">now...

Bread-crumb style navigation for Winforms

Does anybody know of a bread-crumb style navigation for Winforms like the one from DotNetBar. I really like that control. However I am using a other UI library already and just for this control I do not want a reference to another 4 MB lib. I just need this co...

Breadcrumbs in Ruby on Rails

Hi, I'm slightly insecure about my breadcrumb solution. Names and links are defined in each controller action: <a href="http://localhost:3000/"&gt;Home&lt;/a&gt; <% if defined? @l1_link %> > <a href="<%= @l1_link%>"><%= @l1_name %></a> <% if defined? @l2_link %> > <a href="<%= @l2_link%>"><%= @l2_name %></a> <% end %> <% end ...

Customizing SharePoint Breadcrumb Navigation

Hello All, I need help trying to customize the Breadcrumb navigation displayed by SharePoint. I have created two .aspx pages in the Pages Library named search.aspx and products.aspx. A link from search.aspx leads to the page products.aspx, and I want the breadcrumb navigation to reflect this structure so that the breadcrumb looks as fol...

Home link on the menu does not highlight

My menu shows the active links when clicked on it except for the home link ( It is never highlighted. I tried playing around but I can't seem to figure it out. This is the jquery code I used to highlight the links? $(function(){ var path = location.pathname.substring(1); if ( path ) $('.nav a[href$="' ...

showing the breadcrumb trail in the menu

I have a global menu and local menu for the products. I would like to highlight 'our products' link when I am showing the products and also highlight the name of the product and its subpages in the local menu so the highlighted links will work as the breadcrumbs. How can I do this with jquery and codeigniter or just jquery. Here is the c...

WPF Navigation Page Breadcrumb

I found code to use a breadcrumb instead of the navigation buttons for my pages. This code works perfect with setting a page as the startup. My problem is that I need to have a window with a frame control as the startup and this is causing the breadcrumb to not show at all. I seem to be missing something with my styling. The types us...

Breadcrumbs to show Navigation of user

My Folder structure in sharepoint is flat one. in the same level I have pages Home, Main Articles, Articles by Category, Article Content aspx pages. A user can navigate like Home > Main Articles > Articles by Category > Article or Home > Main Articles > Article or Home > Article. I want user to see the breadcrumbs as shown above. I cr...

PHP Simple dynamic breadcrumb

Hello, I think this script is of big interest to any noob around here :) including me :) What I want to create is a little code that I can use in any file and will generate a breadcrumb like this: If the file is called "" the breadcrumb should show: > Templates ^^ link ^^plain tex...