
How Do I: Create a Breakpoint Using Conditions? [C# Express]

I've been seeing this in my Visual C# 2008 RSS Feed forever now: I'm pretty sure this is a VS 2010 only feature, but I was wondering if there is anyway to replicate this in VS 2008? ...

Can I insert debugger statements inside my Groovy code?

Both Ruby and Python have the ability of calling the debugger from code ( using the ruby-debug gem or the pdb module ). I'd like to know if something like that's available for Groovy. I'm not interested in debugging with the IDE. ...

Java: How could a breakpoint stop an applet from painting without *ever being tripped*?

In eclipse I am writing some code that crawls a specific webpage and downloads an applet, which it then adds to a JFrame and executes. If I run program without adding any breakpoints, it works perfectly. It loads the applet, and it begins running. However, if I add a breakpoint to the applets update(Graphics g) method, it simply stops...

Debugging unit test cases in VS 2008

Hi all, I'm trying to debug some of my unit tests in Visual Studio 2008 and have noticed that breakpoints don't seem to be halting execution. I kind of assumed that it was as simple as setting a breakpoint and then doing "Test | Debug | Tests in current context" ... but this never actually hits the breakpoints that I've set. Am I doin...

Breaking on your own exceptions in IntelliJ

See this question on how to break on any exceptions. I'm getting a million exceptions on startup. I've tried ignoring ClassNotFoundException, but it's no good, the IDE still seems to break on these (and other) exceptions. So .. what's a decent configuration for this to catch only real exceptions caught from user code? (Ignore also any ...

Can I add breakpoint on CreateProcess in VS

Can I add breakpoint on windows CreateProcess API in Visual studio like I can do in Windbg? ...

Debug Breakpoint doesn´t work only in DataModule unit - Delphi

Hello folks, Debug breakpoint's works fine in all other 38 units of my system. But, in my DataModule, that have +- 10.000 lines, delphi disables then after I launch by F9/F8/F7. In any part of source that unit, even on obrigatory steps like OnCreate, SQLConnection.Active:=true, etc. Detail: works fine until +- 20 days ago. I'm using D7 a...

How can I Enabling the breakpoint margin in VS2010

The Beta 1 of VS 2010 does not seem to have a margin on the left where I can click to add/remove break points with a single click. I can't find a way to turn this back on. I REALLY hope MS haven't removed this feature in their infinite wisdom! Anyone know how to get this critical feature back? Cheers, Jan ...

Constant breakpoints? How to remove them?

I downloaded a project made with Delphi 2009,which is also what I use,however there is one breakpoint that I just can't remove.If I try to remove it,its being executed again after the program is executed. I met such things in other debuggers known as Hardware breakpoints,but this is not important.How do I remove the breakpoint? EDIT: A...

interrupt program in debugger when c++ exception is thrown

How can I make gdb interrupt (like in breakpoint) the program at the point where an exception is thrown, and interrupt again on rethrows and beginnings of the relevant catch blocks? ...

How to define Multiple Breakpoints in MS Visual Studio

Hi ! Suppose you want to debug a project... but you want to step into all Event handlers, delegates methods etc... Is there any way how to add multiple Breakpoints at all of these locations (let's say at the start of each method) instead of manually clicking and choosing the breakpoints? ...

Why does Visual Studio sometimes not go to my breakpoints?

Hi, I have been using Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 and i have noticed that sometimes when i place break point in my code that it does not want to go to the break point. So i restart my PC and then it works again. Its like something get's stuck? Does this only happen to me??? How can i prevent this! It is driving me nuts!! Thanks in adva...

How can I find a method caller when stepping through c# in visual studio 2008?

If I set a breakpoint on a method, how can I see what called the method, when the breakpoint is hit in visual studio 2008? ...

Why do conditional breakpoints slow my program down so much?

When I'm debugging something that goes wrong inside a loop, say on the 600th iteration, it can be a pain to have to break for every one. So I tried setting a conditional breakpoint, to only break if I = 600. That works, but now it takes almost a full minute to reach that point, where before it was almost instantaneous. What's going on...

Strange! VS 2005 -Break Point is not being hit

I am using Visual Studio 2005.I am running my code in Debug mode only.But my break point is not being hit. I followed : Cleared my solution and created the one again Closed the VS and Opened it again Restarted my PC and tested the break point But i am unable to figure out the problem. My Question is: Is it due...

Programmatically stop Javascript execution in FireFox/FireBug

I am currently debugging complex Javascript/AJAX code written with mootools with FireBug. I am looking for a way to stop the JS execution as if it was a breakpoint programmatically. Ex: instructions ... degugger.breakpoint(); // the execution stops here as if a breakpoint was // manually set other instructions .....

Is it possible to add breakpoints to a class which I don't have the source code for?

I want to add a breakpoint in a class in Eclipse, but I don't have the source code for it. Is it possible to add a breakpoint in it anyway? In my case I really only need to know when a method is called. (As a side note: does anyone have the source code for j2ee_api_1_3.jar?) ...

XCode Global Breakpoints don't show stack trace

I set up global break points from locations libobjc.A.dylib and CoreFoundation. I run my iphone app and it hits the exception. XCode stops at the breakpoint but does not show any error in the log besides: Pending breakpoint 1 - "objc_exception_throw" resolved Pending breakpoint 2 - "-[NSException raise]" resolved I click the "Continu...

How do I step into the script of a Data Flow component when debugging an SSIS package in VS 2005?

If I open the script and set a breakpoint, it is ignored. In fact, if I close and re-open the script, the breakpoint is no longer there. Even "Stop" commands do not cause it to break. If I put a break point on the containing Data Flow Task in the Control Flow diagram, it stops, but when I try to step into it, I get the error messa...

Visual Studio Debug Mode - Peculiar Behaviour

In visual studio 2008 while in the debug mode when we initiate a thread and put break points inside the thread function. Visual Studio doesn't debug giving explanation that i don't have the code. Why does this happens. How to do it ...