
Browser compatibility

Hi, Just wanted to know if ASP.NET supports other browsers as well as it supports Internet explorer? Also, does Spring/Java framework for a web platform would them in any better way…? Thanks. ...

Support for newer version of browser

How would you analyze your web application to asses the amount and kind of changes you will have to do to be able to support a new browser or a newer version of the same browser. I have IE7 in mind, but am looking for general advice. Added clarification: I already have an existing application. Not designing a new application, We need ...

If IE 6 , I want to produce warning and free download other browser icons

My web site want to be open IE7 and above .If IE 6 ,I want to produce warning and free download other browser icons .Is it possible? ...

Web page still not working after adding IE8 Compatibility tag. Help?

I added the following at beginning of the head.php file: <!-- Mimic Internet Explorer 7 --> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" /> ...and when using an IE8 browser, my page still didn't display dropdown fields properly. Is there an alternative solution? My company is currently on IE6. Any help would be greatl...

How to load php file using ajax. Some Compatibility Problem

I try to load a php file called summary.template.hp when the content in class profi is clicked and load changepass.template.php when the content of class changepass is clicked. There is no problem in loading in firefox. But in Internet Explorer 7 the summary.template.php file is loading but the changepass.template.php file is not loadi...

Which is the most comprehensive browser compatibility testing tool?

An ideal one would be where I could: Test my JS live, not just see screenshots Test in multiple browsers in multiple OSes Test under various resolutions Test in different mobile platforms I know that's too much to ask for, but which one gets closest? ...

jquery ajax call not working in IE 7 or 8 but works in Firefox

Internet Explorer seems to be ignoring this ajax function call (below) but it works fine in FF? Help someone please... <script type="text/javascript"> function ajax_request(PartNum,InText) { var str=PartNum; str=str.replace(".","_"); strHTML = $('#image-placeholder'+str).html(); if (strHTML == '<p></p>') { ...

Issue with passing querystring parameters via Http Get to an iframe in IE

Hi, This is a follow up to my previous question: Problem passing parameters via Iframe in IE. Which was never solved. Here's the core of it: I'm trying to execute an HTTP GET from my website to another website that is brought in via iframe. On Firefox, you can see in the source that the correct url is in the iframe s...

What browsers support "!important"?

Which browsers support the CSS !important directive, and what are the various quirks amongst the different browsers that do support it? ...

What is cross browser support for JavaScript 1.7's new features? Specifically array comprehensions and the "let" statement. A lot of these new features are borrowed from Python, and would allow the creation of less verbose apps, which is always a good thing. How many times have you typed for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { /* ... */ } for really simple operations? Wouldn't this be easier: [/* ... ...

asp:button disappears in IE7, but stays in IE8. Why?

I have the following html which is display correctly in IE8. Below is the html and the css for grey_btn_75. Any idea why this would be happening? <div style="float: left; width: 70px; margin-right: 25px; padding-top: 60px; margin-left: 25px"> <asp:Button ID="btnAddAll" runat="server" Text="Add All" OnClick="btn...

Please correct this browser Compatibility issue

My CSS CODE : body { padding:0; margin:10px auto; width:800px; } .wrapper { width:800px; background-color:#0099FF; } .bannercont { margin-top:5px; height:90px; width:800px; } .banner { position:relative; top:20px; background-image:url(../images/livesupport.png); width:267px; height:32px; } My HTML: <html> <head> ...

General unit testing concepts/practices in JavaScript against different browsers?

I’ve been writing unit tests in strongly typed languages and I have a fair good understanding about it. When writing unit tests in JavaScript to verify if certain functions are working properly in certain browsers I am back to the manual testing. I have no understanding of how it works. Because JavaScript is meant to close the gap betwee...

Dynamically adding more form fields in a table does not resize the height of the row.

On this page, I have a form to enter information about students on a given roster. Each student is listed in a table with a drop down box and a comments field. There is an "add another" button for each student, so that if the user wants to enter a second note about a student, they can. Clicking the button launches this javascript functi...

display all ie versions under one application

I had an application/browser that would show me the website under different versions of IE I would select which version and it would display the page through the lenses of that version Not able to find the program, can you please point it to me ...

Javascript Code fails in Mozilla Firefox

function getSelectedRadio(seeker_provider) { var sign; for (var i=0; i<seeker_provider.length; i++) { if (seeker_provider[i].checked) { sign=i; } } if(sign==0) { alert(sign); window.location='updatcty.php'; } if(sign==1) { alert(sign); window.location='../registration_provider.php?proid=2...

scrollable select consistent accross browsers?

I need to create a dropdown, which can contain 100s of options. I need a scrollbar to appear and be consistent across all browsers. Google came up empty: Is there a good URL that describes if this is consistent or not? Thanks. ...

Launch file:// from Firefox/Chrome

I am looking to be able to launch a network file on our local intranet using FF or Chrome Currently the link work good in IE <a href="\\Start\Of\My\Network\file.xlsx">View Report</a>&nbsp; but in FF it show <a href="\\Start\Of\My\Network\file.xlsx"&gt;View Report</a>&nbsp; is there a way to get the link to ren...

computing $(this).css(”width”) _correctly_ in Safari

Asked this question earlier today, but I think I awarded a correct answer too early. I'm trying to figure out how to grab the css length and width of an anchor element with jquery in Safari. But I keep getting "0" returned, and I was told that this was because the javascript is firing before the css is rendered - a quirk of Webkit browse...

Do you support most browsers when building a web app?

Now, you might think to yourself "Of course I do. It's not hard". But trust me, after what I went through today to send a wire transfer using a simple form, I wonder if most web developers even care about people using browsers other than IE. Today, using Firefox 3.5, I logged into my bank's website to do some banking. While filling o...