
Using jQuery, how to find out if CSS selector "input[type=text]" is natively supported by browser?

In my CSS I have a rule that must be applied to all text fields (using the CSS3 selector input[type=text]. I also use jQuery. Some browsers like Internet Explorer 6 does not support that form for CSS selector. So my workaround is to add an extra classname in CSS: input[type=text], .workaround_classname{ /* css styling goes here */ } ...

How to Convert a Website Created in FrontPage to standard HTML

Does anyone know of an easy way to take the website created in MS Frontpage and convert it into working standard html without all of the goop that FP puts in there? I've got a site that was created in FP which renders fine in IE (of course) but for which the links don't work in any of the other browsers. I've been brought into this afte...

There seems to be some IE incompatible javascript here. Are there any browser compatibility experts around?

This javascript works fine in FF v3.5.3, but not in IE 6.02. Can someone who is experienced in IE JS compatiblity please review this code for possible incompatibilities? I didn't include the code for all the functions being called because that would make my code sample huge, but I have tested the functions before in IE and they worked. I...

How can I check my AJAX for browser capable?

I always have to check each and every browser to see if my website would work. Is there a website where I can check it with? Update: I don't really want just screenshots (which what browsershots do), I want to actually test the posting of my script. ...

How to display information at the status bar of browser?

How can I change the text displayed in the status bar of a web browser using javascript? jQuery can be used as well. ...

Why will this jQuery code only work in Firefox?

I have some code that allows you to scroll back and forth between images that are brought to full-size in a lightbox. It just replaces the source of the image when a key is pressed. It works perfectly in Firefox, but doesn't seem to do anything in IE, Chrome, and Safari (the only other browsers I tested). Any help would be greatly app...

Should I accept IE 5.0 (!) as a browser requirement for a project?

Unbelievable as it sounds, I received a request for proposal for a project which has the Internet Explorer 5.0 and Firefox 2.0 as minimum browser requirements! We tried to explain to the client all the issues regarding such requirements, but since it's a government project and public tender, we can't influence them. The requirements sta...

XHTML Strict not rendering properly in Quirks Mode

When XHTML Strict is considered to be a proper markup that works across all platforms, my webpage that's in XHTML 1.0 Strict does render differently in Quirks mode. Am I doing something wrong? The page perfectly validates in W3C! EDITED FOR THOSE WHO REFER TO THIS QUESTION AFTER THE LINKED PAGE HAS CHANGED: The...

css - hidden div has large white space in its place in IE

Hi, Any ideas how I get rid of white space on my IE browser. It is caused by a hidden div. When I remove the div the white space goes. Works fine in FF. Here is the DIV: <div class="hidden" id="popup"> <div> <H1 class="center" id="popupTitle"></H2><br/><br/><br/> <div style="position:relative; display:inline;"> <p id="popu...

IE8 Compatibilty issues

How to handle IE8 compatibility issues? Please let me know if anyone has faced this problem and has some solutions. ...

Always using google chrome frame meta tag for standard compliant page, is good idea?

Hello, I was thinking to add meta tag always in all the websites. That will trigger google chorme frame to load for users who already installed. I can see the benefits but is there any concerns or facts that I should know before I do that? Testing in google chrome is enough or testing in google chrome frame explicitly required? Thank...

Css style not applying in Internet Explorer, but works well in firefox

I am trying to apply css to php code. But it not working well in Internet Explorer, But working fine in firefox Code : echo '<div class="resultno">'; echo "<td>" . $row['stu_id'] . "</td>"." "; echo '</div>'; echo "<td>" . $row['Name'] . "</td><br>". " "; echo "<br>"; And it looks like -->

Floating elements dropping out of container in IE7 and some times in WebKit browsers too

I have following CSS code and my floats are dropping out of their containers. Firefox doesn't have this problem. What could be reason for this behaviour? <div class="container"> <div class="leftmenu"> ... some stuff here ... </div> <div class="rightmenu"> <div style="float: right; text-align: right;"> <butto...

Why do my jQuery checkbox.change events only fire on leavefocus in IE but they happen onclick in FF?

$(".feature").change(function(){ getProductSelections(); }); ARRRGHH!! ...

IE8 forced to compatibility mode

My team is developing a website with a pretty complicated UI; jQuery, ASP.Net AJAX, etc. Of course I want my site to be compatible with all the modern browsers. Sometimes, in testing or general usage of the site while it is being developed, IE8 tells me that the page doesn't work in standards mode and it is switching to compatibility m...

font-size difference between opera and firefox

I found my page text displayed in opera and firefox with different font-size. <div id='kfbuttext1'> <a href='#' class='kfbutlink'>test string</a> <a href='#' class='kfbutlink'>line 2</a> </div> CSS as follows .kfbutlink{Font-family:arial; font-size:12px}. it looks fine it firefox but opera(...

about cross browser testing

Excuse me. Currently, I am finding the remote access service that is fast and allow us to install program temporarily such as unity player, fiddler2, etc. to debug for web site. Previous I find but I get it not quite responsive for the remotely accessed machine even when I am using local VNC there. May I ask...

jQuery.browser is deprecated, but how do you use .support?

On my web page, I have this CSS: tr:hover { background-color: #f0f; } Which works nicely in all browsers except for good ole IE. I know that I can just write some jQuery to add and remove a class on mouse over/out, but I'd prefer not to handicap (albeit ever so slightly) all the other browsers which support :hover properly - so I ...

ie 6 footer floating to the top issue

The client website I am developing looks fine in FF, Safari, IE7, IE8. But IE6 floats the footer to the top of the page!!!!?? The site is here: The style sheet: The wrapper, and footer css are below. Footer is inside the wrapper div. Thank you fo...

Compatability problem on Mac browsers*

Hey everyone, I'm designing a little website ( you can see it here ) but I'm getting conflicts with something going from Mac based web browsers to PC based browsers. It seems to pop up on all Mac browsers and not on PC browsers. I have tested on Safari and Firefox on the Mac and Firefox/IE on PC. The image on the left is from a PC, the...