
"Body Onload" to send "ScrollHeight" not working properly in Chrome and Safari

I just asked a question here, about why an iframe_resize function wasn't working. After troubleshooting, I found out that the problem is not the function, so I am posting a new question. I have an index.html with this resize function: function resize_iframe(new_height){ document.getElementById('iframe001').style.height=parseInt(ne...

Not Sure It's a bug on Chrome Browser.

Hi guys~~~~~ I got about javascript console to display date problem using Chrome v7.0517.41 browser(not sure if it is a bug) and OS is WinXP SP3. In javascript console, i type console.log(new Date()); then display : Sat Oct 30 2010 22:49:57 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) //it's now on local time I change system time to +1 month ...

Which browsers do not support animated gifs?

It's seems like all major browsers (ie, firefox, safari, chrome) support animated gifs. Though I've been reading that IE might not be faithful to high frame rates. Who doesn't support animated GIFs? Iphone safari seems to just fine. What about other mobile browsers? ...

Avoiding messy browser's death

During the past few months, I've been working on a large web application. Repeatedly, we've written code that, according to DOM & JS specifications, should work perfectly, but still manages to completely kill one or more of our test browsers -- recently, we produced pure JavaScript code that should have been harmless but causes General P...

How to scale an embedded flash video and not crop it?

Hello, I have embedded a flash video on my website. I am having the problem that it seems to rescale fine in Firefox on the Mac, but in Firefox in Windows it just crops the video. Here it my HTML <object width="650" height="500"> <param name="movie" value="How To Add A Location"> <embed src="http://...

Banner rotator giving "loading" message in browsers

I have this banner rotator function: var banners = ['../Graphics/adv/1.gif','../Graphics/adv/2.jpg']; //here put location of the files to display var loadedImgSrc = null; function loadBanner() { var liczba = Math.floor(Math.random()*banners.length); loadedImgSrc = banners[liczba]; var objImage = new Image(); objImage.onLoad=ima...

use of "setTimeout" to repeat function causes browser to display "Loading..." message

I have this banner rotator which is working fine except for one problem... This rotator here first goes through the function and when it reaches the "setTimeout" statement it triggers the "cycle" function again and again. You guys probably know that in Firefox there is a status-bar in the bottom-left corner, which says "loading" or "wa...

Support of different Javascript versions in browsers

Surfing the MDC docs here, I've noticed there are quite a few versions of javascript (1.6 to 1.8.5). I was wondering: Is there any online reference for Browser / Javascript version supported ? Is there any practical application for the use of different javascript versions ? According to MDC you need to do something like this to use th...

Garbage bytes in http output ?

When I use telnet to view my web, I get these weird numbers/letters in the output. This does not happen in a browser and they are definitely not in my source code. I have checked other sites and they do not have them. Any ideas why ? Are they garbage ? How can I get rid of them ? telnet 80 GET / HTTP/1.1 Host www...