
Firefox, one browser, but two different versions???!

Hi, I our web application is compatible with Firefox 3.6+ We have a Firefox installed on one of our local machiens and on the top of the about page, the version is set to 3.6.10 which is what we expect. On the bottom of the about page, the version is set to: Gecko/20100914 Firefox/3.0.1 Because it's set to 3.0.1 it gets picked up b...

Launched browser intent for DRM content immediately jumps to background

I have an app that launches a browser with a VIEW intent pointing at a URL containing DRMed content (which the browser should then download into the DrmStore). This works perfectly the first time, but on subsequent attempts to download the same file, the browser opens, pops up a dialog saying the content has previously been downloaded an...

Quirk in Blackberry browser input field

Has anyone notice on the blackberry web browser, that if your cursor does a mouseover of an input field, that the contents of the input field will shift to right and left, effectively hidding the contents. This might have some use when a screen is shrunk to fit tiny blackberry screen, but most of the time I find it very annoying. I hav...

Why would one switch back to Internet explorer?

Hi everyone, I remember using IE5 and IE6 back in the days until I realized that security vulnerabilities were discovered on it on a very regular basis. This made me switch to Netscape, then Opera and finally Firefox with a little bit of Chrome every now and then. It seems that every time Microsoft releases a new version of Internet Exp...

XSLT stylesheet does not reload

Hey, I got a static page which uses an XSLT stylesheet and pulls in the overall menu from a separate menu.xml. Usually, the menu wont change, neither will the stylesheet. However, at some point they may, because the content is modified. In any case, the auxiliary styling files are not reloaded when you reload the main page. Essentially...

jquery ScrollTo laggy perfomance in IE, Opera, FF

I am using jquery scrollTo plugin and I am having laggy performace. Animation is not SMOOTH!! Especially in IE! demo page: Animation looks great in Chrome!! And another problem is with resizing. When you resize the browser, overflow:hidden, doesnt work anymore. Can you just let me know where the problem migh...

JavaScript file not updating no matter what I do

I have an external JavaScript file and whether in FireFox or Chrome, whether all browsing data is cleared, it will NOT update no matter what. I believe something happened when I made a backup of my file, which I simply added "_thedate" to the end of the name. Then Save As back to the original name. Now I cannot seem to get rid of the ol...

Is it possible to make a cross browser extension linked to a Python web app backend?

Current Situation I am in the early phases of designing a web app that the user will interact with via a browser extension that will be in the form of a horizontal nav bar. I wanted to use Pylons and Python on this project but am unsure how it fits in. As I understand it a browser extension is "just bundled HTML, CSS, JS and image files...

Do I need both cache-control and expires on my images hosted on amazon s3?

I've recently switched to hosting the images for my site onto s3, and when i upload images to s3 i add this metatag : "Cache-Control=public,max-age=2593000" when I run yslow, it tells me the images have no far-flung expiry date (Expires metatag). Do I have to add an Expires entry too ? I've searched quite a bit and it seems you real...

Silverlight 4.0: Launch User Control to a new Window

Hi, Is it possible in Silverlight 4.0 to launch a piece of user control to another browser window just like WPF DevComponents docking control behavior? Thank you ...

Accessing the currently displayed website of the Android browser

Hi stackies, is it possible to programmatically access the website that is currently displayed within the Android browser? As far as I know the native Browser doesn't handle plugins (please correct me if I'm wrong), so I thought that reading the browser cache would be an option. Is there a more sophisticated way to get the currently di...

Hovering over a link in a Flash file - browser highlighting

Is there any way of showing a link's destination from a swf in the browser? The answer might be a simple no. Hard to explain, so I have attached a screenshot that makes it clearer. ...

How to develop plugins for the native Android browser

Hi stackies, I searched the web but no luck: how can plugins for the native Android browser be developed?! Neither Google nor the Android SDK give information about this topic. Thanks for your help! Best regards S. ...

How to align the user control position on webbrowser control in C#

I have created a web browser control and a form user control. How to align form user control is a center on web browser. Please look above of image.Thanks. ...

Redirecting for mobile web browsers

Hi, Is there a way to redirect for mobile web pages; and what is the best layout for mobile browsers? I currently have my pages set to relative sizing via percentages. ...

Integrate C# Desktop Application With Browsers

Hi All; I have developed an application(downloader) using C# now i want to integrate it to browser like i want to place a button in browsers if user press that button then my app should execute & start downloading the required file. ...

a CSS file with all the browser incompatibilities sorted out

Hello, Has anyone developed a CSS File which has all the major browser quirks sorted out? Thanks ...

Caching videos on client browser?

Hi, I want to stream video from my web server (might be google app engine, or amazon simple storage). I'm curious if browsers can somehow cache a video. My site will often have users playing the same video over and over again, and I'm wondering if I can hint the browser to just cache videos from my site so the user isn't constantly stre...

Browsing to PDF causes the PDF to be downloaded instead of displayed

I have two servers with virtually identical setups (the second that is working has been around longer than the other). For my newer server when I just put an address to a PDF in the browser it launches a download dialog. If I put the same address (just changing the server name) in the browser to my older server it displays in the brows...

System.Windows.Browser in Windows Phone

Hi, I'm trying to open a webpage in a Silverlight App for Windows Phone 7. Is there a way to open Internet Explorer? ...