
in-browser real-time audio input options?

Are there any? I'm looking for some way to plug in a microphone to a computer and access the stream in real time to do analysis and visualization for display and interaction in-browser (preferably cross-browser). Any recommendations or pointers toward toolkits or examples would be appreciated-- Thanks! ...

Doesn't External JavaScript files lead to more clientside processing?

Hi all, I was thinking about external HTML files, and it occured to me, that if I group the functions from several HTML pages, in one JavaScript this will lead to extra clientside processing. Basically, I would like some idea of whether this is correct. Here is my thinking. Suppose I have one JavaScript file for five pages. If the u...

Nice remote apache log viewer

I have a server with 10+ virtual domains (most running Mediawiki). I'd like to be able to watch their traffic remotely with something nicer than tail -f . I could cobble something together, but was wondering if something super-deluxe already exists that involves a minimum of hacking and support. This is mostly to understand what's going ...

What tools are available for analysing the time a browser spends processing a page.

We are performance tuning our web site at the moment and have the main page content down to a respectable 65ms for firefox to grab it (from request to finish receiving the html). Caching means there is generally no other content that needs to be requested from the server (after the initial page view). However, firefox is spending anoth...

Image URL validation in C#

Hi, How can i check if my image link is valid for both IE and FF? For example this link works just in FF, no image is displayed in IE browser. I checked the image and the color space is RGB. So image space problem is excluded. Thanks. ...

Php sessions in different browsers

If I log in to a website with the same user name and password in different browsers then close one of the windows, will the session still exist? ...

How come the exact same version of Google Chrome shows different layout?

I have google chrome on two computers here. Both run XP. I get some DIVS dispositioned in one of them, and perfect in the other. They are the exact same version when I check "about chrome"... I have cleared cache and all. Very strange to me.... Any ideas? Also, I have the same issue with IE8, but I don't know if it is the EXACT sam...

getElementsByTagName() behaves differently in IE and FF.

I am new to JavaScript, trying to figure out a tag information value. GWT Code is as follows.. public static native boolean isToolBarInstalled() /*-{ alert("Validating the toolbar installed."); var metas = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].getElementsByTagName('meta'); var i; alert ("Meta length: "+metas....

WCF Configuration File for Browser Interaction?

I have a simple WCF 4.0 service with some simple methods and a property with a getter that returns List. The service works fine when connected to programatically. The getter is decorated as are the other methods on the Interface that define the service contract. My next move is to make the service accessible via the IE web browser so se...

Simulate a browser in ruby, with cookies

Hi It is posible to simulate a browser in ruby?. I know about open-uri, but I mean simulate even the cookies behavior, etc. ...

Get browser window position regardless of zoom

How can I get the browser window's left edge (including menu, border, caption, etc), without it being "fixed" to take into account the zoom level? (This question addresses the basic question, but does not consider zoom.). window.screenLeft or window.screenX work fine on Chrome and Safari, but these report "fixed" values using IE6, IE8 ...

Chrome developer tools - any way to see what CSS is used by the current page?

Using Google's Chrome Developer Tools, I sometimes run audits on my code to see how it is coming together. One of the suggestions those tools always make is "Removed Unused CSS Rules". Clicking on the arrow then shows a usually huge list of the CSS rules that are not being used by the current page. Is there a way to see a list of what C...

Is scrollHeight of <textarea> in MSIE8 and FF differ

Hi, Thanks for your time, I have calculated scrollHeight of <textarea> and run it on Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 and Firefox. I am getting different scrollHeight in above mentioned browsers. Code used in my application function getScrollHeight(id) { textareaObj = document.getElementById(id); var scrollH = textareaObj.scro...

Decrypting images using JavaScript within browser.

I have a web based application that requires images to be encrypted before they are sent to server, and decrypted after loaded into the browser from the server, when the correct key was given by a user. [Edit: The goal is that the original image and the key never leaves the user's computer so that he/she is not required to trust the s...

Is it possible to create a BrowserSession for Direct TCP transport?

Hi! My BlackBerry app opens BB Browser to display a web page for users. There is BlackBerry KB doc "How to - Invoke the browser" on how to do it. The doc says there are the following types of transports to choose: public static final int SERVICE_RECORD_CONFIG_TYPE_WAP = 0; public static final int SERVICE_RECORD_CONFIG_TYPE_BES = 1;...

Setting width and height of images with jquery in webkit browsers

Hello! I have an image with mypic class I'm using the load event to set the width and height of this image: $(window).load(function() { //Here I calculate final w and h $('.mypic').css("width",w); $('.mypic').css("height",h); $('.mypic').height(h); $('.mypic').width(w); }); In firefox I have no problem at all...

100% websockets instead of HTTP in the future?

Today I thought about why the Web traditionally is stateless - opening a connection, then close it as fast as possible. I realized that this was the HTTP. And soon we will have fully implemented web-sockets to use for live things. So I thought, could websockets replace http in the future so that every connection made will be opened ti...

Javascript: after loading a page, is there any way to inhibit the use of a .js file loaded using the browser?

Hi, after loading a page, is there any way to inhibit the use of a .js? I mean using any tool (firebug for example) in Firefox . Regards Javi ...

How to open a popup AND make it flashing FROM the toolbar ?

Just AS a chat (yahoomessenger, msn .....) WHEN we get a new message, the corresponding window is flashing or AS in internet explorer WHEN we finsh downloading something the corresponding window is flashing in the toolbar How to do it with a popup? ...

Prevent user from opening JSF page in more than one tab/window in a browser

Is it possible to prevent user from opening JSF page in more than one browser tab or window? ...