
What percent of the time is unload or onunload called? And Why?

Hi all, I have heard in the past unload, or onunload, is not always called. However, I would like to know how often it is not called. What conditions lead to it not being called? Is this different for Firefox and IE? Thanks, Grae ...

Access CSS fonts from Android 'Assets' folder

I'm trying to change the font of web pages loaded in to a Browser app developed for Android. Currently my custom font is hosted in a URL & I access the font from there by injecting a JavaScript to the page to change the style sheet (CSS) font face. Here is the current code: var css = '@font-face {font-family: "dhanika"; src: url(http:/...

Window.opener alternative when not opening a new window

Hi guys Small prob i'm using the following line of code customerName = window.opener.form2.custName.value; The problem is that I'm no longer opening the page in a new window, I'm opening it in the same window and thus replacing the older page. Is there anyway for me to get the same information? Thanks ...

WebBrowser Control behaving different in two application

Hi, I have two applications. In one application the web browser control shows a flash movie that is embedded and in the other it does not, only shows place holder. I have identical code in both constructors to load a web control dynamically and then navigate to the requested web page. I run both application in debug mode from within V...

Can I define a view in eclipse which shows html files?

I wonder if there is a way to define a view in eclipse which can render and show html files or with other words a view which works like a browser! I mean a view for an eclipse plugin. For example if I can define a browser based on org.eclipse.swt.browser and associate it to viewcontentprovider? I don't want to open an html file wi...

Paste a text to textarea in browser control in Vb.Net

How can I paste a text to the text area within a form in the browser control? I think how i have selected is correct browser1.Document.Forms.GetElementsByName("editform").GetElementsByName("input") UPDATE:Here is the Html .... <form name="editform"> <textarea name="input"> </textarea> </form> ... ...

Get the text in textarea named input from browser control

How can I get the text in a text area within a form in browser control? Is there a method? ...

Displaying a <div> over a <canvas>

The problem, which exists in both Firefox and Chrome, is that I have a canvas with a solid background, and a div with a solid background color/image. The div is margined up over top of the canvas. The div does not display over the canvas. An interesting note is that if there is text inside the div it will properly get displayed. This wou...

Browsers and winsock on windows

Hello! Is thit true that all browsers on windows OS work thru winsock? thanks ...

Nice browser widgets AND background color, posssible?

I'd like to slightly change the look of some browser widgets (like changing the background color of required fields). But apparently this forces the browser to switch back from 'native'-looking widgets to boring common-look widgets. This is especially bad if you have both unmodified and modified widgets on the same page. Problem occurs ...

How to make website look same on all browsers?

Hi, I am designing my site on a mac. I used basic formatting and then when i want on to my pc, the wrapper width was too wide. My question is what can i do so that my website looks the same on all browsers/os? ...

LSP or WFP? and some questions

I need change traffic on the fly, and on WFP for this need write driver, so i need using just LSP. Where in official documentation i can confirm LSP OS compatbility? Do i can with LSP change namespace traffic? What difference between LSP and WFP? ...

How communication happens between webserver and webclient?

I had posted one question here I solved the problem but little confuse about reason. Question was webBrowser control in .net was not displaying images. Moreover, If I press Ctrl+N, it opens same page in external IE browser. all images are displyed properly there. Once I do this step and then after, when webBrowser Control refresh page a...

Display file content in browser using ASP.Net

Hi, I want to display a file content (HTML file) inside a web page using ASP. I'm trying to display 2 files and show the differences. So i need to color different rows. I tried with TextBox but i can not color a single row. Something like this but inside a browser. I should be able to easily navigate through rows. (like SetRowColor(row...

How can a child browser window change the window's properties?

I'm working with a software package that creates Flash panorama .swf's. The package allows the creation of hotspots in the pano. You can specify the URL and the Target of the hotspot, so if you click on the hotspot it launches the URL in _blank, _self, etc. However, the package doesn't allow you to specify the attributes of the window. ...

HTML Placeholder

Hey simple stupid question that I am too lazy to research. Can anyone tell me what browsers support the placeholder html tag for text inputs? Does Internet Explorer support it? Because I have a javascript form of a placeholder for the browsers that do not support. <input type=TEXT placeholder="placeholder here" /> ...

Search using regular expression in a browser?

is there a way to search within a browser (with any of them) using regular expression? Let's say I want to search for either "python" or "php" I don't want to have to do this twice. Ideally, this could be done within the regular GUI, but if not, using add-ons/plug-ins with Web Inspector (webkit) or Firebug is fine too. Thanks! ...

Making a .dmg available for download from a website

Good day lovely computer peoples! I've uploaded a .dmg file to my server, but when I test to see if it is downloadable by pointing the web browser to it's place in the directory (i.e. using it's URL) I get a 404. Any possible ideas of why this could be happening? Thanks EDIT 1 I realize that the 404 means that it can't find the it...

How to prevent saving browser pages in activity stack history

User click one button on Activity#1 to start Activity#2. One button on Activity#2 start system default browser(Intent.ACTION_VIEW) to get Twitter authorized. After user allow, Twitter redirect user to Activity#2(Custom intent-filter+data) and it save the tokens. Now, if I press back key, the app back to browser, how to prevent this a...

What is a good open-source/commercial web video player? Use Javascript? Flash?

I'm basically looking for something that can play/stream a variety of formats if possible (or if not, to have an easy way for non-technies to convert them to the desired format). I'm also looking for something easy to setup - like including a javascript tag at the top of the page and then perhaps using a div, or just 1 line of script cod...