
IE8's rendering of transparent pngs is FUBARed on my site

I just downloaded the IE8 full release so I could test a site I just created. [Example Deleted] Focus on the left sidebar background image. It is suppose to be a 1x1 semi-transparent .png image that repeats. IE8 renders it as a gradient!!! It get's even wonkier when you try to scroll your window or mouse-over the sidebar. I had alread...

What about fixing actual bugs in an interview?

My primary responsibility is a software developer, but I have also been tasked with doing the first level technical interviews of perspective clients. I enjoy it, so I am glad to do it, but I am finding it challenging to objectively screen candidates. I have a list of programming "trivia" questions and even some programming challenges ...

WPF Combobox bug when form allowtransparency=true

I have found the following in WPF: I have a form with AllowTransparency=true. Inside the form I put a Combobox. I add some items to the combobox. I run this application and click on the combobox. At first it does not seem to appear at all. On closer inspection (after adding more items) I see that it is actually appearing behind the for...

How do you manage yourself after discovering you are responsible for a critical bug?

You've discovered that you are the author of a critical bug that has made it into customer's hands and it's caused problems with their operations. You have a solution that should fix the problem, but you are still responsible for the problem in the first place. You've disclosed that you are the author of the bug, and have worked with c...

NTWaitforMultipleObjects error when freeing DLL in Delphi with TVirtualTreeView

TVirtualTreeview is pretty much awesome, but many times when I close an window referenced by a DLL in my project that has a TVirtualTreeview in it I get the NTWaitForMultipleObjects error. The problem is somewhere deep in TVirtualTreeview and other guys in the office have tried lots of stuff to fix it, I was just wondering if anyone e...

how to resolve this BUG

IndentedTextWriter tw = new IndentedTextWriter(internalTW, " "); Object referenced by 'tw' is lost, but related resources are not disposed here "TW " is a text writer where internalTW is a TextWriter OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection(conStr); OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(cmd1, con); object referenced by 'cmd' is...

Maximum background repetition in Google Chrome?

I'm getting a weird behaviour in my blog, only in Google Chrome. (This is a CSS/browser thing, nothing to do with the server component, Blogger, Wordpress, etc). The home page for it is admittedly too long, and what i'm getting is that the background on my main "container" element stops repeating after a certain height, but only in Goog...

Entity Framework: Should the EntityContainer name contain at least two words?

I am using entity framework, using (almost) hand-crafted csdl, ssdl, and msl files. I've noticed that object construction seems to fail if the name of the EntityContainer consists of a single word. For example, for the following two csdl files : <Schema Namespace="BestProduct" Alias="Self" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ad...

Why doesn't QCalendarWidget.setDateTextFormat(QDate(), ...) work?

I'm using PyQt 4.4.3. I've got this code, which should clear all formats in the QCalendarWidget: cal.setDateTextFormat(QDate(), QDateTextFormat()) According to the documentation this should work: QCalendarWidget::setDateTextFormat(QDate &date, QTextCharFormat &format) If date is null, all date formats are cleared. QDate::Q...

Common email client user agent strings

Does anyone have a list of the common user agent strings that email clients use when opening HTML emails? I'm looking to do some pixel web bug detection using PHP on an email campaign. ...

T-SQL90 settings in Visual Studio 2008 cannot be exported. Is this a bug?

Recently I got a habit of saving my preferences in Visual Studio 2008 for future use, so that whenever I may need to recover the system I won't have to remember what have I forgotten to customize. Tools - Options - Text Editor: Here are several groups distincted by the language. Among others you can see T-SQL, T-SQL7, T-SQL80 and T-SQL...

sp_MSforeachdb MS SQL error

This is for MS SQL 2005: Anyone know why the first succeeds, then creating two of the same statement in succession fails? All the statements are exactly the same. Changing the double quote to two single quotes has the same effect. sp_MSforeachdb @command1 = 'if (left("?", 2) = "p_") begin; print "?"; end;'; produces p_Na...

File.Exists on network == wrong?

In my code i do if (!File.Exists(getSomePath())) { MessageBox.Show("... existing" + " " + getSomePath()); this.Close(); } I can see getSomePath() is correct but when i open the app on the network it says it doesnt exist. When i copy the folder to my local drive it says it does exist. Whats going on? ...

Why is my implementation of wc off by one word? [solved]

[Solved] Writing parsing code is a trap. A line with 15 spaces will have 15 words. Blank lines will also count as a word. Back to flex and bison for me. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *fp = NULL; ...

WPF: Canvas Z-Index Bug

So I made my own carousel control in WPF. I have stumbled upon a bug and was wondering if anyone knew how I could fix this like a method call or a series of methods calls or some work-around. Here is a print screen of my carousel: As you can CLEARLY see with this image, my mouse pointer is OVER the button with 16 written on it. But th...

Implementing features vs. bug fixing

I am interested in how much of your daily work time do you spend on implementing new features compared to fixing bugs. ...

jQuery Autocomplete IE bug (list.scrollTop)

I'm using the jQuery Autocomplete plugin. The strange problem I'm getting is with the lines that use in the plugin: list.scrollTop(...) Internet Explorer 8 (in all modes) claims it doesn't know this method. I've done a fix but I'm curious how this could slip past the developer. Is this new to IE8/IE7? ...

List items rendered under other elements. IE7 CSS HTML

I have a menu bar which uses the below code, when the title list items are clicked they call the showHide function to change the class of the inside list to one with display block instead of none. On ie6 and ff it works fine, chrome opera etc etc. But on ie7 the inside list is render under the other elements in the main list. Everything...

IE6 zindex bug workaround, screws up after a ajax postback.

I have a page that has 3 buttons on it, when a user clicks on a button it displays a model popup where the user inputs data etc. On the main page there is a dropdownlist which breaks through the model when it popups up, this is a known IE6 z-index bug. My workaround (after trying bgiframe) was to simply hide the dropdown whenever a pop...

Java Collections API Bug?

I've stumbled upon a bug in the Java Collections API, in Collections.java. Here’s the code verbatim from the JDK’s source. Just so you know, the JavaDoc version tag reads "1.106, 04/21/06". The method is located in line 638. public static <T extends Object & Comparable<? super T>> T max(Collection<? extends T> coll) { Iterator<? ex...