
Trying to get a solid Python install working on my Mac?

I have Mac OSX 10.5.8 with Xcode installed. I want to avoid MacPorts and want to just get a solid Python install foundation so I can then move on to mess with Django and other things. I want to use Buildout with my Python applications. I have installed binary Python 2.6.4 from the official site and installed this. Following other advice...

Got Django and Buildout working, but what about PIL and Postgres?

Hello. I'm on Mac OSX 10.5.8. I have followed Jacob Kaplan-Moss's article on setting up Django with Buildout: Finally, I have got this Buildout to work! ...but I'm now needing PIL and Postgres for a complete isolated Django development area. I've tried to modify my buildout.cfg with...

setting script path in a buildout using one of the distutils recipes

I am using buildout. I am using it to install openerp. I would like the scripts that openerp creates to run itself available in ${buildout:location}/bin I tried zerokspot.recipe.distutils and collective.recipe.distutils How would I get the scripts built in bin? ...

Listing buildout configuration variables

I'd like to find out, exactly what variables are available when using zc.buildout. I can always look at the source, but ideally I'd find a list somewhere, or be able to query buildout to find out what it thinks are the variables available at any one time. Is this possible? ...

Having "Exception Value: The _imaging C module is not installed" with my Buildout/Python/Django/PIL on Mac OSX SL?

Hello there. I'm using Buildout for my Django projects, with FeinCMS. I've got it setup great locally on my Mac OSX Snow Leopard, with no errors coming up at all when I use runserver. But when I upload an image with FeinCMS in the admin area it comes up with a "Exception Value: The _imaging C module is not installed" error. My tracebac...

Buildout: Including another Python project via mercurial?

I have a project called Foo/ that has buildout.cfg and Now there is another project called Bar/ .. which too has buildout.cfg and Since Bar/ depends on various Python modules, it has install_requires=['lxml', 'SQLAlchemy'] in its Foo/ depends on Bar/. But Bar/ does not have a release yet. How do I include B...

Django admin authentication failure

Hi folks, logging into django admin fails when 'log in' button is pressed first time, but pressing "back" and "log in' again - logs the user in successfully. I am deploying Django app with zc.buildout here, with a setup similar to what is described here Nginx (listen...

Problem installing OpenERP server with buildout !

I'm trying to deploy OpenERP with a buildout and my own piece of code. In fact I would like to build a complete deployement structure allowing me to use OpenERP with custom modules and patch. First of all, before adding any personnal configuration, I was trying to create a buildout which will have the responsability to configure everyth...

What exactly is meant when mr.developer says "The package 'django-quoteme' is dirty."

I'm using mr.developer to track some packages on github. When I rerun my buildout, I get: The package 'django-quoteme' is dirty. Do you want to update it anyway? [yes/No/all] y What is meant by "dirty" exactly? ...

Install python egg in buildout environment including data files

This question assumes that the python package I want to install is a django app that includes templates and media files. But the question is valid for any python package that does not only contain .py files. I'm using buildout to create a re-buildable environment in which I'm developing a django project. My buildout.cfg looks like that:...

Adding buildout eggs to virtualenv

I have a virtualenv, isolated (no-site-packages) from system site-packages. I have a buildout project with following cfg: [buildout] parts = develop = . eggs = myproject #no effect for now The myproject code for is here: buildout_top_folder/src/myproject/ I am carrying out activities inside the virtualenv. To make myprojec...

How do I get started with zc.buildout and Distribute?

I want to use buildout for dependency management, and I hear distribute is the new good way to manage installation of your project. However, easy tutorials to get started seem to be thin on the ground. The most straight forward I've seen is Jacob Kaplan-Moss's Developing Django apps with zc.buildout (my use case is a web application), b...

is there a way to get django tests + buildout run well integrated with Eclipse/Aptana?

Hi, it's fairly easy to set up Eclipse to run a django project's tests created with django-admin startprojects, we whould just point a Run command to ./, and supply the necessary arguments. but what can I do if a project is built using buildout? of course, bin/biuldout creates the handy bin/test-1.1 and bin/test-trunk files, ...

The problem with installing PIL using virtualenv or buildout.

When I install PIL using easy_install or buildout it installs in such way, that I must do 'import Image', not 'from PIL import Image'. However, if I do "apt-get install python-imaging" or use "pip -E test_pil install PIL", all work fine. Here are examples of how I trying to install PIL using virtualenv: # virtualenv --no-site-packages...

Using zc.buildout, how do I install a tarball from a website?

I'm trying to get zc.buildout to install Gunicorn from source. Using the following configuration: [gunicorn] recipe = collective.recipe.distutils url = results in the following error: SystemError: ('Failed', '"/usr/bin/python" -q install --install- purelib="/mnt/hgfs/Project...

To keep my own versioned app or not.

Hi all. I need some opinions here. I'm working on a Django project using buildout to get the dependencies, etc... I use mercurial as DVCS. Now... I need to customize one of the dependencies, so I can do one of the following: (* The changes may not be useful for everyone else.) 1- Do a fork of the project in (github, bitbucket, etc......

When to use buildout:eggs and when to install via zc.recipe.egg ?

There seem to be more than one way to install eggs into a buildout. Way 1: [buildout] ... eggs = eggname othereggname ... Way 2: [buildout] ... parts = eggs [eggs] recipe = zc.recipe.egg eggs = eggname = othereggname Both ways work. ( variation on way 2 would be to install each requirement as a separate part. ) ...

Why would one build supervisord inside of a buildout?

I've seen buildout recipes that build supervisor into the buildout, I suppose to control the daemons inside. However, it seems to me that one would still need something in /etc/init.d ( for example ) to run said supervisor instance on boot. So, why build supervisor inside the buildout? Why not install it system wide and just make a ...

Alternative to zc.buildout that runs on Python3

My project uses buildout to do primarily two things: automatically fetch dependencies and create scripts; and setup cron jobs (on deployment machines) using the usercrontab buildout recipe. But buildout is not yet available for Python 3. So I would like to consider alternatives for buildout. I know that both virtualenv and pip work on ...

Automate paster create -t plone3_buildout

I want to automate the process of plone3_buildout. Explanation: The default(the one I use) way of building a plone site is using paster, like so: paster create -t plone3_buildout This asks me a few questions and then create a default buildout for the site. What I want: I want to automate this process using buildout. My buildout will...