
Documentation on writing buildout recipes

I am trying to find tutorials on how to write buildout recipes. I haven't found any, except the one on buildout site. But it is very rudimentary. Is there a good tutorial for writing buildout recipes? ...

Override DEFINEs in setup.cfg in source eggs

The source egg of PySQLite 2.6.0 contains a file setup.cfg that looks like this: [build_ext] #define= #include_dirs=/usr/local/include #library_dirs=/usr/local/lib libraries=sqlite3 define=SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION I'd like to build the egg with the SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION define disabled (not set). I could do that by uncommenting...

Django buildout

Hello, I'm starting to play around with using buildout for Django. I'd like to use buildout as the main installation method for deploying projects and applications. In this context is it the best that each application contains a buildout, as well as the project? At what level should you apply the buildout? Thanks, Todd ...

djangorecipe test command

Hello Everyone, I've got a question about testing my Django applications in a built out Django project. First, I've got the same project not built out and everything works fine. This project follows the standard Django project architecture apart from putting my tests in their own directory: django_project/ ...

buildout shebang python not using #!/usr/bin/env python but using #!/usr/bin/python2.6

I've a buildout.cfg to manage dependencies and create a bin/script, and then I can do an sdist and include the script in there. The problem I've got is that the script has #!/usr/bin/python2.6 instead of #!/usr/bin/env python. If I use a virtualenv then, it points to the virtualenv python runtime. I would be interested to be #!/usr/bin/e...

What python virtual environment and deployment solution should I use?

I'm looking for a virtual environment solution for Python applications and I would like something that respects these requirements: Windows and Linux works with x86/x64 Python versions easy to use/maintain Python 2.6-2.7 compatible and preferably even 3.x source control friendly - I want to keep the packages in SCM. So far I identif...

TRAC 0.12 buildout error - no attribute 'env_open'.

I am trying to use Tarek Ziadé's Trac buildout recipe from PyPi (and his book 'Expert Python Programming', which I don't have access to.) It worked fine the first time round, however upon creating a new (Python 2.6 virtualenv) environment I got the following error on buildout. File "/usr/local/Plone/buildout-cache/eggs/pbp.recipe.trac-...

How to migrate from virtualenv to buildout?

I'm attempting to move a project from virtualenv to buildout, but I don't think I've grasped the whole concept of buildout. All the tutorials I've found discuss buildout in the context of using it with Zope, which I'm not using and therefore can't see how to continue. My file structure with virtualenv is as follows: myapp/ W...

Installing lxml when is down. is down and something, somewhere in my buildout wants to easy_install lxml from it, despite me boopstrapping with pip, having it installed already and removing it from my buildout files. How else can I get round this? ...

Buildout + Nose failing with passed options options

After running a buildout operation on my project, I can run nose with the following command: # ./bin/nosetests ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 0 tests in 0.310s However, when I try to pass options (such as -w for the base directory, I get the following: # ./bin/nosetests -vv --detailed-erro...

Opensource real django projects

Hi folks, I'm trying to learn Django. And need something to go beyond Hello world and Polls tutorial. Could you please recomend any real project written in Django? Tried to search, but found not many. Especialy interested in usage of buildout. ...

Problem adding to solr index from Django using zc.buildout

I'm trying to get Apache Solr running inside my zc.buildout environment. I've defined a simple model: class NewsItem(models.Model): title = models.CharField(blank=False, max_length=255, help_text=u"Title of this news item") slug = models.SlugField(blank=False, help_text=u"Slug will be automatically generated from the title") ...

How to add a script to a buildout project?

I have in a buildout project: from distutils.core import setup setup(name='', version='1.0', author='Denis Kolodin', author_email='...', url='...', scripts = ['scripts/'], # The script I want to add to 'bin/' dir ) Why buildout don't add that script to 'bin/'? Can I develop scripts (not eggs) with buildou...

zc.buildout, Installing requirements into the parts directory?

I am attempting to write a zc.buildout package that installs some of it's requirements into the parts directory. Any idea how this can be done? The reason for this is because the zc.buildout application itself is being distributed out, but parts of my package cannot go with it. So instead i would like to install them into the project/pa...

Django and Buildout Deployment Problem

I am trying to deploy my existing django project via buildout, following loosely the instructions here. my buildout.cfg file is: [buildout] parts = django python develop = . eggs = myproject [django] recipe = djangorecipe version = 1.2.3 project = myproject projectegg = mypr...

Help with zc.buildout script to install Satchmo

Im trying to re-create a this satchmo environment using a buildout script: [buildout] parts = django satchmo eggs = pycrypto PIL pyyaml trml2pdf sorl-thumbnail django-registration django-caching-app-plugins django-threaded-multihost django-signals-ahoy django-keyedcache django-livesettings django satchmo Sphinx docutils extensions = ...

Buildout, psycopg2, postgresql

I'm trying to make buildout config that installs psycopg2 egg and postgres from source if needed: parts = ... postgre psycopg2 ... [postgre] recipe = hexagonit.recipe.cmmi url = configure-options = --without-readline [psycopg2...

Specific a custom PYTHON_EGG_CACHE dir with zc.buildout?

We're having problems when trying to deploy a number of projects which use zc.buildout - specifically we're finding that they want to put their PYTHON_EGG_CACHE directories all over the show. We'd like to somehow set this directory to one at the same level as the built-out project, where eggs can be found. There is some mention online t...