
Object to Object Property mapping in collections

Im creating a collection of (dynamically generated type) for display in a silverlight grid and one of the processes involves creating an import (dynamically generated type) type then mapping the properties on the import type to the collection of (dynamically generated type) both types share a Id property that identifies the item ( be it ...

How to send bulk emails with good success rate?

There are many articles and threads about guidelines while sending bulk emails. Most of the times it was mentioned that emails should be sent to the subscribed users. So that we can avoid "users clicking on spam in their mail boxes". There are some features in famous social networking sites where we can send invitations to Yahoo contact...

Bulk message sending with publish/subscribe model.

We are trying to implement a notification module. It allows website internal users to send message to each other. A key feature is that it allows business users to send bulk messages to the users. We are talking about millions of users here. Currently it is planned to be a publish/subscribe model. Once login, system shall retrieve the r...

BCP utility to create a format file, to import Excel data to SQL Server 2008 for BULK insertion

Am trying to import Excel 2003 data into SQL table for SQL Server 2008. Tried to add a linked server but have met with little success. Now am trying to check if there's a way to use the BCP utility to do a BULK insert or BULK operation with OPENROWSET, using a format file to get the Excel mapping. First of all, how can I create a form...

Force addition/deletion of a linked server and correct syntax to import data into a table from Excel

Hi all, I'm trying to create a linked server in Sql server 2008 R2, just tried downloading the '64-bit version of the Office 2010 Access AD Engine' exe from Microsoft. Unfortunately, I had tried adding a linked server, BEFORE making this installation, and it failed: EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'LinkedServer1', 'Excel', 'Microsoft.Jet.OLE...

Fastest OLEDB read from ORACLE

What would be the fastest way of retrieving data from the Oracle DB via OLEDB? It should be portable (have to work on Postgres and MS SQL), only one column is transfered (ID from some large table). Current performance is 100k rows/sec. Am I expecting too much if I want it to go faster? Clarification: datatable has 23M records Query...

ASP.NET SqlDataSource bulk update

MSDN Library has a walkthrough for bulk updates using a SqlDataSource. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa992036(v=VS.90).aspx Not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I keep getting an error at: currentID = Convert.ToInt32(GridDocuments.DataKeys(0).Value) Are there other resources for SqlDataSource bulk updates? ...

Do not allow a user to delete a node but allow to delete through Views Bulk Operations

Hi, I have the following scenario: Editor Role should not be allowed to delete nodes. Therefore the corresponding permission is de-selected in the permissions page. However Editor should be able to to delete nodes from Views Bulk operations. Using Rules an action is created called "safe delete" that checks things like if the node is ...

Bulk select in Sybase

Hi, I have a few thousand col1, col2 distinct values. Col1 -> some primary key and Col 2 -> date. For a third col 3, i have to query a large table, which gives me only few hundred results in most cases. now my concern is how can write my where condition or use unions so that the number of times i am querying my DB decreases. my progra...

Is there a good utility / 3rd party library to manage the AppEngine datastore?

I have been developing an app using appengine. We are likely to be storing a lot of records in the datastore but I find the admin functionality you are given to manage this data lacking. As an example, there are no good ways to bulk delete a bunch of data - you have to write a class of your own to do this. Before I start down the path...

Cannot bulk load because the file could not be opened. Operating system error code 1326(Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.).

bulk upload from csv test file "\servername\wwwroot\Upload\LDSAgentsMap.txt" SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_CSVTest_BulkInsert] ( @Path NVARCHAR(128) ) AS DECLARE @Sql NVARCHAR(256) SET @Sql = 'BULK INSERT CSVTest FROM ''' + @Path + ''' WITH ( FIELDTERMINATOR = '','', ROWTERMIN...

CouchDb bulk rename

For example I have posts with tag names, and I decided to rename one of the tags. Bulk Updating when I should know revision is not really suitable. Better if this could be as something integrated. ...

How to send Bulk Sms in Linked In profile? when i able to see SendinMail instead of Send Message

Hi , i am Looking for one Good Suggestion. i Have a Linked In account. in that when i search for people, for every one it shows send in Mail. But i want to send Message to to everyone. Can anybody guide me how to send Message to Linked In People. when search Real Estate People it shows every one. But I Couldn't send Message. Why Becau...

Sql server bulk delete by known record ids

Hi. I need to delete many rows from sql server 2008 database, it must be scalable so i was thinking about bulk delete, the problem is that the are not many references on this, at least in my case. The first factor is that i will exactly know the ID of every row to delete, so any tips with TOP are not an option, also i will delete less ...

problems with bulk editing in MVC 2 C#

Im having issues when trying to post a IList back to the controller here is some of the code My controller public ActionResult Approvals(ICollection<ApprovalListModel> model) { My pages <%@ Page Inherits="ViewPage<IList<Book>>" %> <% for (int i = 0; i < ViewData.Model.Count; i++) { %> <%: Html.TextBoxFor(m => m[i].Title) %>... B...

bulk editing txt files to to confirm to a certain layout

I need someone smart to help me here I have a large batch of txt files(articles) +/- 300K. that I need to edit, but I need the output file to be a txt file but must be in a specific layout, let me explain This is how the txt file appears: Title: “How To” Start Trading The Forex Market? ( Part 2) Word Count: 608 Summary: Why is F...

bulk posting to wordpress via scripts.

In current project i need to make bulk posts to wordpress (from text files) and need to add dates of mine own choice . What is best way to do it ? ...

SQL Server 2008 BULK INSERT DateTime Error

I am trying to use BULK INSERT in SQL Server 2008 to import a TSV (Tab Separated Value) file. Here is my script: USE ABC GO CREATE TABLE CSVTest (ID INT, FirstName VARCHAR(40), LastName VARCHAR(40), TodaysDate DATETIME) GO BULK INSERT CSVTest FROM 'd:\csvtest.txt' WITH ( FIELDTERMINATOR = '\t', ROWTERMINATOR = '\n' ) GO --Check the ...