
Business Objects XI link to report

Hi, Does anyone know how if there is a way to link to a Folder or Report contained in Business Objects Enterprise? I would like to add a link on my intranet web site to a Report. ...

.NET Service burden of using Entity Translator

We have incremental burden of maintaining EntityTranslator to transform the business messages to the service message and service message to business message in .NET and WCF application. In fact, I cannot call them as Business object since we just need to fetch from DB and update the same. We read data from device and store to DB and read...

Business Objects - Containers or functional?

Where I work, we've gone back and forth on this subject a number of times and are looking for a sanity check. Here's the question: Should Business Objects be data containers (more like DTOs) or should they also contain logic that can perform some functionality on that object. Example - Take a customer object, it probably contains some...

Using Entity Framework generated classes in Business Logic Layer

I have a (C#) project that is using a three layer architecture. I started to use Entity Framework in my DAL and the question is to what extent classes generated by Entity Framework can be used in the Business Logic Layer? It is a good idea to use them directly or should i create my own business objects and map to them from Ent...

3-tiered web-service enabled architecture

Dear All! After reading tons of articles over the net about best-practise application-design and pattern I still cannot merge all the information together and map on my real-word-application... I would like to have a 3-tiered application: UI-Layer:A silverlight-application hosted within an - Webapp BusinessLogicLayer:WCF-Serv...

Business Logic Classes Naming

I have a business layer that has some business objects/POCOs/entities/whatever. I also have some repositories for the data access. Up until this point, I've been accessing the repositories directly from my UI layer. I'm at a point where I actually need some more classes that aren't straight CRUD, so I'm going to create some business logi...

Object Construction at Client or Business Layer?

Something I've noticed from looking at multiple .NET starter kits is that business object construction is often handled at the client level. Then, the business object is passed to the business layer for manipulation, serialization to the database, etc. Shouldn't this code be abstracted to the business layer, so that the client only needs...

error while converting report from deski to webi

Hi, I am new to BO and facing following errors while converting reports from deski to webi: Objects cannot be hidden in Web Intelligence documents Page setup options are not implemented in Web Intelligence (First page number, page order, scale, Fit to N pages) cross options for crosstabs are not available in Web Intelligence Block ...

LINQ to SQL business object creation best practices

I've been using LINQ extensively in my recent projects, however, I have not been able to find a way of dealing with objects that doesn't either seem sloppy or impractical. I'll also note that I primarily work with I hate the idea of exposing the my data context or LINQ returned types to my UI code. I prefer finer grained contr...

Running Business Objects Data Integrator from the command line

I am using the Business Objects Data Integrator tool and I want to run it from the command line so I can setup some automated unit testing. Does anyone know if there is a command line to run it? ...

Java "equivalent" to CSLA

I've read several chapters of the CSLA book and I like it, but being lately geared more towards Java, I'm looking for a Java-based equivalent. Does anybody know anything that comes close to CSLA in Java? I would also settle for a good combination of other existing technologies that would achieve similar goals. ...

Implementing C# Business Objects (CSLA)

We are about to commit to implementing Rocky Lhotka's CSLA as an application development Framework for our Visual Studio 2008 solutions. I would like to test the water on SO and am particularly interested in developer's opinions of the approach in comparison with other ORMs such as Entity Framework or nHibernate. Also, what is the learn...

Separation of concerns - DAO, DTO, and BO

So I have a DAO, DTO, and BO. The following code is the result: // Instantiate a new user repository. UserRepository rep = new UserRepository(); // Retrieve user by ID (returns DTO) and convert to business object. User user = rep.GetById(32).ToBusiness<User>(); // Perform business logic. user.ResetPassword(); user.OtherBusinessLogic(...

C# Business objects and collections

I'm having difficulty wrapping my head around business objects or more specifically, business object collections. Here's a quick example of what i'm trying to do. If i have an Incident Object, this object can have a number of people involved and each of those Person objects can have multiple notes. Notes can't exist without a Person ob...

Business-Objects vs Crystal Reports

Would someone please explain the difference? Are these the same product, and if not what are they each used for? ...

Standard business logic data classes for .NET

There are a lot of "primitive" boiler plate types of data classes that could appear in many different programs. However, I have never seen a class or library set that recognizes the need to combine all these things with common logic required for them such as validation. Example classes ([] brackets correspond to classes also in hypothe...

Entity Framework on a database without foreign keys

Hi, I'm currently working with a large database (approx. 500 tables) all without any foreign keys define. My question is there an easy way to set up the relationships within entity framework (version 1 or 2) without doing it all manually? Also some of the tables have a complex relationship type. For example a customer has a parentID ...

Crystal Reports: Using Business Objects xi Datasource

Hello all: I'm a total Crystal Reports/Business Objects newbie... I've been tasked with going through 100 or so Crystal Reports to determine which reports are using an 'embedded' connection string vs. one supplied by the BOXi server. I've installed Crystal Reports and accessed a sampling of the reports, but haven't been able to locate...

CSLA Not reporting object as dirty after being changed.

Hi, I've got a CSLA object that is returning data from the database fine but when I change any of the properties on the object the object still says IsDirty = "false". Although when I create a new object it reports IsDirty = "true". I'm sure its just something simple that I'm missing in my code. The following is my object: [Seriali...

Designing Business Objects to indicate constraints such as Max Length

Is there a standard convention when designing business objects for providing consumers with a way to discover constraints such as a property's maximum length? It could be used up in the UI layer to, for example, set a Textbox's MaxLength property according to the maximum length limit back in the business object. Is there a standard ...