
Download a file over HTTP into a byte array in C#?

Hi, I'm trying to read a file that I have a web address for into a byte array. I've been using File.ReadAllBytes to read files locally and I've been unable to figure out the cleanest way to do this for a file on the web. I imagine this is just a quick snippet of code, but everything I can find through search is only for local files....

Python - How to edit hexadecimal file byte by byte

I want to be able to open up an image file and extra the hexadecimal values byte-by-byte. I have no idea how to do this and googling "python byte editing" and "python byte array" didn't come up with anything, surprisingly. Can someone point me towards the library i need to use, specific methods i can google, or tutorials/guides? ...

Writing a 2-byte integer to a stream?

I'm trying to interact with an application over the network which uses a simple protocol. I have to send a header that looks like this: 2 bytes = Data Length (including Request Type) 1 byte = Request Type I'm taking both parameters as integers: private static void WriteHeader(Stream buf, int length, int requestType) { buf.Write(Bi...

Quickest way (performance-wise) to turn a string into a byte[] array in C#

Hi, What's the fastest way to turn a string into a byte[] array in C#? I'm sending tonnes of string data through sockets and need to optimize every single operation. Currently I transform the strings in to byte[] arrays before sending using: private static readonly Encoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding(); //... byte[] bytes = encodin...

Java - is it possible to read a file line by line, stop, and then immediately start reading bytes where I stopped?

I'm having an issue trying to parse the ascii part of a file, and once I hit the end tag, IMMEDIATELY start reading in the bytes from that point on. Everything I know in Java to read off a line or a whole word creates a buffer, which ruins any chance of getting the bytes immediately following my stop point. Is the only way to do this rea...

After reading in bytes from file, most are right except 1 is wrong and negative

In Java, I just read a file into a ByteBuffer. When I started checking to make sure that the ByteBuffer contained the right bytes, I noticed that it had mostly the correct start and end bytes, except for the 3rd byte, it has -117 instead of what emacs says should be 139 (8b in hexl-mode). What gives? Does this have something to do with B...

Buffers and bytes?

Could someone explain to me the uses of using buffers, and perhaps some simple (documented) examples of a buffer in use. Thanks. I lack much knowledge in this area of Java programming, so forgive me if I asked the question wrong. :s ...

Dynamic Byte Array in C# by Socket Programming [List<byte> does not work]

Hi to all, I'm sending to a device a request as byte array and I want to receive the anwser device gives. ... Socket deviceSocket = new Socket(server); List<byte> coming = new List<byte>(); ... deviceSocket.Receive(coming) Here the program gives error: Error 1 The best overloaded method match for 'System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Recei...

Convert an array of different value types to a byte array

This is what I've come up with so far, but it doesn't seem very optimal, any ideas on better approaches? public void ToBytes(object[] data, byte[] buffer) { byte[] obytes; int offset = 0; foreach (object obj in data) { if (obj is string) obytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(((string)obj)); ...

Designing a BitStream in C#

I'm looking at the C# library called BitStream, which allows you to write and read any number of bits to a standard C# Stream object. I noticed what seemed to me a strange design decision: When adding bits to an empty byte, the bits are added to the MSB of the byte. For example: var s = new BitStream(); s.Write(true); Debug.Assert(s.To...

String from byte array doesn't get trimmed in C#?

Hello :) I have a byte array similar to this (16 bytes): 71 77 65 72 74 79 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 I use this to convert it to a string and trim the ending spaces: ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(data).Trim(); I get the string fine, however it still has all the ending spaces. So I get something like "qwerty.........." (where d...

How to handle buffering data read from the network?

When reading data over the network, you specify a buffer to receive the data into: byte[] b = new byte[4096]; socket.Receive(b); Now my first thought is of course to reuse the receive buffer by declaring it as a member variable of the class. My next issue is that I have not received all of the data that I am expecting, so I need to bu...

Create UiImage from NSData

Below is code I copied (from this site) and modified only slightly since the original code would not compile. I want to manipulate the byte array for edge detection and eventually simple changes to colors, but first I wanted to get the basic code working. Currently, the system compiles and runs. It displays a badly drawn elephant on scre...

byte[] to ArrayList ?

Could somebody tell me how can I convert byte[] to ArrayList by using C# under Windows Mobile? Later edit: this would go like having an ArrayList containing instances of a custom type. This list goes to a database (into a blob) as a byte array (the conversion is done by the database API); What I want is to revert the byte[] to ArrayL...

how to convert byte[] to an ArrayList of Hashtables ?

Could someone please give me an example on how can I convert a byte[] to an ArrayList of Hashtables with C# ? (the byte[] represents the ArrayList of Hashtables that was previously serialized) Note: I'm running under Windows Mobile, which does not provide BinaryFormatter. ...

Good way to convert between short and bytes?

I need to take pairs of bytes in, and output shorts, and take shorts in and output pairs of bytes. Here are the functions i've devised for such a purpose: static short ToShort(short byte1, short byte2) { short number = (short)byte2; number <<= 4; number += (short)byte1; return number; } static void FromShort(short number...

convert bytes to GB in php

Hi there, I want to convert bytes to GB. value= 8587321344 So it should be 8587321344/1024/1024/1024 But whenever I go to divide, the value is wrong... If I cast it into integer, it will be limited to 2147.... Can't find any type cast to long data type... Funny enough... How to perform this calculation to show correct output... Th...

Counting Bytes sent/received over HTTP

In Java, How could the bytes sent and received over an active HTTP connection be counted? I want to display some statistics like: Bytes Sent : xxxx Kb Bytes Received : xxxx Kb Duration : hh:mm ...

Convert a hex string to a byte in Java

Let's say I have the string "1e". In Java, how can I convert it to the byte 0x1e? ...

Comparing two files

I am comparing to files by reading it into filestream and comparing byte by how can i skip whitespaces while comparing?I am using ...