
using too much static bad or good ?

i like to use static functions in c++ as a way to categorize them, like c# does. Console::WriteLine("hello") but is it good or bad ? if the functions are often used i guess it doesn't matter, but if not do they put pressure on memory ? The same goes for static const... ...

What are the differences between Generics in C# and Java... and Templates in C++?

I mostly use Java and generics are relatively new. I keep reading that Java made the wrong decision or that .NET has better implementations etc. etc. So, what are the main differences between C++, C#, Java in generics? Pros/cons of each? ...

Are there any examples where we *need* protected inheritance in C++?

While I've seen rare cases where private inheritance was needed, I've never encountered a case where protected inheritance is needed. Does someone have an example? ...

A more generic visitor pattern

I'm sorry if my question is so long and technical but I think it's so important other people will be interested about it I was looking for a way to separate clearly some softwares internals from their representation in c++ I have a generic parameter class (to be later stored in a container) that can contain any kind of value with the t...

C++ cast syntax styles

A question related to Regular cast vs. static_cast vs. dynamic_cast: What cast syntax style do you prefer in C++? C-style cast syntax: (int)foo C++-style cast syntax: static_cast<int>(foo) constructor syntax: int(foo) They may not translate to exactly the same instructions (do they?) but their effect should be the same (right?). If...

Why don't the std::fstream classes take a std::string?

This isn't a design question, really, though it may seem like it. (Well, okay, it's kind of a design question). What I'm wondering is why the C++ std::fstream classes don't take a std::string in their constructor or open methods. Everyone loves code examples so: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> int main() { ...

How can I measure CppUnit test coverage (on win32 and Unix)?

I have a very large code base that contains extensive unit tests (using CppUnit). I need to work out what percentage of the code is exercised by these tests, and (ideally) generate some sort of report that tells me on a per-library or per-file basis, how much of the code was exercised. Here's the kicker: this has to run completely unnat...

C++ STL question: allocators

I have a (potentially dumb) question about the C++ STL. When I make a container (vector, set, map, etc), is it allocated on the stack or on the heap? If I make a set and put 5 million strings, will I have to worry about a stack overflow? ...

How to read a value from the Windows registry

Given the key for some registry value (e.g. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\blah\blah\blah\foo) how can I: Safely determine that such a key exists. Programmatically (i.e. with code) get its value. I have absolutely no intention of writing anything back to the registry (for the duration of my career if I can help it). So we can skip the lecture ab...

Which, if any, C++ compilers do tail-recursion optimization?

It seems to me that it would work perfectly well to do tail-recursion optimization in both C and C++, yet while debugging I never seem to see a frame stack that indicates this optimization. That is kind of good, because the stack tells me how deep the recursion is. However, the optimization would be kind of nice as well. Do any C++ comp...

C++ Thread question - setting a value to indicate the thread has finished

Is the following safe? I am new to threading and I want to delegate a time consuming process to a separate thread in my C++ program. Using the boost libraries I have written code something like this: thrd = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&myclass::mymethod, this, &finished_flag); Where finished_flag is a boolean member of my class. Whe...

64bit Memory allocation

I've been asked to create a Delphi compatible dll in C++ to do simple 64bit memory management. The background is that the system in Delphi needs to allocate a lots of chunks of memory that would go well outside 32bit addressable space. The Delphi developer explained to me that he could not allocate memory with the Delphi commands availa...

Should I use a cross-platform GUI-toolkit or rely on the native ones?

On my side job as programmer, I am to write a program in C++ to convert audio files from/to various formats. Probably, this will involve building a simple GUI. Will it be a great effort to build seperate GUIs for Mac and Windows using Cocoa and WinForms instead of a cross-platform toolkit like Qt or GTK? (I will have to maintain a seper...

Simulating a virtual static member of a class in c++?

Is there anyway to have a sort of virtual static member in C++? For example: class BaseClass { public: BaseClass(const string& name) : _name(name) {} string GetName() const { return _name; } virtual void UseClass() = 0; private: const string _name; }; class DerivedClass : public BaseClass { ...

Detect DOM modification in Internet Explorer

I am writing a Browser Helper Object for ie7, and I need to detect DOM modification (i.e. via AJAX). So far I couldn't find any feasible solution. ...

How do I list the symbols in a .so file

How do list the symbols being exported from a .so file. If possible, I'd also like to know their source (e.g. if they are pulled in from a static library). I'm using gcc 4.0.2, if that makes a difference ...

Best practices for debugging linking errors.

When building projects in C++, I've found debugging linking errors to be tricky, especially when picking up other people's code. What strategies do people use for debugging and fixing linking errors? ...

How to declare an array of strings in C++?

I am trying to iterate over all the elements of a static array of strings in the best possible way. I want to be able to declare it on one line and easily add/remove elements from it without having to keep track of the number. Sounds really simple, doesn't it? Possible non-solutions: vector<string> v; v.push_back("abc"); b.push_back("x...

Linux: What is the best way to estimate the code & static data size of program?

I want to be able to get an estimate of how much code & static data is used by my C++ program? Is there a way to find this out by looking at the executable or object files? Or perhaps something I can do at runtime? Will objdump & readelf help? ...

looping and average in c++

Programming Student here...trying to work on a project but I'm stuck. The project is trying to find the miles per gallon per trip then at the end outputting total miles and total gallons used and averaging miles per gallon How do I loop back up to the first question after the first set of questions has been asked. Also how will I ave...