
sharepoint calendar messing up accessibility mode tab order

Hi all, on any OOB sharepoint page, if you "tab" through the page, the first tab brings up a "turn on more accessible mode" menu item. that is, except for a page with a calendar web part. Once you tab off the browser menu, the first tab item becomes the calendar web part, skipping over the menu item and all other content. I've tried ...

Convert minutes into a week to time using Java's Date and Calendar classes

Overview This is the scenario: I'm given a value which represents a portion of the total number of minutes that exist in a standard week (assuming 10,080 minutes a week and 1,440 minutes a day) starting midnight Saturday (so 0 minutes Sunday @ 12am). I need to convert this minute value into an actual time value (like 8:35am) and I wan...

How would one represent scheduled events in an RDBMS?

I have to store scheduled events, (like say class times, for example) that can be organized on a weekly, daily or monthly basis. Events can occur, say, every Monday and Wednesday, or every second Thursday of the month. Is there a way to store this information in an RDBMS that adheres to 3NF? EDIT: This is not homework; I'm building some...

SQL: Change Date and group by Fiscal Month End

I have created the following table (via UNION ALL): ID Date Hour Weight Fiscal AAA 1/27/2009 0 10 0 AAA 1/30/2009 0 20 0 AAA 2/14/2009 0 10 0 AAA 2/18/2009 0 20 0 AAA 2/27/2009 0 20 0 AAA 2/28/2009 0 20 0 AAA ...

A good Business calendar library in Java?

Does anyone knows a good business calendar library in java? It should handle easy :) date calculations, taking holidays into account. Ideally, besides configuring holidays and company off days, we should also be able to configure 'working hours' on a day basis so we can calculate SLA's and KPI's on working hours. I know something lik...

.NET Google Calendar API Sort Events by Date

I have been reading the docs and playing with different EventQuery parameters for days now. I am using C# .NET with google's .net api to get the events from a public calendar I set up. I can get the events from the api just fine but I can't get it to give me the next upcoming events by date. My calendar has mixed recurrence events wit...

Why is NSCalendarDate in the Simulator SDK but not in the iPhone SDK?

I want to use NSCalendarDate, which exists in /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator2.2.1.sdk/ System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Headers/NSCalendarDate.h but is not present anywhere under /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform What gives? ...

Best Practices for a Calendar Database Schema?

I'm a beginner with C#, ASP.NET, SQL Server Express and programming in general. I'm trying to make an online calendar (on a deadline). I'll read all the other posts that are similar to this, but for now I have a question that I hope will set me on my way. What are the steps to link a calendar to a database? Any examples of where/how thi...

Free multiple selection calendar

Hi, Does anybody know a free ASP.NET control that allow to select multiple dates ? I'd like something like the classic ASP.NET DateTime picker but with multiple selection. ...

How to hide, disable calendar list item fields in Sharepoint

I want to hide or make some fields read only on editform.aspx. I follwed the example on this page, but without deliting the "original" webpart list. I hide the original webpart and created a new custom list from the original list. Then i was able to apply xsl on the custom list to hide or to make the field "read only". Unfortunately the ...

How to connect Calendar control with existing Membership system in ASP.NET?

Hi, I have a built-in Membership system in ASP.NET and I handle member data with Profiles in web.config. I would like to add an Event Calendar where a member could add notes to any day he wants but I don't know how to integrate the Calendar control with the existing Membership system. I can't query a database because I don't handle me...

Designing reusable calendar

I'm trying to design reusable calendar with JS. I've done the easy part. Now's turn to add (display) entries in it. If I'd be on server side I would use something like classEntryBase entries = array(); func addStuff(...) { ... this.entries[year][month][day] = array(link, linkText, entryText) } func getStuff(...) { ...

python calendar.HTMLCalendar

I think I want to use pythons built in calendar module to create an HTML calendar with data. I say I think because I'll probably think of a better way, but right now it's a little personal. I don't know if this was intended to be used this way but it seems like it is a little pointless if you can't at least making the days into a <a hr...

Looking for "day view" javascript library/plugin/calendar

Hi all, Our project seeks to render calendars similar to outlook's web view (i.e. where you can view a calendar in 'day', 'week', or 'month' view). To clarify: we do not need 'date picker' functionality (i.e. used by the out-of-the-box jquery UI calendar plugin). At this point I've found jquery plugins to render a calendar in "month vi...

NSCalendar first day of week

Does anyone know if there is a way to set the first day of the week on a NSCalendar, or is there a calendar that already has Monday as the first day of the week, instead of Sunday. I'm currently working on an app that is based around a week's worth of work, and it needs to start on Monday, not Sunday. I can most likely do some work to w...

Custom PHP Event Calendar Help

Hi, I'm making a custom event calendar with PHP. I am trying to get the current day box to show up white, to let the user know that's the current day. I have all the <td> boxes with an id of row-calendar-cell and I want a way to detect that the certain box is the current day and to change the id to current-day. Any help on that? Also,...

Subclasses of java.util.Calendar available for commercial use - i.e. IslamicCalendar

Hi, I am looking for some subclasses of the Java calendar class, preferably a Hijri (Islamic) calendar implementation, but will potentially require more. Does anyone know of a library that is available for commercial use? I have found IBM's ICU library (here), however, they do not extend java.util.Calendar and instead have written thei...

WPF toolkit calendar HOWTO refresh ?

hi, howto refresh automatically (e.g. assign a DateTime in C#)? calendar.SelectedDate=dt; does not work if a user clicks on the (old) year in the control it will be refreshed. ...

Repeating "Events" (Calendar)

I'm currently working on an application that allows people to schedule "Shows" for an online radio station. I want the ability for the user to setup a repeated event, say for example:- "Manic Monday" show - Every Monday From 9-11 "Mid Month Madness" - Every Second Thursday of the Month "This months new music" - 1st of every month. Wha...

How do I calculate someone's age in Java?

I want to return an age in years as an int in a Java method. What I have now is the following where getBirthDate() returns a Date object (with the birth date ;-)): public int getAge() { long ageInMillis = new Date().getTime() - getBirthDate().getTime(); Date age = new Date(ageInMillis); return age.getYear(); } But since getYear()...