
Washed out user interface - is there any way to correct for it?

This is an interesting conundrum. We have a WPF app that has a Vista-like theme using soft pastels, Aero control templates, etc. What we've noticed is that this UI appears incredibly washed out on low quality LCDs. Is there a way to boost color saturation application-wide or are we at the mercy of bad monitors? Can we even tell, program...

What is the best tool for LCD color calibration?

As a web designer/developer/photographer... I was wondering, what is the best free all-round software based tool (on XP) for calibrating your monitor's color, brightness/contrast to the optimal settings so that your work looks as consistent as possible across OS's and monitor types? I know of Adobe Gamma, but is there a better alternativ...

Get X Y from lat lon in ozi calibrated map

I have some .map OZI calibrated maps. From those .map, I can get some calibration points (x y in the jpeg picture + lon lat in WGS84). MMPXY,1,142,142 MMPXY,2,5217,142 MMPXY,3,5217,3422 MMPXY,4,142,3422 MMPLL,1, -0.269639, 39.626293 MMPLL,2, -0.186306, 39.626293 MMPLL,3, -0.186306, 39.584626 MMPLL,4, -0.269639, 39.584626 With ...

iPhone Accelerometer calibration

How do I properly calibrate the accelerometer for my iPhone game? Currently, when the phone is on a flat surface, the paddle drifts to the left. High or Low Pass filters are not an acceptable solution as I need complete control over the paddle even at low & high values. I know Apple has the BubbleLevel sample but I find it difficult to f...

cvUndistort2 () and cvRemap () crash

Hi! I was doing example 11-1 of "Learning OpenCV" by Bradski. Unfortunately the given example doesn't work on my computer. The program is supposed to calibrate camera using chessboard and then output undistorted video output from the camera. The calibration part works fine, the problem arises when the program tries to undistort the i...

Software to Tune/Calibrate Properties for Heuristic Algorithms

Today I read that there is a software called WinCalibra (scroll a bit down) which can take a text file with properties as input. This program can then optimize the input properties based on the output values of your algorithm. See this paper or the user documentation for more information (see link above; sadly doc is a zipped exe). Do ...

Automatic camera calibration

From Wikipedia, camera resectioning is the process of finding the true parameters of the camera that produced a given photograph or video. Camera resectioning is also known as geometric camera calibration. Currently I am using Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab for my camera calibration. The toolbox returns calibration parameters suc...

Why are there 3 conflicting OpenCV camera calibration formulas?

I'm having a problem with OpenCV's various parameterization of coordinates used for camera calibration purposes. The problem is that three different sources of information on image distortion formulae apparently give three non-equivalent description of the parameters and equations involved: (1) In their book "Learning OpenCV…" Bradski ...

Accelerometer & Calibration - iPhone SDK

Hello everyone, I need to use the functionality of an accelerometer in my iphone game. I just have to move an image by tilting the device. However most videos on youtube just show the tilt feature that is somehow inverted and forget to include the calibration. I want the user to calibrate their device to whatever position they're in. Do...

Color consistency between Photoshop, iPhone Simulator, and iPhone

I've been working a lot with Photoshop .psd files recently and have been bouncing back and forth a lot to ensure colors look just right on the iPhone. Can anyone offer some tips on calibrating macbook/apple cinema displays in regards to keeping color consistency between Photoshop, the iPhone simulator, and physical iPhones? ...

How to calibrate altitude depending on position above sea level?

I'm building a simple altimeter app and I want to be able to calibrate the altitude depending on where I am located above sea level. So at the moment I am at 300m but I want to be able calibrate that so it says 0m, and make my location "sea level". How would I implement the calibration? MainView.h import import import @inter...

How can I calibrate the accelerometer?

I'm using the accelerometer to move an object on my screen. It's only working when the iphone is flat. If I use the iPhone in another position, the object is not moving like I want (the Y axis is not well managed). So, I've to calibrate the position of the accelerometer, I guess. But I've no idea how to do this. Please help me. Thank...