
CakePHP strange behavior with beforeFilter: I cannot set the variables to the view.

Okay, this will require some setup: I'm working on a method of using nice post title "slugs" in the URL's of my cakePHP powered blog. For example: /blog/post-title-here instead of /blog/view_post/123. Since I'm obviously not going to write a new method for every post, I'm trying to be slick and use CakePHP callbacks to emulate the beh...

How to Check whether the function is called for the last time in PHP

Hello, I Want to check whether a function is called for the last time. Consider the following sample code, function foo(){ if( this is the last call ) { echo 'this is the last call of this function'; } } foo(); // should not print foo(); // should not print foo(); // since this is the last call, it should print In ...

Issue in calling WCF Service that calls another WCF Service

We have a requirement to call a WCF service from another WCF Service. To test this I build a sample console application to display a simple string. The setup is: Console App -> WCF Service 1 -> WCF Service 2 Console App calls a method of service 1 and the service 1 method eventually calls service 2 method to return a string. I am able to...

Creating a System Call in Linux

We just got a midterm project today for my "operating systems" course, we are requested to implement a system call (and I guess I assume we'll have to write a piece of code to call it). I understand I'll need to update the table of the system calls (can't remember the name, but no biggie), as well as create a kernel module that the tabl...

Is it possible to get incoming call data to application in Android

Hi All, I would like to know if we can get Incoming call data to the application in Android. I will be using this incoming call data to record the call or for the purpose of call streaming from my application. I read Audio manager and Telephony manager class provided by Android , but I could get an API which can give the data of incom...

Color(int, int, int) vs Color(float, float, float) ambiguous call

How can I resolve the ambiguous call between these two in C++? Color(int, int, int) Color(float, float, float) It is both ambiguous when the values are hardcoded i.e. Color(1, 2, 3) and when they are variables Color(r, g, b). Why wouldn't the compiler resolve according to data type? In variable form? EDIT: Sorry, too much C++ makes me...

How can I call one method in two activities?

I'm developing an Android project , the main activity well call a method(Ptime.GetDate) which will change a global variable (output) then this activity will print this variable public class calendar extends main_menu { int i=0; /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle sav...

Why do I get an ambiguous error when calling a Constructor inside of the same class in Java?

I can't figure out why i'm getting an ambiguous error. This is a sample code of what I have: public class MyString{ //Data: private char[] theString; //constructors: public MyString(){ // default constructor } public MyString(String s){ // parameterized constructor } public MyString(char[] s){ // paramete...

call php script from oracle trigger

Question is following: I have an oracle trigger after row insert. From trigger, I want to call a php script and pass just inserted row fields as parameters. Insert is coming from very old legacy application with a very little chance of looking at the source code. Rows are inserted frequently, could be batches of ~1000 rows at a time or ...

Recording Call help needed

I am trying out the record outgoing call using mic written this code but not working, i tested the code for simple audio record it works fine, I am not sure when to start media record i putted start in broadcast receiver may be problem is there. Here Audiorecoder is another class is created where i have implemented MediaRecoder public ...

Calling an executable's function code

I have the location/offset of a particular function present inside an executable. Would it be possible to call such a function (while suppressing the CRT's execution of the executable's entry point, hopefully) ? ...

how is google able to provide free calls to US/CANADA from gmail?

Hello, Could anyone help me understand how the server/PBX mechanics would work for Google free calls trough gmail. Do they host hundreds of phone lines across the country and link them with VoIP. To they have a central location and preferred pricing from the telecoms. Basically, I would like to replicate part of this functionality for a...

Make a call from iPhone application without quitting.

Hi, Is it possible to make a call from application with out quitting application in iOS 4? ...

Is there a way to call external functions from xaml?

Is there any way to call methods of external objects (for example resource objects) directly from xaml? I mean something like this: <Grid xmlns:dm="clr-namespace:MyNameSpace;assembly=MyAssembly"> <Grid.Resources> <dm:TimeSource x:Key="timesource1"/> </Grid.Resources> <Button Click="timesource_updade">Update time</But...

how do I read data from a control array in C#

I have the following trackbar controls which I have added to a tabpage 'tab1': TrackBar[] tbs = new TrackBar[nooftbsneeded]; // Add TrackBars TrackBar tbx = new TrackBar(); tbx.Location = new Point(28, 150 + (i * 200)); tbx.Size = new Size(686, 45); ...

code or tutorial for how to make call from iphone application without quitting the application in iphone 4

Hi, How can i make a call from iphone application with out quitting the application in iphone 4? ...

Java asynchronous method call

I have already one thread that has to do following work: public class DetectionHandler extends TimerTask { @Override public void run() { bluetoothAddresses = BluetoothModule.scanAddresses(); wiFiAddresses = WiFiModule.scanAddresses(); ...//when scanning is finished, continue work } I would like that scanning to be parallel. So I assu...

How do sites that use a phone dialer work?

Sites like -- what service is it using to make the phone calls? Just a google voice widget and he uses his own number? I'm curious. ...

Mysql: How to call sql script file from other sql script file?

Suppose I have wrote script Table_ABC.sql which creates table ABC. I have created many such scripts for each of required tables. Now i want to write a script that call all of these script files in a sequence so basically I want another script file createTables.sql. Mysql provides option to execute a script file from "mysql" shell applica...

How does javascript eval handle 'this'

I ran tests in Firefox 3.6.11, if that matters, and eval misbehaves in the context of call and apply. It somehow jumps over the current 'this' object. Why? dojo.provide("yal-js.tests.javascript"); function evaltest () { var dis=this; // it works now... returns 2 on call and apply return eval("(function() {return this.testVa...