
jquery two ajax call asynchrounsly in not working...

Hi all, I am developed an web application in In this application I have used jquery ajax for some pages. In this application, when I make two ajax call asynchrounoulsy that would not do as I expceted. what is happening is even the second ajax call finishes i can see the result when the maximum time out ajax call finished. I mean...

Call a Subroutine from a different Module in VBA

Can I call a function from one Module to another? I wrote the following: Sub MAIN() Call IDLE End Sub "Main" is located in "Module1". "IDLE" is located in "Module2". (defined as: "Sub IDLE()") Thanks. can this be done? ...

javascript - How to pass an argument in a function call?

function rp_marcadesmarcaFarm(valor) { FM_log(3, "marcadesmarcaFarm called = "+valor); for (i = 0; i < farmList.length; i++) { var arr = farmList[i].split("|"); var xy = arr[0].split(","); var fvillageId = xy2id(parseInt(xy[0]), parseInt(xy[1])); GM_setValue("farmAtivada_"+suffix...

C# call interface method within class

interface ILol { void LOL(); } class Rofl : ILol { void ILol.LOL() { GlobalLOLHandler.RaiseROFLCOPTER(this); } public Rofl() { //Is there shorter way of writing this or i is there "other" problem with implementation?? (this as ILol).LOL(); } } ...

Call to a phone number through iPhone App

Hi iPhone developers, I want to add a feature in my iPhone app, the are: call to a phone number in my app play a recorded mp3 voice to that number after call end, relaunch the previous app I know I have to use following code snipt for dialing to a number XXXXXX: [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"tel:X...

Passing an array as a function parameter in JavaScript

Hi all, i'd like to call a function using an array as a parameters: var x = [ 'p0', 'p1', 'p2' ]; call_me ( x[0], x[1], x[2] ); // i don't like it function call_me (param0, param1, param2 ) { // ... } Is there a better way of passing the contents of x into call_me()? Ps. I can't change the signature of call_me(), nor the way x...

How do I call a webservice in the Application_Exit event

Hi, I have learnt from a lot of sources that it is not possible to call a webservice in the Applicaton_Exit function. I basically want to do a DB update to stop a dispatcher timer with the current timer value when the user closes the browser. How can I achieve this? I am using Silverlight 3.0. Regards, Syed Nadeem. ...

PHP: How To Call Standard Library Functions

Hi, I'm starting with PHP for dynamic web pages. I have some libaries written in ANSI C for getting/setting parameters and other proprietary stuff. I wonder, is there a simple solution to use a wrapper inside PHP to call this funtions? Is there a already existing class/library? What would be the best practice to do this on my own? I don...

Searching user throug wild card in Cisco Unified Communication manager

Hi, I am trying to search users using wildcards. For example if i give sam, i should get all users preceded by sam. In Cisco Unified call manager they have suggested to Enable "Allow wildcard" checkbox. But i am not able to find this check box and not able to search using wildcards. Any suggestions from CUCM experts?? Thanks in advance...

How do I get state of a outgoing call in android phone?

hi all. I noticed in the class TelephonyManager there are CALL_STATE_IDLE, CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK adn CALL_STATE_RINGING. They seem to be used for incoming calls. What I actually want to do is to be notified when an outgoing call is made, is received, or timed out. How to do that? ...

Call javascript from objective-c, only works with system functions like alert() etc / phonegap

hi havent found the solution yet in the forum. i want to call a function i created in the index.html via a objective-c function. As explained in stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString so the network detection doesnt work for me the function gets called but no javascript is called in the index.html here is the code i use - (void)up...

C -Segmentation fault !

It seems at least weird to me... The program runs normally.But after I call the enter() function for the 4th time,there is a segmentation fault!I would appreciate any help. With the following function enter() I wanna add user commands' datas to a list. [Some part of the code is already posted on another question of me, but I think I s...

How to build boost foreach cycle

Hi guys! I have some abstract class called IClass (has pure virtual function). There are some classes which inherit IClass: CFirst, CSecond. I want to add objects of classes which inherit into boost::ptr_vector: class IClass { virtual void someFunc() = 0; }; class CFirst : public IClass { }; class CSecond : public IClass { }; boost::pt...

Python - Calling a non python program from python?

Hi, I am currently struggling to call a non python program from a python script. I have a ~1000 files that when passed through this C++ program will generate ~1000 outputs. Each output file must have a distinct name. The command I wish to run is of the form: program_name -input -output -o1 -o2 -o3 To date I have tried: import os ...

executing service (openoffice headless) in chroot is slow

I created an ubuntu chroot environment (using debootstrap) and started openoffice as a service to convert files using unoconv. It works but it spends about 20s to do conversions which are below 1s outside chroot jail. Stracing it I can see that this extra time is spent in some socket operations whose timeout expires, the same operations ...

Log call information whenever there is a phone call.

Hi, I have written the android application and I want the application to send the call information whenever there is an incoming call and it ends. This way I would be sending all calls to the server irrespective of size of the call log. Here is the code public class PhoneInfo extends BroadcastReceiver { private int incoming_call =...

Calling a function of en external javascript file

Hello. In general... How can I make a call on a function of an external javascript file? More specific... In the head tag i have <script type="text/javascript" src="JScript/FontSize.js"></script> The external javascript file, (that i would like to call) FontSize.js contains the following functions. function checkCookie() funct...

Call a KeyDown Event

All I need is to be able to click a button and have it do the KeyDown event for Enter, I've tired doing KeyDownCheck(13); and similar things, and I can get into the KeyDown event, but I can't get it to recognize that I want Enter, and it doesn't go to any specific key. All Enter does is call another function, but when I try to call the ...

I want to retrieve some information based on Caller ID

Hello, my friend has a Real Estate company that receives a lot of phone calls everyday. He wants to have a solution such that when somebody call to his company, the operator sees all the information about the person who is calling based on the database he have right now and the caller ID. Is there a ready made software or solution tha...

iPhone - how to be notified of call completion

Hi- I'm developing an application that needs to take action on completed phone calls, preferably right after the call ends but minimally once per day. I've read up on the new CoreTelphony framework, and it seems I can get call events if my app is active, but I don't see how to launch/wake my app when a call ends if my app is not the for...