
Samsung i7500 Galaxy - speakers, calling problem after listening music

I've been listening music on my Samsung i7500 Galaxy with headset plugged to the device. After listening I've plugged headset out and now while I call to somebody I see there is a call on the device screen, but either me, either person whom I am calling to, doesn't hear the other person. While I plug headset again I can hear everything (...

How can I call a function from a dll ? (C/C++)

How could I call a function from a DLL ? I tried to declare a void pointer and to store in it the result of GetProcAddress... but didn't work. I also wanted to declare an unsigned long int ( I saw it somewhere on the internet ), but then I didn't know how to continue on. :D So, would anybody mind giving me a hand ? ...

Is it possible to detect an incoming call to a GSM modem (HUAWEI E160) plugged into the USB port?

Ideally I'd like to find a library for Python. All I need is the caller number, I do not need to answer the call. ...

constructor function's object literal returns toString() method but no other method

I'm very confused with javascript methods defined in objects and the "this" keyword. In the below example, the toString() method is invoked when Mammal object instantiated: function Mammal(name){; this.toString = function(){ return '[Mammal "''"]'; } } var someAnimal = new Mammal('Mr. Biggles'); alert...

Call Another Source File

I'm building a program(in 16-Bits) using Assembly(nasm as the assembler), but as I love to have things organized in different source files. Let's think I have 2 sources, one called main.asm and another one called source2.asm, but I want to call the source1.asm content in the middle of main.asm. How could I do this? ...

MySqlCommand call function

I am using the MySQL Connector. using (MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection("...")) { connection.Open(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(); command.Connection = connection; command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.CommandText = "FN_NEW"; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("P_SES...

How to get javascript call trace of a webpage

Can someone tell me how I can get a call trace between different javascripts? Suppose I have an html page that loads some javascript files, which in turn may load other javascript files from the server. Is there a way that I can trace which js page is loaded from what other js pages? I've used google chrome speed tracer extension, and...

Call a java class from perl

Hi folks, I would like to call a java class from perl. I usually use the java class from command line to do some processing like java com.something.some and now, I need to call it from inside a perl script. Could you let me know how I can do it? Thanks,J ...

asynchronous UI design with calling webservice

Hello, i am writing web application in Flex (SDK 3.5). my program sends web service calls asynchronically to the server that gives me data. I want to handle a case when the user sends a few requests before the answers to the previous requests were answered. In such a case i want to give the UI only the last request answer. It is similar ...

Is this a valid jquery callback function call?

I executing a function like this, <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { getEntities("Clients/GetClients", 0, formatClientsResult); var maxvalues = $("#HfId").val(); $(".pager").pagination(maxvalues, { callback: getEntities("Clients/GetClients", formatClientsResult), ...

fake call app in android

Should I generate some kind of a call from my phone to my phone? (I don't want to show a static image that looks like an incoming call screen :( ) ...

Calling Methods from seperate usercontrols in the same form

I really had no idea what to title this question. Assume I have a windows form application. The GUI is complex enough to require two custom user controls, "LeftSide" and "Rightside" which each are composed from various buttons, labels, and maybe even another custom user control. My question: I am in in the scope of the "Rightside" con...

Django calling a function that returns a value doesn't work

Hello I;m having a problem in calling a function that returns a result, from another function To make it clear, my functiona are: def calculate_questions_vote(request): useranswer = Answer.objects.filter (answer_by = request.user) positive_votes = VoteUpAnswer.objects.filter(answer = useranswer) negative_votes = VoteDownAns...

how can I get the ip address of the request in a regested function of python xmlrpc server

I'm writing a simple xmlrpc programe in python. something like the following: def foo(data): # I want get the calling client's IP address here... How can I ? server=SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer((host, port)) server.register_function(foo) server.handle_request() As can be seen in the above, I want to get the client I...

How can i use the getter/setter of a Call-Method from Example Code in MailComposer

Hey everyone i have a question regarding the call-methods handling in object-c. I downloaded the apple sample code for the mail composer ( When the user touches the "Compose Mail"-Button in the sample-code the Methode -(void)displayComposerShee...

Can you block incoming traffic with an Android app?

Is it posible that Android would allow an app to block a phone call, email and or SMS from coming through to the device? e.g. User opens app and sets it to block all incoming info for 2 hours. App blocks all email, SMS and calls for 2 hours. ...

Navigating Java call stack in Eclipse

In debuggers like gdb, when you are stopped at a breakpoint, you can easily move up the call stack and examine the relevant source and stack frame data. How do you do this in Eclipse? ...

How make Response.Redirect inside a Asynchronous call method - c#

I have a try-catch inside a method that is called asynchronously. When an error occurs, inside the catch I have a Response.Redirect because I need to redirect to the login page. This is my issue. But my problem doesn't involve things that expire, so the idea of a timer isn't the best way to resolve it. ...

Is it possible to remotely call methods on another computer through AIDL (Android Interface Definition Language)?

I am curious whether the AIDL only serves for inter-process communication between several Android apps on the same device, or AIDL provides much wider functionality. Let's say I have a Java application running on some server, is it possible to remotely call methods on that server through AIDL from an Android phone? If yes, do I need som...

calling class from an external module causes NameError, in IDLE it works fine

i have the following code in a module called class Entry(): def enter_data(self): self.title = input('enter a title: ') print('enter the code, press ctrl-d to end: ') self.code = sys.stdin.readlines() self.tags = input('enter tags: ') def save_data(self): with open('entry...