
Is it better to use HTML5 & Canvas or CSS3(background image) & jquery to make a slideshow?

I'm making a slideshow and the images won't be static, they'll be pulled in dynamically through an array and finally it will look like this: What i'm wondering is, what is more CPU friendly, CSS3 & jQuery making transitions fade simply by changing the CSS class of the div that will fill the screen, or, Canvas with drawn on it refre...

What does it mean to "preconcat" a matrix in Android?

In reviewing: I'm wondering translate(): "preconcat the current matrix with the specified translation" -- what does this mean? I can't find a good definition of "preconcat" anywhere on the internet! The only place I can find it is in the Android Source - I'm starting ...

Getting started with canvas (HTML5)

I want to do some user interaction animations with HTML5 canvas, but I don't know where to start. Are there some articles or lecture about canvas? Edit: not just online lecture, I'm also interested in physical books. ...

Element point map for html5 canvas element, need algorithm

I'm currently working on a pure html 5 canvas implementation of the "flying tag cloud sphere", which many of you have undoubtedly seen as a flash object in some pages. The tags are drawn fine, and the performance is satisfactory, but there's one thing in the canvas element that's kind of breaking this idea: you can't identify the object...

Can ggplot2 work with R's canvas backend

Having installed canvas from here I try to plot: > canvas('test.js') > qplot(rnorm(100), geom='histogram') stat_bin: binwidth defaulted to range/30. Use 'binwidth = x' to adjust this. Error in"L_setviewport", pvp, TRUE) : Non-finite location and/or size for viewport > ...

Is it possible to post to Facebook application Wall via JavaScript?

I have a Canvas Facebook app embedded via an iframe. I would like to include a feedback link which would encourage the user to leave a comment that would be added to the Application wall - this comment would open like a standard FB modal window. Is there anyway to post to to the Application Wall directly via JS? Everything I have found s...

An html5 canvas element in the background of my page?

Is it possible to have a full screen canvas element in the background of a webpage and "normal" markup elements like a table in front of it? like the following snippet (if it wouldn't be used as alternative content): <canvas id=&#34;imageView&#34; width=100%; height=100%;> <table>...</table> </canvas> ...

HTML5 move Canvas object

Hi, I have 2 canvas created on the same canvas. Is it possible to drag the small black one around? I want to make it draggable but I can not find any online tutorial or demo on this. Is it possible? I had looked to Canvas moveTo or transitions but I was unable to make it work. The code is here var ctx = d...

Javascript scrolling, XHTML Doctype, IE6 - IE8 and a coronary

I've been working for hours on this and I can't figure it out. I've got a setup that pulls some coordinate data into javascript and parses it into an interactive map (using canvas {and excanvas for IE6 users}) on the browser for the user. Everything is working fine except for one problem: when hovering on the map after scrolling down th...

How can I convert an HTML element to a canvas element?

It would be incredibly useful to be able to temporarily convert a regular ol' element into a canvas. For example, say I have a styled div that I want to flip. I want to dynamically create a canvas, "render" the HTMLElement into the canvas, hide the original element, and animate the canvas. Can it be done? ...

What are the frameworks for creating HTML5 <canvas> applications?

Yesterday I ran across the jcotton framework for creating canvas applications and I was wondering what the state of the art is. Do other such frameworks exist? If so what are their [dis]advantages? ...

Why Won't the WebSocket.onmessage Event Fire?

Hey guys, After toying around with this for hours, I simply cannot find a solution. I'm working on a WebSocket server using "node.js" for a canvas based online game I'm developing. My game can connect to the server just fine, it accepts the handshake and can even send messages to the server. However, when the server responds to the clie...

Pixel Perfect Collision Detection in HTML5 Canvas

Hi, I want to check a collision between two Sprites in HTML5 canvas. So for the sake of the discussion, let's assume that both sprites are IMG objects and a collision means that the alpha channel is not 0. Now both of these sprites can have a rotation around the object's center but no other transformation in case this makes this any e...

Best way to detect that HTML5 <canvas> is not supported

The standard way to deal with situations where the browser does not support the HTML5 <canvas> tag is to embed some fallback content, usually a polite version (and sometimes a less polite version) of <canvas>Your browser sucks</canvas> But the rest of the page remains the same, which may be inappropriate or misleading. I'd like some w...

Looking for a visualization and charting package

I have some specific requirements, with the most important at the top: Can plot line and stacked bar charts Can customize mouse events (hover, click) on chart data Compatible and performant with IE7/8 (likely will use excanvas.js) Can optionally control label formats, legends, colors Open source preferred, or at least can purchase the...

Javascript phsyics in a 2d space

So, I am working on teaching myself Canvas (HTML5) and have most of a simple game engine coded up. It is a 2d representation of a space scene (planets, stars, celestial bodies, etc). My default "Sprite" class has a frame listener like such: "baseClass" contains a function that allows inheritance and applies "a" to "this.a". So, "var aTe...

How do I skew the text generated by fillText() for the canvas tag in HTML5?

How do I skew the text generated by fillText() for the canvas tag in HTML5? Would it be done the same way as MozTransform, webkitTransform, oTransform, transform, etc.? ...

Drawing text to <canvas> with @font-face does not work at the first time

Hi all, First try the test case please: I'm not good at English, so I made the test case to be self-explanatory. On the first click to the DRAW button, it will not draw text, or will draw with an incorrect typeface instead of the specified "PressStart", according to your browser....

HTML5 Canvas: How to make a loading spinner by rotating the image in degrees?

I am making a loading spinner with html5 canvas. I have my graphic on the canvas but when i rotate it the image rotates off the canvas. How do I tell it to spin the graphic on its center point? <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Canvas test</title> <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = function() { var drawingCan... canvas server control

I was wondering if anyone has come up with an server tag for the HTML5 canvas? I was thinking of something where I could declaritively define paths, curves; etc in the aspx markup, and the control would deliver the js to do this (perhaps with support for browser detection, and delivery of an emulation script for IE browsers.) ...