
HTML5: write text on canvas

Is it possible to write text on HTML5 canvas? I've googled for that, found some workaround but no good description... Please advise, thanks! ...

How to hide the only the title bar and not the soft keys in j2ME

How can I hide the title bar (and also the midlet icon) and not the softkeys in j2me midlets? I am creating a midlet which make use of a canvas.the full screen mode hides both titles and soft keys. any ideas? ...

Why does my timing code always return 0?

hi guys , i was optimizing my html5 game engine for performance issues and i want to know how much time a render process needs.So i got a bunch of render functions.Each of them render seperated parts of the game.. such as blocks , players etc. function gameRender() { var d1 = new Date(); var firstTime = d1.getTime(); // ren...

Display, Edit and Save PDF's in the Browser using PDF

I am trying to create an interface to allow easy editing of PDFs like VuePDF in an application I am building. This is not core to the application and will only be used by the admin. I was wondering if there was a per-built stack for editing PDFs in the browser window? Basically the admin user needs to black-out private data, like names...

Make canvas fill the whole page

How can I make canvas be 100% in width and height of the page? ...

How would one make this shape in an HTML5 canvas?

Hello, I'm wonder how you would go about and create a shape similar to this one below in HTML5 Canvas. It's more or less a cropped circle I guess, though my need would render it a synch different. context.fillStyle = "#000"; context.beginPath(); context.arc(200,200,100,0,Math.PI*2,true); context.closePath(); context.fill(); Now to c...

[DELPHI] Canvas/Bitmap scrolling question

Hello. I'm trying to make a small game based on the canvas in Delphi. Basically, I'd like to make a fairly large bitmap ( 3000x3000, for example ), then load it into the canvas, and being able to scroll right/left/up/down just like an ordinary image viewer, however I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. Any ideas? ...

Determining the dimensions of an image drawn on a canvas and when the mouse is over the image.

I've got an animation on my canvas where I have some images (drawn using drawImage()). For the sake of simplicity, let's say there's only two images. These images are following a circular path in faux-3d space such that sometimes one image overlaps the other and other times the second image overlaps the first. These images are also sca...

how to make a tmemo and Tedit with a transparent background?

how to make a tmemo and Tedit with a transparent background? or add image background on it's canvas. that workable in both Delphi7 up ...

How to select shape on canvas in Android

Whats the best way to create a dart board game on Android. Is it possible to determine where a dart hit and in which area it is using a canvas or do I need to use a diffenrent approach? Edit Sorry I dont think I have explained my problem very well. In svg in html5 I can create a dart board using shapes and assign an id to each shape. ...

Which technology would you use for Physics Simulations SVG or Canvas?

I'm starting a new project converting physics simulations(created in Adobe Director) to a more current platform namely html5 canvas or SVG. I would like to avoid Flash for a few reasons. I'm looking for recommendations and reasons why either canvas or SVG would fit this project best. I have read that SVG is better for interactivity which...

scrollviewer and canvas - scrolling view to given position

Hi I have some problems with implementing autoscrolling in WPF (I think I could call it that way). I have a canvas placed inside a scrollviwer. On my canvas I can dynamicly add different shapes. The position of this shapes can be changed with mouse. Everytime I add new shape on canvas or change position of shape I fire measureOverride fu...

WPF: How do I access the rendered dimensions of a Path in XAML?

I am trying to overlay text content on top of a region described by a Path. The Path is in a Viewbox wrapped Canvas so that it can scale to any size. The TextBlock is in a Canvas wrapped Grid that is trying to use the Path dimensions to determine the placement of the text block. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Canvas xmlns="...

How to increase Canvas size in Android?

Is there anyway to increase Canvas size more then my screen size in Android? Like if my screen size is 320 x 480 I want to increase my canvas size 3 times bigger then that. ...

Javascript HTML5 Capture keyCode and write to Canvas

I'm writing an application in which I need to simulate a textarea. The only way I know how to approach it is to capture the keyCode on a key event. How would one go about taking that keyCode and, supporting utf-8, apply that to the canvas? Cheers ...

HTML5 Canvas ImageData assignment acting weird

I can't figure out why this isn't working. I draw an image onto a canvas, use getImageData, manipulate the pixels and then store that array of pixels for later. When I'm ready to draw those pixels later, I use createImageData on another, identically sized canvas, set the resulting ImageData object's data property to the array of pixels...

Using Canvas Tag in Opera 9.5 Mobile on Windows Mobile 6.1 Treo 800w

Is it possible to use the tag to capture an electronic signature using a stylus? I have an example that works on Desktop Opera, however it fails on windows mobile version of opera. when I tap on the canvas area Opera simply "zooms" the screen. here is my html Canvas Paint - Example 5 Drawing tool:...

Canvas or what?

I'm making a social networking site, and it will have a 'group map' which shows all the groups with their importance with lines connecting them all. Here is an example of what I am aiming out. The problem is I don't know whether to use a HTML5 canvas or something else. The problem with a canvas, though, is the IE compatibility issues....

Need help using this function to destroy an item on canvas using javascript.

Hi All, I have the following piece of code written using mootools and mootools canvas library. CANVAS.init({ canvasElement : 'canvas', interactive : true }); var itemlayer = CANVAS.layers.add({ id : 'items' }); for(var j = 0; j < 5; j++) { for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { itemlayer.add({ id : 'item-'+i + '-' + j, x ...

Working with canvas

Hi everyone !! I am able to draw a signature on my canvas. Now after that I want to save this signature as an image which can be used later. I am unable to implement an onClicklistener on this canvas. Also I am unclear as to how this signature can be stored as an image. Please suggest? ...