
Multiple webs on a server using capistrano

Is there any way to configure Capistrano for deploying many webs on a server? I would like to have a project on port 80 an other project on port 1000 and manage each one with different dbs. ...

How to deploy resque workers in production?

The GitHub guys recently released their background processing app which uses Redis: I have it working locally, but I'm struggling to get it working in production. Has anyone got a: Capistrano recipe to deploy workers (control number of workers, restarting ...

Automate deployment of files to Amazon S3?

I have a Rails project that I will be deploying to the spectacularly awesome Heroku. I would really like to be able to automate pushing my resources to Amazon S3 automatically, resources in this case being my images, stylesheets and javascript. Obviously I can write some sort of capistrano task to do this myself, but does anyone know ...

Don't know how to build task 'gems:install'

hi all I am deploying my rails app to a linux server and i have some of the rake tasks missing inlcuding rake gems:install and rake db I am running rails 2.3.4 from GEM. Does anyone know why this is? How do i fix this ? can i update some how ? thanks alot richard moss ...

How to use a Rails environment variable in Capistrano deploy script?

If I have a constant in my Rails environment.rb, for example... SOME_CONSTANT = 3 Is it possible to access this in my capistrano deploy.rb somehow? It seems simple but I can't figure out how. ...

Capistrano custom task fails because "Rails requires RubyGems >= 1.3.2"

My custom capistrano task "app:sample" fails with the following error message: mnylen ilmo-on-rails $ cap app:sample * executing `app:sample' * executing "export RAILS_ENV=production; cd /home/mnylen/ilmo-on-rails/current; ruby script/coursegen 10" servers: [""] * establishing connection to gateway `melkinpaasi.cs.he...

css files not loading after capistrano deploy

Hey Guys, I have noticed that after I do a deploy via capistrano, the static css files dont seem to be loading, this is true when I specially specify <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'resume',:cache => true %> removing the :cache => true solves the problem, but I would like to know why that option is causing a problem in the first case, and s...

Capistrano not restarting

Capistrano is deploying cold, deploying updates and uploading the symlink fine. It will not however restart. I notice that permission is denied on the /script/process/reaper file. I have found a suggestion implying the file needs updated permissions. Does anyone have experience with this? Macintosh-5:barcoden fogonthedowns$ cap deploy...

Capistrano Hates Gemspecs

I'm deploying a rails app on Slicehost using Capistrano. Part of the process of deployment involves rebuilding a gem and installing it. Deploying the code to the server via git scm works fine, but for some reason when I try and do a... run 'gem build /my/app/folder/my.gemspec' ... in a separate task in deploy.rb, it all goes bboom. I...

Is there a Perl or Lua alternative to Capistrano?

For a number of web-applications I need something like Capistrano to automate deployment. I know Capistrano can be used to deploy non-ruby applications but I'm not familiar with Ruby, so I expect writing deployment configurations can be a bit of a pain. So I was wondering, are there any alternatives to Capistrano written in either Perl ...

deployment problem on Ruby on Rails

Hi when do the cap deploy for my Ruby on Rails application. i faced the following error. cap deploy * executing `deploy' * executing `deploy:update' ** transaction: start * executing `deploy:update_code' executing locally: "svn info -rHEAD" svn: /usr/local/lib/libldap_r-2.4....

capistrano error on cached-copy

I am receiving the following error when running a cap deploy:update failed: "sh -c 'if [ -d /home/deployer/apps/all_bout_texas/shared/cached-copy ]; then cd /home/deployer/apps/all_bout_texas/shared/cached-copy && git fetch -q origin && git reset -q --hard 2350e98662e7fe00d526ff5f69460beb868a978a && git clean -q -d -x -f; else git clone...

Have Capistrano Insert Password From Prompt Into Environment.rb File

I am using Action Mailer and have my configuration settings for Action Mailer in my environment.rb file. I would like to post my project in a public repository along with an environment.rb file, but I do not want to include my mail server's login information. How does one configure Capistrano's deploy.rb so that it prompts the user for t...

How do I start Thinking Sphinx delayed delta rake task from deploy script?

Hi I have Thinking Sphinx setup and working however I am having a problem getting the Delayed Job rake tasks to start during deployment. I have the following task in deploy.rb which appears to execute, however the delayed jobs are not processed - they stack up until I run rake ts:dd from the server command line: namespace :thinkingsp...

Capistrano: deploy.rb file refactoring

I have following code in my deploy.rb namespace :app do desc "copies the configuration frile from ~/shared/config/*.yml to ~/config" task :copy_config_files,:roles => :app do run "cp -fv #{deploy_to}/shared/config/hoptoad.rb #{release_path}/config/initializers" run "cp -fv #{deploy_to}/shared/config/app_config.yml #{release_...

Your radiant deployment recipe.

Are you using Radiant CMS? If yes, what is you deployment strategy? Since lot's of configuration is stored in the database, I need to overwrite db on the server with my development db (with capistrano it is not a problem). But this will work only if I am the only one who updates the website. And what if customer in a meanwhile has crea...

capistrano deployment with use_sudo=true - permissions problem

i am trying to do a deployment with capistrano to newly installed Ubuntu server i am deploying to directory /var/www, owned by root, so i need to set use_sudo to true while i execute commands with run "#{try_sudo} command" without problem, svn checkout doesn't work with sudo prefix i try set :deploy_via, :export and it throws Can'...

Capistrano and Git, Ruining my life. "Unable to resolve revision for [HEAD] on repository ..."

Hey All, I searched all of the relevant Capistrano issues, but couldn't find something that even elucidated anything here for me. git version Capistrano v2.5.10 Basically, when I run my cap deploy.rb script, it connects to the server, starts executing the deploy:update task, then in the deploy:update_code task: *** [...

Run another task within capify and specify host

EDIT: rephrasing the question Say you have two tasks. The first one determines a host name dynamically, and wants to invoke the second class only on that host. task :first_task do host_name = ... second_task, :hosts => hostname end task :second_task do run "some stuff" end As far as I can tell passing in :hosts doesn't work....

How do I configure capistrano to use my rvm version of Ruby

Does anybody know how I can tell capistrano to use my default rvm version of ruby for on the server I am pushing to. It insists on using the system version. Is it even possible? ...