
Capistrano is removing the latest deploy

I'm having a weird problem. I do a deploy and then the dir that just got uploaded is then deleted by the cleanup task. I haven't deployed to this site in well over a month but I didn't change the deploy recipe. Any ideas? Here's the output. ...

Rakefile not getting deployed with capistrano

I am getting this error when deploying with capistrano: executing "cd /opt/my_app/dev/releases/20100103021722; rake RAILS_ENV=staging db:migrate" servers: [""] [] executing command ** [out ::] rake aborted! ** [out ::] ** [out ::] No Rakefile found (looking for: rake...

unable to deploy using Capistrano

I've been struggling on this rails app for the past week and a half – any help would be appreciated. Im running from a windows machine [vista]..using: latest rails to date [jan 2. 2010], capistrano 2.5.10, subversive plugin, TortoiseSVN I've so far:- created the remote repository, created ssh keys, edited the TortoiseSVN config file. N...

capistrano put() and upload() both failing

With capistrano, I am deploying a Rails application from Mac OS X 10.5 to CentOS 5.2 Note that deploy.rb and the server environment have not changed in over a year. There is a task within our deploy.rb file called upload: put( file ),"#{shared_path}/#{filename}", :via => :scp) This fails each and every time with the follow...

capistrano command is failing silently without any feedback

I am trying to create a capistrano task to setup my log rotation file. namespace :app do task :setup_log_rotation,:roles => :app do rotate_script = %Q{#{shared_path}/log/#{stage}.log { daily rotate #{ENV['days'] || 7} size #{ENV['size'] || "5M"} compress create 640 #{user} #{ENV['group'] || user} ...

SASS files management in Git version control system in Ruby on Rails

I'm using SASS files in Rails development. And I wonder if I should gitignore generated CSS files. The problem with adding CSS files in Git is that they are simply redundant. SASS files at public/stylesheets/sass are the files I need. So I have the following lines in gitignore: # public/stylesheets/*.css But if I do this, when I pus...

What is :scm_verbose on capistrano?

I searched on capistrano documentation but I didn't find. ...

De-capistrano a rails app?

I've inherited a rails site that I need to deploy (quickly!) to our webhost, which is a standard *nix shared server that uses FastCGI for rails apps. I've worked with rails sites on multiple occasions in the past but wouldn't consider myself an expert by any stretch. This particular app was developed using capistrano, with which I've g...

Version Control and Deploy Rails Project with cPanel

In my server, what option i got is a basic unlimited server can host unlimited rails project possible to manage gem because it is using cpanel latest version with a ssh now my confuse is , how can i use the no ssh feature in the cpanel and ease my deployment ? i don't know is that possible to use the capistrano and git with it any guid...

Can a specify a particular server on the capistrano command line?

I just tried to run cap deploy:setup on the command line, but it wanted it to run on just one particular server instead of them all. Is there a way to run a task on just one server from the command line, or do I have to define it that way in the deploy.rb file? ...

Deploy to only one role / server with capistrano

I'm trying to set up multiple roles, one for live, and another for dev. They look like this: role :live, "" role :dev, "" When I run cap deploy, however, it executes for both servers. I've tried the following and it always executes on both. cap deploy live cap ROLE=live deploy What am I missing? I know I ...

Capistrano cannot find SVN client

I have an SVN client locally and on the Solaris production server, and they are in my path, so when I type svn somethng the command is found (my PC and Solaris). This is the error: C:\dev\apps>cap deploy:migrations * executing `deploy:migrations' * executing `deploy:update_code' executing locally: "svn info

Capistrano - clean up old releases

Usually when using capistrano, I will go and manually delete old releases from a deployed application. I understand that you can run 'cap deploy:cleanup' but that still leaves 5 releases. Is this it's intended purpose? Is there another way to cleanup old releases to just 1 previous deploy? Thanks, Josh ...

convert rails plugin with rake tasks and capistrano recipes into gem

I want to convert rails plugin into gem. Is there any way to make gem to auto add rake tasks and capistrano recipes when mentioned in environment.rb using config.gem command? ...

Mongrel: Can't resolve dns after cap deploy

I've got rails app I'm working on locally and uses geokit to talk to google and geocode addresses. I run the development environment using script/server (which runs mongrel_rails) on port :3000. Everything works just fine. Now, I've setup a staging environment and cap deploy that to a diff directory on localhost via ssh. The deploy work...

How to handle one-off deployment tasks with capistrano?

I am currently trying to automate the deployment process of our rails app as much as possible, so that a clean build on the CI server can trigger an automated deployment on a test server. But I have run into a bit of a snag with the following scenario: I have added the friendly_id gem to the application. There's a migration that creates...

How do you set the user from the command line in capistrano?

The following doesn't run as user bar, as I would expect. cap invoke COMMAND="cat foo" SUDO=1 -S user=bar I also tried cap invoke COMMAND="cat foo" SUDO=1 -s user=bar Is there some way to force capistrano to use a specific user from the cammand line? ...

Capistrano configuration

I'm having some issues with variable scope with the capistrano-ext gem's multistage module. I currently have, in config/deploy/staging.rb. set(:settings) { YAML.load_file("config/deploy.yml")['staging'] } set :repository, settings["repository"] set :deploy_to, settings["deploy_to"] set :branch, settings["branch"] set :domain, ...

log doesn't work in production with delayed job

I'm suffering some weird issue where my delayed_jobs are failing in production. Finally I narrowed it down to the logger. If I comment out my log function calls, everything works. However if I try to log, I get this in the delayed_job handler: --- !ruby/struct:Delayed::PerformableMethod object: AR:User:1 method: :load_and_update_wi...

Capistrano Trouble From Git

I am new to using git and Capistrano. I have setup everything else on my server and pushed my app onto a git repo ( When I go to run cap deploy:cold everything seems to be working until it tries to rake the db. Below is what I get when I run it, this is the last bunch of information I recieve a...