
How can I simulate the browser back button in Capybara?

We have a issue on our e-commerce site where users occasionally hit "checkout" twice and have their card charged twice. It's a common enough bug and easy to fix, but I'd like to test the solution in our capybara setup. Once I've called click_button('checkout'), is it possible for me to pretend I'm a user hitting the browsers back button...

Rails, Cucumber: external redirection to another domain

I have cucumber feature ... Given I am on my domain page When I press "send data to external domain" Then I should be on the externel domain page ... In production and development enviroments "My domain page" ( redirects user to "external domain page" ( But in test enviroment c...

capybara/selenium woe

Hi there, I'm attempting to set up a js cucumber environment in a rails3 app with capybara on osx10.6. I've tried using culerity with rvm jruby and rvm 1.8.7 and 1.9.2 but got various errors: `initialize': Valid types are [:development, :runtime], not nil Having read that this is potentially something to do with RUBYOPT and bundler I ...

Capybara+Selenium not finding FB-Connect link/button

I have the following snippet in my html displaying a FB-Connect link: <fb:login-button id="mylogin" onlogin="try { window.location.href = "http://localhost:3000/"; } catch (e) { alert('RJS error:\n\n' + e.toString()); alert('window.location.href = \"http://localhost:3000/\";'); throw e }"></fb:login-button> That works fine when manual...

How can I open multiple concurrent sessions with cucumber, capybara, and selenium?

I'm fixing up some old integration tests for our (RoR 2.3.5) website, and some scenarios (and their behaviors) depend on having multiple users logged in simultaneously. Once upon a time, these worked... three engineers and 18 months ago. Our basic scenarios are written in cucumber, with capybara binding to selenium. I've tried all of t...

Using cucumber with staging database without truncation and transactions

We have a Ruby on Rails 2.3.8 project, where data are almost exclusively read only. We would like to write acceptance tests which use staging database (copy of the production database) So we do not want to use transactions or truncation of the database tables before or after features and scenarios. Is it possible? ...

Using rspec with Webrat instead of Capybara

Hello everyone, I have been using rspec with webrat and decided to add cucumber for high level tests. After installing cucumber with capybara, for some reason rspec also switched to using it. Is there a way to tell rspec to continue using webrat ? ...

Cucumber/Capybara test no longer run in Rails 3 project.

Do the latest versions of these gems not work with each other any more? It appears that something may have gotten out of whack in my bundle. undefined local variable or method `node' for #<Capybara::Driver::RackTest::Node:0x103e19390> (NameError) ./features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:35 ./features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:14:in ...

Issues with using subdomains with Cucumber/Capybara

I have successfully added the ability to use dynamic subdomains within my application. The issue is that when I run my Cucumber tests, I receive the following error when my application performs a redirect_to which contains a subdomain: features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:27 the scheme http does not accept registry part: test_url.exam...

Does Capybara require JRuby?

I'm building a Rails 3 app. I'm trying to learn Cucumber with Capybara. Do I need JRuby to run Capybara via Cucumber? I've used Webrat, but many people seem to be using Capybara, so I'd love to try. I don't need JavaScript testing right away, but I want to install Capybara if I need in the end. I read and read the Capybara document...

How can I test JQuery UI Sortable with Cucumber

I'm tryting to write a cucumber/capybara test to reorder some items and then save them back. Any thoughts on how to best do this? ...