
Best Demo .NET Application For Showing to Potential Employers?

Hello, I am about to write a demo .NET application that I can add to my resume and show to potential employers. I have been out of software development for a while and thought that this route would be a good one for showing my capabilities. (as well as for building upon my capabilities!) I plan to write a desktop application. So...

What is your programming career-planning for the future?

Do you still see yourself programming in the next 20 years? Who is the oldest developer you know? ...

Pharmacological enhancement for job performance

Here's an interesting editorial from the New York Times. I don't think I've ever heard of a coder that uses Provigil or Adderall, but I'd be interested in stories if anyone has them. ...

mid-career transitions from a business to a technical role

I'm a business guy teaching myself some programming for two reasons: 1) I'm the only non-coder at a small software company; the only person who can't get under the hood in some useful fashion. I'd like to feel more empowered to help and I want to be better able to explain and debate our technical decisions. 2) I'm getting hooked on p...

Are MCTS certifications worth the bother?

The question is pretty simple - could MCTS certifications make a difference in my professional career? I am studying for exam 70-536, the book is painful but pretty straightforward (I went through the book twice - now I am doing it for the third time on the new edition supposed to be better) but the test simulation is brutal - you easil...

recruiting problems for a one-man company

Expanding upon, my uncle runs a one-man software company that was once the software departement of an general IT company. He writes applications using Delphi and Delphi for PHP. His strength is that he has alot of domain specific knowledge in regards to the a...

How Do I Know When I Am Skilled Enough To Get A C#/.NET Job?

Here's the core question: What do I need to be able to know and do to get a .NET software development position? I have been out of the software development career field since 2004, having worked for the government for about 6 months after graduating from college with a degree in computer science. I did well in college, very well, I ...

How to make your IT Resume/CV stand out?

How do you make your resume or CV stand out? Because for computer programmers, a long list of fluent programming languages will no doubt, be common. How to make yours unique and stand out? ...

Progression past a Project Manager?

I'm a junior developer looking at possible career progressions. I generally see two career tracks, the technical and non-technical sides. Technical Track: Junior Developer -> Middle Developer -> Senior Developer -> Team Lead -> "Architect" role. Non-Technical: Middle/Senior Developer or Strong Business Background -> Project Manager ...

Applying for an internship while not meeting all the requirements?

I'd like to apply for an internship this summer but one of the requirements is working on obtaining a computer science degree, I'm currently getting a telecommunications degree. When I talked to someone from the company at our schools career fair they said not being a cs major was not a problem. How do I address the fact that I'm not a c...

Which Development Practice Helps You the Most?

There are a lot of software development practices and processes out there today: automated unit testing, refactoring, code reviews, design patterns, test-driven design, domain-driven design, XP, agile, and so on. My question for you guys is simple: which practices and processes have had the most profound impact on your development, and...

Administering the Joel test

I'm sure most of us know about the joel test by now. I've got an interview with a company that claims to score a 12 on the Joel test. I see it this way: if I were to put something on my resume, I would expect to be quizzed on it by my interviewer. Thus, I think that it's fair for me to verify that they implement all 12 portions of th...

How to justify the cost of attending development conference?

What is the training need and what is the business value to justify a developer's conference? Hello Everyone, I have attended many conferences over the years. My first was VBITS in 1995. Wow did it help. My Boss saw the improvement right away. I like to go to one every other year or so. But the benefit is not as measurable as that first...

Is staying employed as a programmer completely luck?

Is staying employed as a programmer completely luck? Backstory For example, your employer decides to have you work with technology X for 5 years. While happily developing expertise in technology X, a new technology, let's call it technology Y, has now become the hot thing during that time. Your employer inevitably terminates your em...

Are we in demand?

I was made redundant in the end of November. This wasn't because I lacked required skills (although I'm a youngster and in career levels a junior dev - though I knew a lot more than was called for in my job). Anyway, I was laid off due to the whole recession/credit crunch thing going on. I worked for a small company and money got tight ...

Software Security Engineer

Is there a career path out there or its part of our job to find out security holes and such? And If there is, what path do you suggest a person who wants to become one? If there isn't, what experiences you can tell about security issues? (major or minor) ...

Specializing in C#, Java, or both?

I recently got a junior developer job and am still an undergrad in college. I am new to Java and have some experience with C/C++. I started learning Java on the job and was able to accomplish much quickly in 2 months. Now my company has me working on C#/.NET apps... Questions: Should I be specializing in Java since there are more job...

Switching languages = entry level job?

I am trying to switch programming languages. I have ten years experience with the full SDLC. I have been able to get about 1 year experience with C# ASP.NET. With all my other responsibilities for my current job, it would take 4 years to get 2 more years C# ASP.NET experience. So I also need to switch jobs. How does one find an entry le...

Should I learn what the market wants, or what I think is cool?

A little subjective question here, but here goes. I'm not a great programmer, by any means - I admit this freely. I dabble in .NET but haven't really used it in a while, so I know little more than the basics. I live in an area that is entirely .NET centric and everything else is pretty much unknown. I've been looking at learning Ruby...

Have recruitment agencies ever held back your career?

Over the last few months i have been looking to change career from graphic artist to web developer. I used to be a senior web developer during the dot com boom, overseeing a few juniors but decided to follow graphics a little more and left software behind as a career. Now it seems looking for a new career in web development, i need 'n' ...