
Where to put a personal software project on a resume

I'm working on updating my resume and I would like to put a software project I have been working on for a while on the resume. Is there a common practice for where it must go on the resume? Normally I just put things in chronological order, so it would seem logical to put that at the top because I'm working on it at the same time as my ...

What are the signs of talent in programming

If you are a thriving/budding programmer, what are the signs that you may have a gift/talent? For example, in snooker (or billiards as you guys in the USA call it) a sign of talent is that you can play with both hands, make the white do all sorts of things with a lot of cue power and spin. In programming, what would be the equivalent s...

How can I get a computer programming job with a liberal arts degree?

Hey everyone, I have completed a college degree in a major that was essentially pre-med, but now I'm interested in working as a computer programmer. Since I have minimal experience in programming, I realize that I have to (1) learn programming and (2) prove that I'm qualified for an entry-level job. I'm considering these options: getti...

Dilemma transition from architecure to Information technology

Hi my graduate degree discipline is architecture (pertaining to buildings not computer or information networks).However i fell in love with computers and technology in college and bagged a job in this MNC wherein i was a Database Admnistrator. My role demanded me to test various new products an ddeploy them at client locations.I loved t...

Any advice for a software developer turned project manager, who wants to go back to software development?

Three years ago I transitioned to a software project manager, after being a software developer for 8 years. Although my projects have been delivered on-time and on-budget, being a PM is really not what gets me out of bed in the morning. Is there any advice that you could share to make the transition back to a developer. I tried speaki...

How do you know it is time to start looking for another job?

Inspired by this thread, I would like to turn the question around a little. How do you know it is time to start looking for another job? Duplicate and related questions: When is it the right time to quit? Is it time for me to make a career change? What would motivate you to change jobs? Is now a good time to change jobs? D...

What was your final year CS project?

As per title, I would love to hear from anyone willing to share their experience working on their CS FYP. Was it academic/proof-of concept or did it have real world applications? Did it become bigger or was it shelved after you graduated? How did working on the project contribute to your skills/experience/future career? Which would y...

Contract work at Microsoft for older workers?

Can anyone provide a description of what an older new contractor at Microsoft may expect in terms of career growth? I'm guessing that there's an implicit bias toward full time recruitment of college level or junior/younger workers, with older full time hires being primarily marquee names like Don Box. Surely some people get converted t...

Can starting your career as a tester make you a better developer?

I have a degree in software development but found a job as a tester, I feel like testing has made me a better developer (before I'm even a developer). I have noticed that the applications I make for myself, friends, and family, have become better and more stable since working as a tester. I think it's a good way to start a development ...

Would you hire a C /Java programmer for a C++ role?

If you have a position where C++ experience is essential, would you consider someone who has little C++ experience but is experienced in both C and Java? ...

What was your first programming job?

What was your first full time programming job? What did you do? What did you learn? Did you enjoy it? How long did you stay? Sorry for all the sub-questions, but lately I've been thinking about what I'm going to do when I get my degree, and I am interested to know your opinions and experiences. ...

To what extent does having some examples of projects help when getting your foot in the door?

My parents say when I graduated in 2006 I should have applied and got a job (junior level) straight away. However, instead I spent some time to develop some software (nothing too complex at the time), which I used to my benefit in interviews. When getting your foot in the door, to what extent can spending some time out and writing code...

How can I transition my career away from Microsoft/c# oriented?

I'm mostly happy working in my c# job, but when I browse job listings (particularly startups), it seems that the positions I personally find to be most interesting require lots of experience with a linux stack, c++, and python. I coded in c++ for a few years (it was my first programming language), but that was nearly a decade ago. The jo...

What is the point in general aptitude tests in programming?

Are aptitude tests any sign of one's ability to program? I did one which was "designed" to answer whether or not I am able to work with computers and I failed. However, I've had a programming job and I coped with the demands on me without any problem. This test was things like "if P is on top of Q, but O is below Q and above X, etc etc...

Python as your main language. Possible?

I am currently attending college and the languages that I will 'know' by graduation are C++ and Java. That being said, i am also in the process of teaching myself Python. I know that every programming language has its own pros and cons, but would it be possible to become a python developer out of school? I always have more 'fun' programm...

Is programming training worth it?

Is programming training worth it? In my job search I have come across a company called They charge about $19000 to train you and help place you in .NET positions. They claim to have a hundred percent placement rate. They gave me an online test, and I was told I tested in the top 7% of the programming portion, so I kind...

How do you ensure continuity when you move on to another company?

With all the news of layoffs, developers may ask themselves, "I feel like I personally contribute a lot to this company, but I'd like to make sure it does as well as possible when I move on to greener pastures". In my last job, I had setup, maintained, and shared a number of useful tools for myself, like automated builds and source code...

How do you keep the passion for programming if you have done it for ages or achieved it all?

I was talking to my dad about careers and he said that you may be passionate about IT right now, but when you work for a long time you will lose that passion and see your job as a means to earning money and no longer a hobby. He also went on to say he really enjoyed programming but lost that passion. My dad got a degree in computer scie...

How to be effective as a part-time programmer?

After working hard and saving money for a decade+, I "retired" to be a stay-at-home dad. I'm trying to live modestly, to make the money last, but it will run out. Returning to work full-time would be a shame, and I don't need that much money anyway. I'd like to work part-time. I've always found my productivity as a programmer scales w...

Mobile Computing vs Web Graphics?

Hi, I have given an option to choose an elective in my PG study. Which one i choose and why? "Mobile Computing" or "Web Graphics" ? Apart from my interest What will be the Career Scope for the above electives? ...