
After being an OCA

Hi, After getting an OCA certificate from ORACLE, what should we opt next: the Advance PL/SQL or the Oracle Forms? Can we do both? How much its recognized in the industry? ...

Dealing with co-workers who don't use best practices if you're the "new guy"

I'm just wondering how you recommend to tackle working with other developers who don't follow best practices, especially when you are new to the team and job. Ideally you would find this out beforehand and not accept the job, I suppose, but sometimes you don't have that luxury and have to deal with the situation. My "people skills" are...

Moving from IT to programming/development?

I graduated with a BS in CS around the time of the tech stock crash. Unable to find a programming job in the flooded market, I went into IT. Here it is, ten years later, and I am ready to take aggressive steps for getting into the career I want. Unlike other questions here, I have not had the option to program in a work situation. I don'...

What should be learned right now to keep skills updated?

Occasionally I'll run across a developer who is unemployed and says their skills are "out-dated." These are usually COBOL developers or people who never have touched an OO language. So, I'm not concerned right now. While I do play with mini side projects at home, tinker with different designs for enterprise apps, write a technical blog,...

As a junior dev what parts of .NET should I focus on?

Although I have around 4 years experience working in IT, I really have one year of experience 4 times; I'm trying to change this and find a nice junior developer job in a company that values it's appdev department. I know .NET but my skills are self-taught (I picked up a few books on VB.NET at first and then slowly started to learn C#, ...

How long would you stay on a loooong project?

Imagine that you're working on some huge application, probably building it from scratch, as a part of the team. Maybe it is some sort of CRM package or people management software - anything that is big and complex. Just the development process may take 2-3 years. Then, after the product is launched, you'll be dealing with maintaining it...

Career change from programming to...

I've always loved programming, but the tedium gets old. Design and abstractions are what really float my programmatic boat the most. I'd much rather design and endlessly refactor a beautiful API than actually finish and use it, for example. Five months ago I left a position as Lead Developer at a dotcom, started a non-tech business, but...

How to learn C++ as a C# programmer?

I've spent the past several years coding in .NET (C# mostly and some VB.NET) in a enterprise consulting environment. there are a lot of job opportunities with such a skill set, especially in the corporate environment. However, these roles are typically not very technical. Put it another way, these roles are unlikely to be from product co...

Somewhere to get inspiration - Pair up the creative with the tech

I am a somewhat green developer; some work experience, last year of school. As most of you, I am constantly working on an assortment of personal projects. Since my mind often has a somewhat drifting characteristic; I am not always able to keep the projects in check. After some time they all exhibit the moral fiber of Vikings, harlots and...

Windows Forms / Winforms C# development - what should I do?

I am trying to get a new contract/job and virtually everything out there (UK) seems to equate .NET with ASP.NET - and that's not me. Sorry if this seems a little rambling but I really am wondering "What next?" I'm a Window Forms developer, used to doing the whole thing from design through to delivery/support. I've a VB background (but...

How to deal with a "show making" interviewer?

After applying for a job as a .NET Developer, and after the guys at the company which I was applying to join got interested in my resume, they scheduled an interview, just like a very normal hiring process. The different thing here is, the interviewer was really showing off on me today. He kept asking questions about some advanced C++ ...

How to go about building reputation in .NET circle?

I am planning to write .NET articles, start a forum and add blogs to build reputation and contacts within the .NET community. I have incorporated a business and have a company website. I am skeptical of blogging under the company name as I would rather not have my employer know about it. Some options I can think of: Publish on the comp...

How do you continue your development

How do fellow SO's continue their technical development within in their careers – do people find it more helpful to go on courses, books, pet projects, or none? I feel I should be doing more apart from going on courses and reading the odd articles and programming books. If so what has your best experience been for continuing your deve...

What does Software Engineer in Test do?

Some good software companies like Microsoft or Google look for Software Engineers in testing positions. They expect excellent coding skills in C++ / Java (pick one) + some scripting languages and CS degree. Is this a position for software developer or just re-branded QA ? I'm a software developer and I like refactoring, mocking and unit-...

What career path should I take?

I have a decent experience with C++. I am a new linux user...just started with shellscripting. Besides this I am thinking of studing java (due to its platform independence). I am too confused about what to do, as the demand is changing too rapidly. I would like some help with what I should study. I am not interested in application deve...

Is Front-End Development a Practical Career Choice?

From what I've seen, the salaries/contract rates for front-end developers aren't too bad, but certainly aren't glamorous. Is front-end development a practical career path? At the moment I'm working as a front-end web developer for a well-known company, so it's a good name to have on the resume, but I have a feeling I might be on the wr...

Teammember over-estimating abilities. How to help him grow?

What is the best way to help a somewhat stubborn unskilled team member gain some insight and grow as a programmer? One of our network administrators has had a long standing desire to take his hobby java programming to a new level. He hasn't been happy with his current job, so being the altruistic guy that he is, our Boss decided to give...

health informatics as a career path

What IT skills are necessary to work in health informatics? Does one need experience in a healthcare field like nursing or medical insurance? Is the field more populated by healthcare professionals who have added IT skills or by IT pros who have healthcare experience? What are the common job roles? What technologies should one focus on?...

Is project management the only path when you reach your 30s?

As the question states, can you realistically (outside of large software firms like Google, Microsoft, IBM) be an "architect" or similar when you reach your 30s? Is project management the only natural career step after developer? ...

Microsoft vs Java Career

If you could choose between becoming an expert in Microsoft or Java, which one would you choose and on what grounds? Does one of the two have a better future? Will you earn more in one of the two? Is one of the two better and faster in developing solutions? Do they both have the same possibilities in Cloud Computing? And do you have...