
How does a programmer be creative?

Right now, I have a deadline for a video game and they are asking me an idea for a storyline. Back in college, I used to breeze through this tasks and for me this is very very easy. Now that I'm been programming for many years now, I would like to return to that state. How do programmers like you go to into a creative state? Thanks. ...

What do I do with my career considering recession everywhere and dislike for my current job?

I work for a very good company and my salary is very competitive considering my less experience and pay structure followed in my country - India. I have 2 years of full time experience. In addition to that I did 2 internships, 6 months each, 1 in my company using C++ and the other in a very good semiconductor company on ETL development ...

Workin with a proprietary framework concealing underlying technology: does it bring any career-related value or is just a lost time?

I've been thinking recently about what I do daily at work. We're working with ASP.NET and WebForms. The most of the activities include using already implemented functionality of the wrapper (or framework). I almost never come across technology things, meaning ASP.NET techniques, HTML/CSS etc. The framework was designed long before I came...

With an average education and little experience, how I do I distinguish myself?

After graduating with a degree in Computer Science last December, I just landed my first programming job. I’d like to take advantage of this excellent community to get some career advice. Right now, I’m working on some pretty dull housekeeping software. As a novice, I’m still learning a good deal at work right now. Consequentially, I...

New to web development. Skip WebForms and start with MVC?

I'm an experienced desktop client developer in FoxPro, and I've started learning C# in VS2008 for object oriented programming. At this point, I've never worked on web-based data access apps. In moving to .NET, I want to learn web-based programming rather than desktop client-based, and my focus will be conventional Line Of Business apps. ...

Masters Degree with Experience. Would you hire me with a postgrad degree?

I'm looking to see how detrimental a postgrad degree can be to future career options. Sorry for the long read: I'm currently in the final year of my undergrad computer science degree. I've done one year in industry at one of the worlds most well known technology consultancies as part of an Industrial placement scheme while from Universi...

Most Marketable Web Development Skill

I recently quit my job. It felt like it was time to move on, and I had been offered another opportunity anyways. However this opportunity is only for this coming summer and after that I am going to need to find another job. I will possibly be looking for a job in the web development space, however my web dev skills are a bit out of date....

How important is French when working in France coding Java?

I am looking into the possibility of working in IT in France - I currently work remotely for a UK company, but live in France, and speak French reasonably well (my native language is English). The problem I have is that I have no technical French, and am wondering how important French is, working in IT in France (Java programming specif...

How do you attract programmers in rural areas?

I run a software development group for a very small, but stable and established company in a small town, somewhat outside of the "big city". Unfortunately, the "programmer" labor pool is much smaller due to the size of the city. There are many positives to working in this area, especially in terms of quality of life (particularly for p...

How does a C++ developer shine in C# job applications

I have enjoyed a long career in C++ development, across several sectors and am now at a senior level. I am thinking of moving on from my current employer. However, the world seems to have moved on. Two years ago I saw a 50/50 split in C++ vs C# roles, today it's more like 20/80 in C#'s favour. Do any SOers have advice on how to m...

When do you put a programming language on your resume?

I have a handful of side projects that use various programming languages. My job doesn't really warrant the use of those languages in a professional capacity, but I can still get useful stuff done in a variety of languages. I only really feel comfortable putting the language I'm strongest with on my resume, but I don't think that's eno...

How do you become a freelance developer?

I have been a developer for 10+ years now working for various companies; I have 5+ years of .NET and ASP.NET experience. What I want to do is break away and become my own boss. Ideally I want this to lead into owning my own company. Where do I start? Has anyone done this recently? Do you have any tips? ...

Do you put languages you don't like on your resume/CV?

Inspired by When do you put a programming language on your resume?, but I'm looking for a slightly different answer. I started off my career in web development, but have since moved away from that area. So, I have extensive experience in both web and non-web lanuages that I don't particularly like, such as PHP, ASP, Pascal, VB, etc. Now...

Does open source look impressive on a resume?

Simple as the title suggests. I'm about to start looking at jobs again, but I really want to see what I can do with open source first. I'm not sure if it's worth my time... What I want to know is, of you who are employers, when you see "open source experience" on a CV, on a scale of 1 to 10 lets say, how impressive does this look? Clea...

Should I pursue a Masters after 10 yrs in IT?

Hi, I have around 10 yrs in IT, mostly java and recently SOA, working for a large enterprise in India. I feel it is not challenging enough and want to do more.I have a masters in computer science from India, but i feel i don't have enough depth. I want to do a full-time MS from Europe. Everyone says its too late and instead do MBA, but I...

Does a Programmer's Salary Vary Depending On Language?

Hi, I am not nor have I ever worked in industry as I am a university student atm. I have heard in certain places that Java and PHP programmers get paid less than say C# or other programmers. The correlation in my mind seems to be that the verbose languages pay less, this may not be the case but when you compare C# to Java, the former is...

Continue with job or go for Masters

I work in a company where PL/SQL is the ONLY language used for coding. We also use a bit of Oracle forms and reports for front end. They tend to force us to get more domain knowledge (financial) rather than work on improving our programming skills. I am also working in support. I have worked for almost 8 months now and the programming ...

Graduate Student: Advice on what to do now?

I am graduating this year with a 'good' degree in computer science. I hope to be successful by staying motivated and commited to learning and future education, I am very much committed to that because I love what I do. I have been working a lot in the Rich User Experience area to my diversify my skill set. My question is.. What advise...

SAP Certification during recession to enhance career?

I have completed MCA (Master of Computer Applications) last year. Now working as a Jr. .Net Programmer in a small IT company. But I am not satisfied with my current position. I want something better than this. My educational record is good. But I haven't faced a single interview in last 5 months. So there is no hope to get a better oppo...

Software vs Network Engineer (Salary, Difficulty, Learning, Happiness)

What are your thoughts on being a Software Engineer vs a Network Engineer? I've been on the software field for almost 10 years now and although I still have a great deal of fun (and challenges), I am starting to think it could be better on the "other" side. Not to degrade network engineers (i know there are many great ones out there),...