
How can social networking sites make you a better developer?

I am giving a keynote at Devscovery tomorrow at 9am. The title is "Social Networking for Developers." It's 90 minutes long and I don't want to waste anyone's time. Everyone I talk to who uses Twitter, Blogs, StackOverflow, etc, says that these sites make them "better developers." However, few are able to qualify HOW and fewer are able ...

Shortage of programmers?

There is a New York Times article about Google complaining about a lack of qualified US programmers even in this economic downturn: They elaborate on how one of the immigrant programmers there was able to solve problems that local ones couldn't: Enter Mr. Mavinkurve, who float...

How to keep a programmer from going insane in a managerial role?

I'm an ex-developer with 5 years development experience who now finds that I have been in a middle-management position for 2 years and counting, deep in the bowels of a large company, with no opportunity to do technical work on a locked down computer. I'm sure there are other programmers who have moved into a management position, found ...

Tips for working with/moving to a new team

I have been working at my current company for almost two years. Recently the team I'm in has neared completion of a project and as what the future holds for us is up in the air some of us have been assigned to work with another team (but still have responsibilities with our team - meetings, maintenance, etc). I was wondering if anyone...

What has your experience been breaking into the field of software development?

A friend is contemplating pursuing a career in software development and has asked me, I just wanted to know if there are jobs in this field. I didn't know how easy it would be for me to get into the field once I complete the classes. What do you think? Please describe your experience/perception on breaking into the field at the ea...

Software developer in a manufacturing company: growth ?

Being the lone-developer of the 3-men IT team in a manufacturing plant of a large, international and very vertical company for two years, all of my projects are relatively simple, one-man projects, from production data webcharts to EDI interfaces to client applications that interact with PLCs and other hardware. Since we are a plant, a...

As a Java developer what should I be expected to know?

With the constant updating of technologies surrounding Java, as a Java developer what is the base knowledge you should be expected to have? Should a Java developer know EJB3, Spring, Hibernate etc? ...

How should I appropriately cite open source/side project experience on my resume?

In a nutshell I want to cite open-source and/or side project work on my resume (either in chronological or functional format), as I currently work as an engineer that performs primarily maintenance and support on applications built with legacy technologies and want to really highlight my "peripheral" experience with more current framewor...

What is the career value in learning ColdFusion?

ColdFusion is a language I encounter rather infrequently, however it does turn up from time to time either in job adverts or as .cfm file extensions in URLs. There are possible job opportunities near to where I plan to live for ColdFusion developers. It might be in my interests to have a look at ColdFusion. ColdFusion appears, to me, t...

How to find niche companies to work for

I'm a programmer specialized in a couple of non-mainstream fields. Think signal processing, DSP, assembler coding, low level graphics, embeddeed systems and so on. I'm currently looking out for a new employer, and from my experience it's easy to get a job if you manage to find a company that is working in the fields. They're always hap...

Is LinkedIn Useful to Programmers Looking for Work?

How should i create my profile on linkedin? I am in need of a job, have no post secondary education and never worked as a professional programmer before. Although I have been programming outside of school for 5 years. ...

Should we be focused on one technology stack or work with multiple "competing" technologies?

Lately I've been hearing many ideas that a good developer should venture into multiple technologies to keep being of value on the currently bad looking job market. Although I in general agree to that I fail to see how it is possible. Note: I do not talk about adjacent things. For example, for .NET world that would be WinForms, ASP.NET ...

How important is PhD research topic to getting a job?

EDIT: This has been closed and I realise that I may not have been specific enough with the original title. I ask two questions here: The general one (Does a PhD help get a job?) which has been asked elsewhere, and the specific one (Is it possible to get work outside of the specific research field?). Assume I've already decided going to ...

Which job? C or ASP.NET/C#?

Hello, I've got two jobs offerings - C programmer (for middle-sized company) and ASP.NET/C# programmer (for starup company). Salary is the same. Which one would you choose and why? I mean what would be better for future carrer, for future job-hunting, etc. I've been learning java for some months and would like to work as a java develop...

job offer dilemma

Hi, I started a new Java job just over a month ago and it hasn't been going well. The main problems are: Quality of source code is disgraceful No automated build/tests There is resistance to change/improvement and a severe case of "not invented here" All the experienced team members work in a remote office, which makes knowledge trans...

How did you make the jump from administrator to programmer?

If you've moved to a career in programming from a systems or network administration background how did you pull it off? Did you start over from scratch with an entry level position or take on programming responsibilities while still doing admin work? ...

What programming language offers the best salaries?

I keep having discussions about this topic and I want the input of the community. As far as I've heard, .NET is the current leader in $/hr or $/project ranking. How does .NET rank against Java or J2EE? ...

Three most critical programming concepts

I know this has probably been asked in one form or fashion, but I wanted to pose it once again within the context of my situation (and probably others here at Stack Overflow). I made a career change to Software Engineering some time ago without having an undergraduate degree or graduate degree in Computer Science. I've supplemented my ...

Advice on garnering the Microsoft MVP Award

Most Valuable Professional (MVP) is an award presented by Microsoft. Microsoft MVPs are exceptional technical community leaders from around the world who have been awarded for voluntarily providing technical expertise towards technical communities supporting Microsoft products or technologies. An MVP is awarded for contributions over t...

Does Team Lead experience in one field / industry make it difficult to move to different field?

I have just been named team lead at my company-- I'll have two people reporting to me, but still doing software development. My specialty is in hardware automation and desktop software, but I would like to get into a role in a company doing ASP.NET, SaaS, or things like that. My question is to hiring managers: Would my experience as ...