
Which professional route should I take: C#.NET or Java Enterprise

I'm about to start work for a large tech consultancy (first job out of university) and I'm being offered a one month intensive training course in either Java EE or C#.NET. I have no idea which one I should go with; this could potentially shape my career. I like both languages and have similar experience with each. Although, I hate ASP.N...

Advice on cold calling for jobs

I've been looking for a new job lately, since COBOL really isn't why I got into this industry. The popular job sites don't seem to be listing anything, and I haven't really found anyone with jobs listed on their site, so I'm considering going another route - cold calling (well, cold emailing). I was some listings from a few months ago ...

How does a working programmer with a non-CS degree get to work for a really good software company?

'My friend' currently works an internal software job working on CRUD apps, but aspires to more. He has a degree in a non-computer science engineering discipline from a very good university, but no actual qualifications in computer science. He is desperate to go and work for a really good software company where he might actually get to w...

Is my job harmful to my career?

I'm about to start work at a large software consultancy mainly doing C# and Java. These apps are all aimed at end users such as payroll clerks etc. I really want to work in systems level software and tools such as drivers, compilers, kernels etc. Does the job I have now make me less likely to get a job doing what I want as what I'm doing...

ActionScript vs C#?

What (if any) are the major differences in the work environment, type of projects, type of thinking, pay, and general day to day working differences based on your experience? RE: Apples vs Oranges (this is exactly why I asked) ...

Is being rehired by a company a bad career move?

I've done this once, and it left sort of a bad taste in my mouth. Specifically, because in many ways I was treated like a new hire, but in other ways I was expected to use my previous knowledge to maintain legacy systems. I'm curious about other people's experiences, especially details specific to software development. Also, for you i...

Should I focus on Web or Mobile applications

Hi Guys, I have about a year's experience in building c#/ applications thanks to a year's intern-ship program. I have enjoyed it very well, but I want to focus on something else. Currently I am torn between focusing my efforts on either mobile apps for the Android platform or web apps using ruby on rails. I do not want to do bo...

As a C++/C# developer, is there a good reason to learn another kind of language?

Hi, I am programming with C++ and C# for over 3 years. Currently I'm having a good control over these language (and the .net platform) and I am getting pretty professional with them. The problem is that I sometimes feel like I have to know more languages, each time I am getting into stackoverflow and I see questions regarding all those k...

Short contract pay rates for programmers in the uk?

I've been offered the chance to do some short contracts - less than two months as a self employed contractor in the UK. I like the idea of working on a variety of projects but what rates should I charge? What else should I know? Some details (thanks to commenters) I'm located in West London, My experience is mostly in digital libra...

How to hide Thinking at Work so that the Non-Programmers don't suspect Slacking?

Better programmers than me can write in essays about walking around with a coffee mug and call it programming. And it's perfectly accepted at a place that knows the business. Or see what Gregory House (TV show "House M.D.") does when he is thinking. But what about the other places where you are the only programmer? If you don't stare a...

Just out of college. Lack of programming job opportunities. Career path.

I'm 21 years old. Just graduated with honors from college where I studied CS. I live in a small country in which at least IMHO CS is not highly appreciated. My passion is web development. I love programming in Java, PHP, ruby, etc. I might not be the best programmer out there, but I consider myself a very smart person and I am eager to l...

Projects to build while trying to learn ASP.NET 3.5

I have been wanting to learn web development for a long time, however without a goal to work towards I've been mostly stuck to following tutorials in books. I do much better when I have something to work towards. What sort of web pages to people normally get started on building? I'm an experienced professional C++ programmer so it doe...

Follow the code - to India ? Has anyone done it

I'm currently finishing my degree and have begun the job hunt. I'm based in Ireland and while all the major tech companies are here they primarily focus on localization, which does not interest me. I'd like to work on a product with the aim of staying inside a big tech company and end up running it or something along those lines. So ...

Transitioning from developing to architecture

Im currently a senior software engineer at a large, well respected (in our field) software house. Unfortunately I've hit a ceiling. The next logical step in my career is to move from designing individual components to what may be described as system engineering/architecture. The problem is that where I work there is a pretty much fixed ...

programming education & career

I'm currently attending programming courses in a college and I must say that I'm a bit overwhelmed.. In our college, we were taught basic for ~3months, then Java (basic too for 3 months) and right now, I'm doing basic C++ .. That's basically what I know so far..a little bit of everything .. It seems that anything .NET is really ...

Choosing the right developers for the job

What are your criterias when interviewing a developer? What tests should he/she pass to be technically over-qualified to work in a small company that needs the best developers I can find? How can one determine that a developer can cooparate with others to achive teamwork? What qualities are you looking in a person (as in not proffesional...

What resources do you use to stay up to date in your domain?

With all of us having only limited time and many of us not being programmers in their private life, I was wondering what would be the best approach to stay up to date in your field of work. I realize that there are vast numbers of resources available to do so, but you can only consume a limited amount of them depending on how much time ...

General Advice - Help, I've niched myself!

Hi all, I've been looking around at jobs sites and I think I've niched myself too far into one area to actually be able to move around as a programmer (easily). I spend day in, day out, at my current employment writing Windows Mobile Applications in CF2.0. I've written 2/3 ASP.Net applications, but that doesn't give me the confidence to...

What would be a great way to really learn C?

I've only used higher-level languages (Perl, Python, Java) for projects at work and at school, and I've only tinkered with C++ and C enough to fix bugs or add some classes to a project. I've read The C Programming Language and grok it, and I'm an avid Linux user. I want to immerse myself in C by working on something other than a toy pro...

What Makes a Good Technical Team Lead?

As a technical team lead of a small team of web developers, I have been finding it difficult lately to identify and focus on the core responsibilities of keeping my team running. Specifically, I'm finding myself pulled in several directions between doing actual hands-on development work, allocating work items to team members, making / a...