
Is it really possible to stay technical and move up in a corporation?

Personally, although the powers that be claim it is, I do not believe so! What do you all think? If so, how? ...

How to develop a career path for programmers in a small company?

I am working in a small software company, which has grown from 4 to just over 50 employees (1 to 12 developers respectively) in the last 4 years with me being the lead developer/manager of the development team. No developer has quit so far and during the last round of feedback interviews everyone emphasized that they like the environmen...

Is there a particular category of company that programmers should avoid working for?

Hi, After asking this question, and reading some of the comments, I realised that some of my peers would simply refuse to work for a large corporate environments. Personally, I have worked for both small start-ups (6 employees), medium sized ISVs (180 employees), and several large IT Services companies (10,000+ employees). Each type o...

ASP to sharepoint development. What should I be aware of? [Career]

I am working as a asp and vb developer for the past 4 years (My first job) and I am tired of working with asp and wanted to move to a new technology (Micorosft technologies). The company I work for is great. Working environment is great and I have a very nice team. I learn and write about .net development in my blogs and participate in ...

What do you suggest to a developer in a small software company?

Hiii I am a developer in a small software company. When I don't have any work at hand, I try to learn new things such as ASP.NET MVC. Now I do not get to use my learnings in the projects I get in my company, so what you people suggest so that I can improve over the things I am learning. Thanks ...

How is working in the healthcare industry?

I'm considering a job that will have me working in the healthcare industry working on an information system for insurance companies. Just out of curiosity, what is working in the healthcare industry like for a programmer? Any particular quirks? Are there any upsides or downsides you don't have in other programming fields? ...

Bring DevDays in your town

I am interested in going to the DevDays conference but it's not coming any where near Atlanta. I am sure some of you all are in the same situation. Perhaps we should go grass roots and use the power of StackOverflow to bring DevDays to your city. What city do you live near (metro population over 1 million)? If other users agree votin...

To be a CS grad with a few industry questions

I was forced to take a summer math class in order to graduate with a B.S in CS. Due to this I wont be out of school until mid August. So how and when should I go about looking for a job, after the Spring graduate rush has past? I understand I am at a disadvantage. On resumes should applicants put all technologies they are familiar wi...

I wanted to be a programmer

Hello, let me ask your opinion. I'm 25 now, living in Germany. I started with QBASIC, did some Java in Highschool, and after School I created some Websites in PHP. Now, because my Company is Microsoft Gold Partner, I've to use Microsoft all the time. C#, MSSQL, ASPX and Sharepoint <- I really hate it! So, in my spare I concentrate to ...

Is Sharepoint good or bad from the career perspective?

I'm currently updating my resume. In order to avoid confusion this time I decided to explicitly state that I don't do VisualBasic. Now it comes to Sharepoint. I haven't seen or worked with it. I also heard something about it, nothing good or exciting, however. Just yesterday I read some frustrated opinions here with regard to Sharepoint....

Getting back into Software Development

This may be a personal subject because it has more to do with MY issues, MY views, and MY opinions. Nonetheless, it is confides within the software development world concerning career. The back-story is, ever since before collage I chose a career path in software development. I’ve played a lot of different roles in software development,...

How should one choose between career advancement and a convenient location?

I work in a small city as a .NET Developer and am currently considering whether I should change jobs. Trying to think through the various options and weigh up the pros and cons of each choice has proved to be a bit of a I'm posing this question out to all of you to see if I can get some good advice. My current position has...

Application Programmer vs System Programmer

Right now, I'm currently in university and pursuing a computer engineering degree. Most of my courses are focused on designing systems so that applications can run on top of them, or sometimes the system intrinsically fulfills the role of the application itself (for example, real-time systems). I've only had two courses that taught "appl...

Programming job names

Is there any difference between these occupation names: Programmer Software engineer Algorithmist / Algorithms specialist Systems analyst Do they all require different education and work experience, or should a good programmer be able to be all of them? And should all these positions exist in the same organization, or is it just a w...

Are there any ASP.NET user groups in Melbourne, Australia?

I noticed that there is a growing community in Australia for Ruby on Rails developers called RORO. It boasts monthly meet ups where developers discuss new ideas, new technologies and techniques over pint of beer. I did a search to find a similar community for ASP.NET developers to no avail. Is there a community like RORO for ASP.NET ...

Which international city has the most Ruby on Rails jobs?

I would like to ("need to" might be a better way of putting it) move to a city where I have a better chance of finding my first Rails job. Within the United States, my best guess is maybe San Francisco. Outside the US I have no idea, although I want to avoid countries where wages would not be on a par with the US. How could I determin...

Language Menagerie

Possible Duplicate: Should developers be specialists or generalists? I was wondering... With regard to pursuing and strengthening a career as a programmer (in the broadest sense) is it better to stick to 1 core set of languages (e.g javascript and c#) or always be on the lookout for "the best tool for the job". Personally I wan...

Why do programmers have to learn for their whole lives and aren't you afraid of that?

Programming technologies are evolving so fast that programmers constantly have to learn more and more to catch up whether you want it or not. Often it is not just learning more in the same direction but starting from a scratch. Lets say you were a topnotch programmer in 1999 who quit for 10 years and went to a job interview in 2009 (fu...

Going to university for CS = useless?

I finished second year Computer Science at university with a very good reputation. I was looking for internships and jobs for graduates in general and it seems that going to college for cs is useless. They haven't taught me anything that employers are looking for (like Java EE, C#) all I have been taught is theory which I'm sure most peo...

What programming niche/technologies would you recommend for an aging programmer?

I have a friend who is in his late forties, and for reasons we won't go into here, never really developed his career. He learned basic programming skills in .NET a few years ago, and got a job with that, but now he's found himself unemployed again, with nothing to differentiate him from the rest of the pack. He's a very bright guy, and...