
Drawbacks and benefits of doing PhD in computer science?

There are couple of posts that are asking about PhD etc but they don't answer my question. I have few years left till I finish my undergraduate course (MEng CS), but I already started thinking of doing PhD and honestly cannot make my mind about it. Some people say that it might be worth doing PhD after I graduate as the economic situati...

Not taking MPC in college, what do you think?

I've completed high school studies and interested to learn programming, web developing/designing. Now instead of MPC(maths,phy,che), I'm thinking of taking some easy subjects like CEC(civics, economics, commerce) or MEC(maths, economics, civics) in college. Because we get less free time when we take MPC. So, I wanna take easy subjects ...

Do I want a degree in CS or MIS?

I'm a junior right now and have been thinking lately is CS really the route for me or would MIS be the better route? I've been lucky enough to been taken into a development team and it's given me some insight and quite frankly I know I don't need a CS degree for what I currently do, or maybe it's not that I don't need a CS degree, may ...

What industries value their IT departments the most?

Different industries treat IT in different ways. Some pay well but treat their staff poorly while others view IT solely as a cost center. What industries have you worked in where IT is truly valued and treated with respect and as an equal partner in the business? ...

What to do in the situation of being encouraged to go slow as a student programmer?

I'm currently doing a co-op term at a government position. It's my first co-op term and I'm really interested in learning lots of new things, as well as gaining practical experience. Unfortunately, working ahead of schedule isn't exactly encouraged. I was added to an app late into its development cycle where I cannot be adding new fu...

Am I that bad developer if I have to be looking for a job myself?

Okay, I have read that Joel's article about how all great developers get picked up at school and never have to be looking for a job themselves. I've just stumbled upon that post that literally made me mad: Job postings, where do you post your resume? Especially this one: There is no magic place where all the best and the brightest ...

Life of a Developer, Specialize or Try new things

as a developer, as new technologies come and go quickly, would you specialize in what you are doing or try something new? for example, I am more inclined towards PHP/Zend Framework development until recently (not that recent) when there’s a lot of Hype abt ASP.NET MVC and Ruby on Rails. I am quite tempted to try those to see if they are... vs (in computer science).

What's the difference between them? Which is better? Please share your thoughts on it.. ...

As a .NET developer, do I need to know Sql Server inside out?

I am a (certified) .NET developer. I know how to write stored procedures and call them and I know quite a lot about database design (it is taught a lot in schools here and I've done quite a bit of practise and learning) as well as the T-SQL language, but as a .NET developer, do I need to know how to do things like cursors, Sql Server CL...

How do you know you have what it takes to be a professional programmer?

About me: I have a 4-year college degree, but it is in something completely removed from computers. I have been interested in computers and computer programming since I was little. Over the past two years, I taught myself PHP/JavaScript/MySQL/HTML/CSS and wrote a webapp completely by myself without any frameworks or libraries (a decision...

Is it essential to understand computers to be a good programmer?

For someone to be a good programmer should they have a basic understanding of hardware and the operating systems or is it enough that they understand what they are doing inside the specifics of their own application? Should they be able to achieve general tasks in their own operating environment without having to rely upon someone else?...

Career Choice between C#,ASP.NET and VC++

My affair with C# has run for about 3 years now, and I'm quite happy with it, at work I generally code web and console applications with MS SQL as the DB. But technically, I'm not advancing at a pace I expected to, the projects given to me are so simple that they don't require me to delve deeper into the programming language, I just know...

What is the best career choice based on my talents?

I graduated with a computer science degree in 2007. I originally majored in graphic design and keep yearning to go back or wanting to find a career that will utilize my artistic ability as well. I'm trying to find a area where I can use my creative and problem solving abilities. I fill like if I just do graphic design I won't be using ...

What is the best way for a non-CS major to obtain credibility as a programmer?

I did not study CS in college and have been working with a company for almost five years. During this time I have worked closely with our development team, and have realized I enjoy software development work and coding. For about three years, I have profusely studied from books: mostly programming languages (C#, Python, and Java) and S...

Being A Lone Developer

What are some of the pros & cons to being a lone developer? ...

Learn a new language every year

The Pragmatic Programmer gives a very popular advice: learn a new language every year. The main reason behind this advice is that when you learn a new language, you learn a new way to think. And in the book Pragmatic Thinking and Learning, it shows the levels of competence from Novice to Expert. Novice: Has little experience with the...

I feel a bit lost with programming...

I'm a college student studying programming, and I feel like the whole picture isn't coming together. I just don't get it. I can write code and do all of my assignments just fine, but I feel like I'm missing something. Anyways my question to experienced programmers. Did you feel like you were missing the big picture when you were a stud...

Hiring a project or development manager: what are good interview questions?

What questions would you ask a candidate applying for a software project or development manager position? Please could you submit one question per answer (with multiple answer if necessary) or a sequence of related questions. This way eventually all questions will get ordered by how good we all think they are. Please also provide a sho...

Programming qualifications and career paths

Hello, folks I'm not quite sure if this question is strictly correct for SO, but i know you guys can help. If it isn't however, no hard feelings about voting to lock. I am very interested in learning to program, and it's been my hobby for a good while. I have the fiscal oppertunity right now to take a long-distance learning course, so...

What are advantages and disadvantages of working in a web development agency?

I have received recently a few mails from recruiters inviting me to a web development agency. From the description they do web sites, portal, intranets etc. I have now experience with these companies of this type, so if anyone could provide an insight it would be much appreciated. Am I correct in associating them with that kind of work,...